Peacock Lounge – Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta

Peacock Lounge - Fairmont Jakarta Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Dalam rangka CNY 2019, Peacock lounge dari Fairmont hotel melaunching “World of Fairmont Afternoon Tea”. Dari seluruh hotel Fairmont yg tersebar di mancanegara, terdapat signature cake dari setiap negara. Mulai dari canape hingga sweet cake, bisa kamu nikmati di sini sharga 488k++, including 2 cups of tea. Aku paling suka salmon sandwich dan savoury canape nya.




Anyway, aku dilayani dari awal sampe akhir oleh Miss Monica, salah satu waitress di Peacock Lounge. Super helpful buat jelasin semua cakenya dan bantuin aku foto2. Cepat tanggap, ramah, dan baik banget. Kalo ke sini, cari Miss Monica deh, Baik banget.





Bertempat di Peacock Lounge yang elegan, Afternoon Tea “The World of Fairmont” disajikan di atas pohon silver yang sangat dekoratif. Setiap cabang memiliki pilihan kue-kue yang menggiurkan yang diciptakan oleh tim pastry berbakat, dimana setiap item memancarkan karya seni yang menggoda selera. Item unggulan termasuk Battenberg Cake dengan resep asli dari The Savoy, London. Kue Battenberg dulu dibuat untuk merayakan pernikahan Pangeran Louis dari Battenberg dengan cucu Ratu Victoria, yaitu Putri Victoria pada tahun 1884. Kue ini dianggap sebagai menu Afternoon Tea paling klasik di Inggris.

Untuk cakenya ada dari beberapa kota di mancanegara, antara lain:



Raspberry Cream Macaron


Jakarta: pandan Cake – ada pandan paste di tengahnya yg harum dan manis, luarnya dicoating white chocolate warna hijau muda
Savoy: Battenberg cake – Cakenya spt lapis tikar dan di luarnya dicoating white chocolate, unik dan manis.
Singapore: chocolate Hazelnut Almond – Crispy almond cakenya dan aku suka bgt choco hazelut cream di tengahnya, jadi udah pasti aku suka cake ini
Dubai : Raspberry Delight – Asam dan segar. Raspberrynya ada di setiap layer cakenya dan aku ga terlalu suka asam, so this is not my favorite one.
Toronto : Lemon Meringue – Merriguenya berasa lemonnya sih, tp nothing special.
Barcelona : Raspberry Cream Macaron – super pretty presentasi macaronnay! Jadi, macaronnya besar, gabisa sekali masuk mulut ya. Like any other macarons, udha pasti manis banget, tp dibalancing sama raspberry fruit di tengahnya. Bikin jadi ga eneg. Yummy!
New York : Cheese cake – classic cheese cake yg simple, tapi enak.
Bali Sanur: Peanut butter Chocolate Tabanan Cake – Aku suka yg ini karena perpaduan peanut butter dan cakenya pas.
Shanghai: Lychee Mousse Tart – Menurutku ga berasa lychee nya ya, tp moussenya soft banget, jadi teksturnya light.
San Fransisco : Mud brownies – browniesnya manis, chewy, tp layer luarnya garing


The World of Fairmont Afternoon Tea tersedia setiap hari mulai jam 1 siang – 5 sore di Peacock Lounge dengan harga Rp. 488.000 ++ per set termasuk dua cangkir teh. Para tamu juga dapat memilih Cava de Codorniu untuk melengkapi afternoon tea dengan tambahan harga Rp. 350.000++ untuk dua gelas cava. Untuk informasi atau pemesanan lebih lanjut, silahkan menghbungi +62 (21) 2970 3333 atau email ke[email protected].





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato and


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Peacock Lounge At Fairmont Jakarta

Peta Peacock Lounge At Fairmont Jakarta

Alamat: Jl. Asia Afrika No.8, RT.1/RW.3, Gelora, Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10270

Hours : 1 PM – 5 PM


PRICE: IDR 300k+/person

Sailendra, JW. Marriott Hotel, Jakarta

Sailendra - JW Marriott Hotel Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato
Hello food lovers! Kali ini untuk merayakan early CNY dan late new year, gw cobain makan di Sailendra, JW Marriot. Tempatnya cukup besar dan banyak aneka makanan mulai dari chinese food, western, japanese, Indian, dan Indonesian food.



