BALUUN by HALUU World Jakarta

I was invited to see the sneak peek (so there were 2 spots that were not ready) of the most beautiful and the hypest exhibition at The Warehouse, Plaza Indonesia 5th floor : BALUUN BY HALUU WORLD! This is their 2nd exhibition in Jakarta. I did not go to their 1st exhibition, unfortunately. So, I came to their 2nd exhibition with “Balloon” for their theme.



Baluun by Haluu World has been open for public starting from 6th June until 25th August 2019. The ticket is available on spot or you can book via Traveloka (click it to directly buy the ticket) and enjoy 10% off by booking via Traveloka. The exhibition opens from 10 AM – 10 PM (last entry is 9.30 PM). The ticket fee is 100k (weekdays) or 120k (weekends & public holidays). I think the price is worth for enjoying the exhibition.



There are about 10 photo spots in Baluun. There are Pond’s trampoline, Colorful Balloon, Tokopedia, Flying Money, Sasa Kitchen, Ball Pool, Pond’s Beauty Section, Bubbles in the Dark (I did not take photo there because the bubbles were not ready), and there were 2 other spots that were not ready.


These are my photos with my friends. So, let’s enjoy the exhibition immediately before the end of August ♥ Tips from me: Make sure you bring your CAMERA (tripod and other big things are NOT ALLOWED). Wear your prettiest and the comfiest clothes. Pastel colour is more prefereable since there are many spots that are dominated with this colour.










Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato


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BALUUN by Haluu World

Map of BALUUN by Haluu World

Located in: Plaza Indonesia

Address: The Warehouse, Plaza Indonesia Level 5, RT.9/RW.5, Gondangdia, Menteng, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta

Hour: MON – SUN 10 AM – 10 PM (last entry 9.30 PM)
AVAILABILITY : 6th June – 25th August 2019
TICKET   : IDR 100k (weekdays) or IDR 120k (weekends & public holidays)
Discount 10% off via Traveloka/Xperience Apps

Two Step Cleaning by All Young Indonesia

Hello girls! Kali ini aku mendapat kesempatan dari Clozette Indonesia untuk mencoba Cleansing Oil dan Cleansing Cream dari brand Swissvita by All Young Indonesia


Karena aku sering makeup menggunakan BB Cream dan compact powder, tentunya jika tidak dibersihkan secara mendalam akan membuat mukaku rentan dengan jerawat. Namun, tidak semua cleanser cocok dengan kulitku yg cenderung kering loh. Jika salah menggunakan face wash dan cleanser, kulitku akan menjadi kering dan merah.


Terbuat dari bahan alami seperti esktrak biji Moringa dan minyak zaitun, Swissvita dari All Young Indonesia mampu mebersihkan kulit tanpa iritasi karena kamu ga perlu pakai kapas! Soalnya, gesekan akibat mengusapkan kapas dapat menyebabkan iritasi pada wajah. Jadi, aku mau share two-step cleansing dengan menggunakan produk Swissvita dari All Young Indonesia.


Cleansing Oil (Rp 394.000)


Step awal dari pembersihan wajah rutin adalah menggunakan multipurpose Cleasing Oil yang dapat menghapus makeupmu dengan mudah tanpa membuat iritasi kulit dan menjaga kelembapan kulit. Cleansing oil dari Swissvita ini mampu menghapus makeup dan kotoran di kulit wajah dan tidak oily. Cocok untuk membersihkan waterproof makeup yang sulit dibersihkan dengan air. Terbuat dari formula yang tidak berminyak, hidroaktif, dan mudah dibilas dengan air. Kandungan minyak zaitun di dalam cleasning oil ini mampu melembapkan dan mengembalikan elastisitas kulit. Bagusnya lagi, mengandung minyak moringa yang dapat melawan tanda-tanda penuaan dan komedo.

Cara menggunakan :


  • Taruh 2-3 pompa cleansing oil di telapak tangan
  • Pijat ke wajah yang kering sampai kotoran dan make up di wajah teremulsi dengan cleansing oil
  • Tambahkan sedikit air hangat di telapak tangan dan terus pijat seluruh wajah sampai warna minyak menjadi putih susu
  • Bilas wajah dengan air hangat

* Fokuskan aplikasi pada area hidung dan dagu

Yg aku suka dari produk ini adalah mudah digunakan dan bisa menghapus makeup waterproof yang sulit dibersihkan. Biasanya aku pakai kapas dan cleaser dan menggosoknya di area mata dan wajah. Seringnya, kulitku merah dan perih karena kulitku tergesek dengan kapas. Lama-lama kulitku bisa luka.

Cleanser Cream (Rp 286.000)


Step selanjutnya adalah dengan menggunakan cleansing cream yang aman buat kulit sensitif. Tekstur creamnya ringan dan dapat menghilangkan sisa makeup tanpa membuat kulitmu kering. Kandungan asam glikolat menyapu bersih sel-sel kulit mati dari dalam. Selain itu, ekstrak Biji Moringa mampu membersihkan pori-pori wajah dari makeup dan kotoran di wajah. Jadi, dapat mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati sehingga kulit akan memproduksi sel-sel kulit baru yang sehat.

Cara menggunakan :


    • Taruh sedikit Cleanser Cream di telapak tangan
    • Tambahkan sedikit air untuk membuat busa
    • Pijat ke wajah dengan gerakan memutar
    • Bilas dengan air hangat

Yang aku suka