Gw paling suka noodle soupnya. Kamu bisa pili mau jenis mie apa, isinya apa, dan kuahnya apak: ada laksa, miso, japanese curry, dan tom yum. Gw paling suka tom yum dan japanese curry.


Indian foodnya juga enak! Biasanya gw ga bisa makan karena baunya menyengat, tp yg ini aromanya harum.


Japanese foodnya gw cobain sushi dan sashimi. Sashiminya cukup fresh, tp sushinya kurang enak.



Indonesian foodnya enak! Gw suka mie goreng jawa, terong balado, dan basonya.Rempahnya berasa tp ga terlalu menyengat.


Western foodnya kurang enak buat gw. Pastanya so-so, roasted chickennya alot dan soupnya biasa aja sih.


Untuk dessertnya aku cobain beberapa cake yg mayan enak. Gelatonya wwajib coba yg Charcoal Bubble Gum, Rum raisin, dan pistachio krn enak.


Overall, makan di sini wajib bgt siapin perut kosong krn kamu bakal penasaran cobain semuanya.

Happy eating!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato and


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Sailendra Restaurant

Peta Sailendra Restaurant
Address : Plaza Mutiara, Jl. DR. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung, RT.5/RW.2, Kuningan, Kuningan Tim., Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950
Hours: EVERY DAY 6AM – 10 AM; 11.30AM – 3 PM; 6PM – 10 PM
Telephone: (021) 57988889
WIFI     : NO
PRICE   : IDR 350k/pax


Mr. Fox, SCBD, Jakarta

Mr. Fox Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato
Buat kalian yg masih bingung mau Christmas lunch/dinner di mana, Mr. Fox bisa jadi pilihan kamu. Lagi ada Special menu only from 17-31 december 2018. Mulai dari appetizer, main course, sampai dessert loh. Semuanya dijamin enak! Super yummy and worth to try. Menunya fusion dan non-halal, tp bisa request yg versi halal kok, so don’t worry!



Spiced Pumpkin Soup (85k)


Cream sup labu ini dimasak dgn rempah, kayu manis, extract vanilla dan bertopping bacon sprinkles (bacon soil digoreng dan dibumbui lalu dikeringkan). So delicious! Ini pumpkin soup terenak yg pernah gw coba di Jakarta. Teksturnya kental dan soft, tp kamu ga bakal mencium bau rempahnya, malah semaunya ter-blend dengan sempurna. Must try!

Bacon Wrapped Chicken Roulade (159k)


Porsinya cukup untuk share 2-3 orang. Main course yg satu ini sangat enak! RECOMMENDED! Chicken breast dimasak dgn bumbu lalu diwrapped dengan fried bacon yg agak berminyak dan harum. Disiram samared wine dan demiglaze sauce. Dressingnya ada di sampingnya: pumpkin puree dan cranberry sauce (agak asam). Ada baby potatoes, roasted brussel sprouts, dan radish sprouts. Aromanya wangi dan menggugah selera makan kamu. Rasanya juga enak bgt dan dagingnya empuk.

Lobster Linguine (250k)


Pasta yg satu ini porsinya juga bisa utk sharing karena cukup besar. Lobster besarnya jadi topping menggiurkan karena dibaked dan disiram dgn mozarella. Super delicious juga! Pastanya dimasak dengan cream dan spices yg agak sedikit pedas karena dimasak dengan sambal. Creamnya enak dan ga bikin eneg. Lobsternya empuk, enak, dan bikin nagih.

Pumpkin Pie (65k)


Dessertnya pumpkin pie dgn white cream. Simple but yummy. Cakenya soft, ga berasa terbuat dari pumpkin, dan enak bgt! Manisnya juga pas, ga bikin eneg, malah light dan bisa makan banayk.

Yuzu Tonic (Mocktail)


Ga lengkap dong kalo ga ada minuman specialnya.
Gw cobain yuzu tonicnya yg berasa ginger dan yuzu. Unik! Manis pas dan karena ada gingernya pas diminum jadi bikin badan hangat. Warm Christmas jadinya.

Overall, puas banget makan di Mr. Fox. Makanan dan mocktailnya dijamin bikin kamu puas dan ketagihan. Tempatnya memang ga terlalu besar tp ambiencenya oke buat dinner. Buat yg suka alcoholic drinks, cobain deh krn enak2 semua mocktailnya. Harganya agak pricey tp worth it.







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Mr. Fox

Map of Mr. Fox

Address: Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, SCBD, The Energy Building Ground Floor, RT.5/RW.3, Senayan, Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12190
Hours: EVERYDAY 11 AM – 1 AM
Phone: (021) 52961999
PRICE : IDR 200k/person

Pish & Posh, TB Simatupang

Pish & Posh Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello Food lovers! Kali ini gw berkesempatan menghadiri opening store dari Pish & Posh, part of Boga Group yang memiliki konsep “clean eating” dengan berbagai kategori menu fusion barat dan lokal yang ditujukan pada para pecinta gaya hidup sehat.




Berlokasi di De Entrance Arkadia lantai dasar, kamu akan menemukan sebuah cafe bernuansa minimalis, cantik, dan cozy. Tempatnya tidak begitu luas, tapi cozy utk nongkrong bareng temen maupun untuk lunch. Walaupun konsepnya dalah healthy food, Pish & Posh juga menawarkan menu berbasis bakmi serta nasi goreng dgn cara masak yg berbeda. So yummy and healthy!



KOKO NUT (65k)

Ada kres2 dari kelapa mudanya dan rasanya ga manis. Manisnya alami dari ingredientsnya tanpa penambahan gula. Seger! Walaupun sehat, tetap aja kalorinya agak tinggi ya karena pake chocolate dan Skippy (peanut butter).


green smoothie.jpg
I preferably choose this one. Dibuat dari campuran green apple, pineapple, dan banana. Lebih healthy, manisnya dari pineapple dan banana. So fresh and healthy!


Cocok buat post cardio ya. Isinya ada tempe, corn, kacang mete, dan aneka sayuran. Enak sih menurut gw dan banyak. Jadi kamu bisa kenyang tanpa makan carbo complex.



Appearance nya menggiurkan dan enak! Scrambled egg in croissant dan agak pedas. Yummy! Perfect for brunch time


Uniknya, si bakwan jagung mini ini dimakan pakai selada dan saus. Miirp amkan BBQ Korea gitu. Jadi jangan dimakan bakwannya aja ya


Jadi, ini snack dari ubi kuning dan ungu yang manis tapi dicocol pake sambel terasi pedes gt. Nagih sih sambelnya! Jadi gabisa stop cemil2nya.


THIS IS MY FAVORITE! Bukan healthy food, makanya so tasty! Cara makannya si bakmi diaduk sama ayam cincang dan truffle nya yg generous banget! Diaduk panas2 trs disirem samblenya. Mantep! Recommended!


Basically, ini carbonara spaghetti dengan beef bacon, poach egg, dan parmesan slice. Rasanya not bad dan ga creamy. Jadi ga bersalah abis makan.

TRIPLE T (65k)



Must try! Honey toast nya enak bgt dan pisangnya juga manis. So yummy! Mesti coba krn susah deskripsiinnya. Yg jelas rasanya manis dari madu dan coklat.


MUST TRY! Panna cottanya silky, smooth, dan milky. Pas banget diamakn sama aneka potongan buah segar! Healthy but yummy!


Jus campuran buah naga merah dan sirsak. Rasanya manis asem segar! My favorite!


Buat para choco lovers, kamu harus cobain choco drink ini karena enak! Ngenyangin juga sih jadi kalo minumnya ini, gw sarankan dishnya yg lebih light karena bisa bikin eneg.

FLAT WHITE (28k-33k)

Cappucino latte gitu dan menurut gw biasa aja sih.

Overload, untuk makanan dan minuman yg gw cobain hampir semuanya enak dan fresh karena dibuat dari bahan-bahan alami. Harganya juga masih terjangkau dan standard fancy cafe kok. Servicenya juga cukup cepat.






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Map of De Entrance Arkadia
Address: Jl. TB Simatupang No.Kav. 88, RT.1/RW.1, Kebagusan, Ps. Minggu, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12520
Telephone :(021) 7827610
Hours         : 10 AM – 10 PM
WIFI           : YES
PRICE         : IDR 100k/person

Arts Cafe, Raffles Hotel Jakarta

Arts Cafe - Raffles Jakarta Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Finally kesampean juga makan di Arts Cafe. Kali ini dapet invitation dari hotel Raffles mencicipi hidangan di restoran tersebut. Tempatnya cukup luas, cantik, tapi menurut gw dekornya tidak artsy, tetapi penyajian special menu-nya yg artistic.







Tempatnya cantik, spacious, dan terang untuk foto. Suasanya calm, peaceful, elegant. Demen banget deh sama gtempatnya. cocok untuk merayakan special moment.






Makanannya enak, saladnya fresh, begitu juga dengan sushi dan sashimi nya. Ada juga Indonesian dan Western food. Enak semuanya. Bisa kamu mulai dari western food yg banyak pilihannya, lalu ke Japanese, dan terakhir ke Indonesian food. Ada sate kambing, ayam, dan sapi. Ada juga section noodle jika kamu suka yang berkuah dan panas-panas.

Japanese Section




Indonesian Section





Western Section




Special menu of The Day

Selain buffet, kamu juga disajikan menu khusus yg berbeda-beda setiap harinya. Di hari Sabtu, gw dapet roti isi daging rendang yg disiram gulai. Ada juga Beef Short Ribs yg disajikan cantik. Yg paling gw suka adalah Shoyu Red Snapper. Ikannya bener2 lembut, ga ada tulang sama sekali dan ga amis! Saus shoyu nya juga tidak terlalu asin, malahan enak banget!








Dessertnya wajib kamu coba karena cukup banyak ragamnya, termasuk jajanan pasar khas Indonesia. Cakenya sih enak semua, begitu juga dengan Nitrogen ice creamnya yg terletak di sebelah kanannya pintu masuk. Harganya 400k-500k udah termasuk minum dan special menu yg gw sebutin tadi.








Overall, makan di Arts Cafe memang menyenangkan dan mengenyangkan. Banyak pilihan menu mulai dari Indonesian, Asian, Western, dan Japanese food. Dessertnya juga enak-enak. Tempatnya bagus buat foto dan servicenya juga cepat dan ramah. Seneng banget dijamu makan makanan enak, apalagi dessertnya juara!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Arts Café By Raffles Jakarta

Peta Arts Café by Raffles Jakarta
Alamat: Raffles Jakarta Ciputra World 1, Karet, Jl. Prof. DR. Satrio No.5, RT.18/RW.4, Kuningan, Karet Kuningan, Kuningan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12940
Jam buka: 6 AM – 10.30 PM
WIFI        : YES
PRICE      : IDR 400k – 500 k/person


Seoul Yummy Indonesia, Lippo Mal Kemang, Jak-Sel

Seoul Yummy Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello Koren lovers! Since I miss Korean food so much during my journey to Turkey, I introduce you a new Korean restaurant in Jakarta : Seoul Yummy Indonesia. Seoul Yummy has been established in 2008 in Singapore, with 8 restaurants till now, as a go-to casual restaurant for classic traditional Korean cuisine with a modern twist for 10 years of culinary experience.


Lippo Mall Kemang is the first Seoul Yummy’s restaurant in Indonesia. It is located on the G floor. You can spot the brightest and the biggest restaurant in the Avenue of The Stars. The place is quite spacious and the unique decoration that I like is the Love Locks hanging on this wall. The place is very cozy and you can spend hours to have your lunch/dinner or hanging out with your friends.


Another uniqueness of this restaurant lies on the names of the menu. All of the names are based on K-Pop Songs, such as Dramarama, Love Me Love Me, Knock Knock, etc. Their signature dishes include Army Stew (Budae Jjigae), Cheese Pots with Glazed Chicken, Bibimbap, and of course, Bingsoo. All of the seasonings and ramyeon are coming from Korea. Also, the chef is from Singapore. Let’s see one by one.



Oppa Cheese Pot (188k)


Consists of 4 pieces of glazed chicken drum sticks coated with soy garlic (brown) and sweet & spicy sauce (red). The most exciting part is the generous amount of melted mozzarella + cheddar cheese covering all over the pot. There are corn cheese, nachos, french fries, and egg as the side dishes. I like this dish because the cheese is so good, balancing the sweet-spicy taste from the chicken. I prefer the sweet-spicy chicken to the soy garlic chicken. Of course, two of them are tasty.

Onni Cheese Pot (248k)



It’s the seafood tteokbokki cheese pot! Consists of tteokbokki, ramyeon, mussles, tiger prawns, squid, chicken dumplings, boiled egg, and assorted vegetables in spicy gochujang sauce. You can choose the side dishes. For me, it is suitable for 3-4 persons because the portion is big and the melted cheese are also in generous amount. So tasty! Recommended!

Gongju Army Stew (218k)

My favorite Korean food : the Budae Jjigae! There are fish cakes served on skewers, assorted vegetables, tteokbokkki, sausages, tofu, and ramyeon. The noodle has chewy texture (my favorite type of noodle!). The soup has sweet-spicy taste and on top of the fish cakes, there is a melted cheddar. Delicious! Must try!

Sarang Bibimbap (68k for chicken; 78k for beef/squid)


This big bowl can be divided into 4 full-bowl of rice. Consists of half-boiled egg, meat, and assorted vegetables. Pour the sauce on top of the rice and stir. Yummy!

Poong Japchae (78k-98k based on the meat you choose)

The japchae is nice and sweet. The glazed noodle is chewy, but not rubbery. The sauce (has sesame oil) is also good. Suitable for your side dish when you are waiting for the army stew or cheese pot.

Kimchi & Potato Pancake (38k)



This pan-fried pancake is very good when you eat it with the sauce. The sauce is unique, like Pempek’s sauce : sour, sweet, and slightly spicy. I like the Kimchi pancake since the taste is quite unique, but the potato is also good. Hard decision to choose.

Korean Rice Balls (38k for chicken; 48k for beef)


It’s a Korean seaweed rice balls with 2 different kinds of rice: original white rice and multi-grain rice. Must try! Two of them are tasty with the taste of sesame oil. If I have to choose, I prefer the multi-grain rice.

Mocktails (45 k all flavors)



there 5 kinds of mocktails that can be chosen. I like Knock Knock, the tropical mango soda. It has sweetness of fresh mango. So juicy!

Bingsoo (58k – 65k)


I choose Mr Bibimbap which has many kinds of fruit pieces. There are strawberriy, kiwi, Korean red bean, corn flakes, mango, peach, blueberry, almond flakes, crushed nuts, and whipped cream. The big peach is on the top, making this bingsoo has look-alike sunny egg! The shaved ice is not sweet and soft texture. So light!



Overall, I enjoyed myself having lunch in Seoul Yummy. The dishes are good, the service is also good, the employees are very welcome, and the place is cozy. The price is affordable and the portion is quite big. Worth it!


Don’t forget to visit and get more discount and free deliver with my promo code SBNLAF8Z !








Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Seoul Yummy Indonesia

 Peta Lippo Kemang
Address: LIPPO MALL KEMANG, G floor, Avenue of The Stars
Jl. Pangeran Antasari No.36, RT.12/RW.5, Bangka, Mampang Prpt., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12150
Hours  : 10 AM – 10 PM
PRICE   : < IDR 100k/person



Pokinometry, Gandaria City Mall

Pokinometry Poke Bowl Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello Poke bowl lovers! I finally have a chance to try their famous poke bowls from Pokinometry. It’s been 3 months since they opened their store in Gandaria City Mall, on the 2nd floor. The place is so cute! Dominated by pink and light green, the theme of this place is Hawaii. There is a spot for OOTD and the wallpaper describes the ambient of Hawaii. The chairs are made from wood and there are two benches with ropes, imagine it them as swings.




The ingredient for making poke bowl and poke salads are displayed in front of the resto and besides the cashiers. You can see how meticulous the employee in making your order. All of the ingredients are weighed so that they meet the standard and you will not feel that the portion is less than standard. You can also build your own bowl.



What did I order?

Mentai Cool (45k)


This is from Not-So-Poke series. The dish consists of rice, salmon mentai (grilled salmon with mentai sauce) and mozzarella cheese. The salmon mentai is so good! The sweet, creamy, and savoury tastes are in balance. Must try!

Finding Nemo (54.5k)



It is a poke bowl consists of sushi rice (a big bowl of rice!) with mix of tuna and salmon sashimi. There are plenty of toppings : boiled egg (half piece), diced avocado, diced cucumber, chuka wakame, baby tomato, fried garlic, onion, and potato sticks. So plenty and tasty! It’s yummy and healthy as well. Recommended!

Aloha Hawaii Salad (59k)



This is my favorite poke salad so far! This salad is quite big portion. Consists of poke salmon with sesame, baby tomato, chuka wakame, shredded carrot, corn, edamame, pineapple pieces, and diced avocado pieces. I love it! I dont’t have to add mayo or any sauce because the sesame oil’s taste is so good. Finally, I can move on from Turkish salad into Japanese salad again!

Avocado juice


It’s a fresh juice with no added sugar. The taste of  avocado juice is good! The juice is so thick and no addition of water.

Banana protein milkshake


This drink is made from banana, chocomilk powder, and honey. Suitable for you who are on diet and do not want to eat food. However, I found that the milkshake is too sweet. Maybe the combination of honey and chocomilk powder must be improved.

Overall, I enjoyed my dinner time in Pokinometry. The place is cute and cozy. The service is fast. The employees are kind and helpful. The price is so affordable since you get quite big portion. Plan to have another poke bowl? Definitely yes!



Don’t forget to visit and get more discount and free deliver with my promo code SBNLAF8Z !







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Address: Gandaria City Mall lt. 2, Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, RT.10/RW.6, Kby. Lama Utara, Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12240

Hours : Mon- Sun 10 AM – 10 PM

Telephone: 0818-0889-6959

WIFI          : NO

PRICE        : IDR 50k/person









Blue Jasmine, Jakarta

Blue Jasmine Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! Kali ini gw cobain menu Ramadhan di Blue Jasmine, Jakarta Selatan. Food tasting untuk menu Ramadhan nih karena sebentar lagi bulan puasa akan tiba. yuk intip menunya satu per satu!

Berdiri sejak 13 Desember 2015, Blue Jasmine memang spesialis di masakan Indonesia dengan sentuhan kemewahan di setiap presentasi makanannya. Tempatnya di Maja House lantai dasar. Cukup besar untuk mengadakan event seperti birthday, bridal shower, baby shower, bahkan wedding! Dekorasinya cantik, dengan sentuhan warna putih dan biru. Yg menjadi ciri khas adalah bunga hydrangea biru dan putih yang menghiasi meja di restoran ini. So pretty!




Mengangkat masakan Indonesia yang enak dan beragam, Blue Jasmine memang membuat menu Ramadhan tersebut dari masakan daerah favorite seperti Ayam Taliwang dan Sate Lilit. Enak-enak loh! Tersedia dari appetizer, soup, main course, drinks, hingga dessert. Semuanya enak! Range harga mulai dari IDR 850k-3000k. Pilihan paket mulai dari 4 pax hingga 40 pax.




Ayam Taliwang



Ayamnya enak karena bumbunya meresap ke ayamnya. Gurih, pedas, dan nikmat dimakan pake aneka macam sambal yg pedas! Pake nasi putih pans-panas, rasanya enak banget!



Ini semacam gado-gado, tapi sayurannya mentah. Tenang aja, semua sayurannya udah dicuci bersih sehingga bebas dari kuman penyakit. Bumbu karedoknya enak dan pas banget sama sayurannya. So fresh!

Sate Lilit Bunga Telang


Ini dia menu favorit gw! Sate lilitnya isi udang ayam gitu. Enak! Makan 1 tuh ga cukup. Dagingnya lembut, tapi kulitnya crispy. Mirip tempura tp lebih gendut2 dan ga banyak crumbles-nya.

Salad Buah Manado


Presentasinya beneran cantik dengan aneka warna pink buah naga, hijau daun, dan biru dari bunga. Manis, agak asem, dan creamy. Cocok buat appetizer buka puasa.

Ayam Goreng Belacan


Ayam gorengnya enak dan agak pedes karena dibuat dgn bumbu belacan. Rasanya gurih, meaty, dan enak dimakan pake cocolan sambel.

Sop iga Konro


Buat para penggermar sop daging, cobain deh sop konro-nya. Meaty, beefy, soupy, gurih, dagingnya empuk. Enak!

Kerabu Mangga Manis Pedas


Ikannya cukup besar, crispy, dan rasanya asam manis. Digoreng pake tepung ikannya. Saus mangganya juga enak.

Untuk dessertnya ada es campur/es shanghai/es cendol yg manis dan bikin nagih. Abis makan yg asin gurih, pas banget deh makan yg dingin manis.

Harga paketnya sebagai berikut :

– Paket Bali                     : IDR 1500k (6 pax)
– Paket Nusantara 1     :  IDR 2500k (10 pax)
– Paket Nusantara 2     : IDR 3000k (10 pax)
– Paket Sumatera          : IDR 850k (4 pax)
– Paket Sulawesi            : IDR 1000k (4 pax)
– Paket Jawa                   : IDR 1250k (6 pax)
Yuk buruan reserve buat bukber nanti. Jadi, pas event bukber kalian udah dapat tempat duduk di spot yg cantik buat foto2.
Selamat mencoba!







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story) @JESSICA_SISY

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :




Address: THE MAJA, Jl. Kyai Maja No.39, RT.12/RW.2, Gunung, Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12120
Hours: 11 AM – 10 PM
PRICE: > IDR 200k/pax

Bottega Ristorante, SCBD

Bottega Ristorante Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


Outdoor : Smoking area

Christmas is coming! Have you chosen a right place to celebrate Christmas with your loved ones? If not, then you should go to Bottega Ristorante. This place is beautiful, homey-like atmosphere, and elegant. For me and my friends, we choose Bottega to celebrate Christmas.

Bottega Ristorante was in Kuningan and now, reopening again with a new concept and new menu. The decoration is quite similar with the former place, but it’s wider and more elegant. The dim light makes this place feel romantic, homey, and cozy. We choose the back side (besides the bathroom and kitchen) because this place is more private and suitable for 8-10 persons.



Indoor : Non-smoking area

The dining area looks like at our pantry at home. The decoration of Christmas is beautiful and many spots for OOTD photoshoot. There are outdoor area for smoking and indoor area  for non-smoking. Both are beautifully decorated.




The service is excellent. The waitress and waiter are so nice and helpful. They treated customers like a king and queen. Here are some OOTD photos at Bottega Ristorante.




Kibo Cheesecake which is popular with the melted japanese cheese cake, has launched their new flavor: STRAWBERRY CHEESE! The sweet, sour fruit makes this Christmas become perfect! So fresh, cheesy, and be addicted! Must try guys!




You can go to their nearest outlets at PIK Avenue, Kota Kasablanka Mall, and Grand Indonesia. Check out their Instagram @kibocheese for more information.


Seared Salmon with Romesco (185k)

DSCF9986.JPGIt’s a Norwegian Salmon served with seasonal vegetables. The appearance looks beautiful and tempting. For me, the salmon is perfectly cooked, tender, not fishy at all. One portion is enough, not too small.

Bistecca Fiorentina (135k/100 gram)

The presentation is good and simple. For me, the beef steak is well-seasoned, but the taste is below my expectation. The texture of the meat is not tender, quite hard, although it’s medium rare.

Braised Pork Belly (127k)

MUST TRY! The oriental sauce tasted perfect with the crispy-tender pork belly.So delicious! The baby potatoes are sweet and well-seasoned.

Bakmi Truffle (149k)

Must Try! The appearance is simple, but you could smell the tasty truffle sauce! The noodle is like’bakmi’, chinese-style noodle with chewy texture. Surprisingly, this chinese noodle taste soooo delicious with the western-style truffle sauce which is creamy.

Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Pesto & Chicken (109k)

The portion is quite big for one person. The gnocchi is cooked with pesto sauce. The texture is not as chewy as I thought. It’s lie eating glutinous rice. Somehow I like it, but my friends don’t. So, it depends on your taste palate.

Bacon Mac & Cheese (Beef / pork) (116k)


The portion seems small, but it’s better to share with 1-2 persons since the creamy cheese sauce is too much for 1 person. Actually, the creamy cheese sauce is good, but it’s too much to finish all at one whole portion.

Tiramisu (78k)

The pretty tiramisu cake is perfect for Chritsmas dessert! The coffee taste balances the sweet-creamy taste of the cake. Sweet and tasty!



Overall, we like the food and service at Bottega. The place is also good for celebrating special event such as birthday, bridal shower, romantic dinner, Christmas, and many more. The price of the F&B is quite pricey, but worth it for us. The warm service from this restaurant feels like we are eating at home.
Happy Christmas!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Bottega Ristorante

Map of Bottega Ristorante
Address: Fairground Building SCBD, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Lot. 14, Senayan, Kebayoran Baru, RT.5/RW.3, RT.5/RW.3, Senayan, Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12190
Hours: MON-SUN 10 AM- 10 PM
Phone: (021) 51402266 (reservation is needed)
PRICE : IDR 200k+/person

The People’s Cafe

The People's Cafe Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! Street food has become so popular recently in social media and has been searched by many people (including the foodies and food hunters). One of the popular street foods that becomes viral is Ayam Geprek (crunched chicken). People may purchase of certain street foods due to many reasons : low price, flavourfull food, to experience local cuisines, etc. You can enjoy any kinds of street food sold by a hawker in a market or street, but some people may think the hygiene is low.


Ayam Geprek

Thanks to The People’s Cafe (TPC) or “Warung Orang-Orang”, a cafe form Ismaya group which brings street foods to the next level, you need  not to worry for its cleanliness. The People’s Cafe has launched new variety of contemporary global street food to be served and enjoyed with cozy ambience. You can now try these cuisines at all outlet of The People’s Cafe in Jakarta!


The People’s Cafe at Mall Taman Anggrek


Street foods

Ayam Geprek Jumbo (Crunched Chicken Jumbo)

Starting with the most hype street food in town, TPC serves 6 varieties of Ayam Geprek with some sambal selection and cheese as the toppings :  Ayam Geprek Jumbo Keju, Ayam Geprek Jumbo Sambal Limo, Ayam Geprek Jumbo Sambal Ijo, Ayam Geprek Jumbo Sambal Bawang, Ayam Geprek Jumbo Sambal Ijo Special, and Ayam Geprek Jumbo Sambal Merah Special. Many vendors sell wide creation of ayam geprek that can be found in almost every area around Jakarta, ranging from the original Ayam Geprek with sambal to the melted mozzarella cheese on top of the chicken.


Ayam Geprek Sambal Bawang


Ayam Geprek Jumbo Sambal Merah Special


Ayam Geprek Sambal Ijo


Ayam Geprek Sambal Ijo Special


Ayam Geprek Sambal Limo


Ayam Geprek Jumbo Keju

The plus point of the ayam geprek from TPC is the big size of portion and generous amount of sambal! For me, the hotness level is still tolerable for some of them. My favorite is Ayam Geprek Jumbo Sambal Bawang since the shallot aroma is good, combined with the tasty and crunchy of the fried chicken. If you dare to try the spiciest menu, you can try Ayam Geprek Sambal ijo Special. Unlike most of sambal ijo, this one is very spicy and I cried when I ate the chili!

Chicken & Tofu Clear Soup


Besides the street foods, TPC also serves chicken & tofu clear soup as the healthier choice. It consists of chicken, mushroom, and tofu with clear chicken broth base. This warm soup is a perfect choice for your appetizer before having the spicy Ayam Geprek.

Nasi Mawut 


Nasi Mawut is a local street food form Java. It is a rice combined with noodle and served with chicken as toppings (similar to Nasi Magelangan). TPC serves Nasi Mawut to the next level. The steamed rice is combined with black charcoal noodle and tempting sunny side egg. The black noodle is tasty, perfectly well paired with the egg. The meat between the rice and the noodle is also tasted good.

Hot China Chix


Chicken wings are also got hype in town. TPC serves spicy chicken wings instead of any other regular chicken wings. This Hot China Chix is delicious, with chili, leek, garlic, and also ginger sprinkles. The chicken wings are crunchy, tender, and juicy. Tasty, salty, spicy, and savoury.

Hot Texas Chix


This chicken wings are made with spicy sauce. The coriander, parsley, and paprika powder have made this Hot Texas Chix even more flavourfull and spicy. So far, I like this chicken wings even though I’m not a fan of chicken wings.

Twisted Nachos


This is my favorite snack from TPC. The beef and the nachos are perfectly combined with cheese sauce and the seasoning. Spicy, savoury, and meaty. Recommended!

Crispy Cireng (Tapioca flour)


Cireng is the most favorite fritters and now, you can have them in TPC! The texture is chewy, crunchy, and tasted good! Dip them with the chili dipping sauce to make it perfect!

Fried Tofu Basket


The soft tofu is battered and fried. Eat it with sweet soy sauce and chili. Get addicted with the soft texture of tofu and crispy from the outside.

Overall, The People’s Cafe offers you a variety of global street food with affordable price and brings the local street cuisines to the next level. The taste is good and serves with good hygiene. Try them now!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

You can see my reviews on Zomato and


The People’s Cafe

Address: Jl. M.H. Thamrin, Kb. Melati, Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10310
PRICE : IDR 100-200k/person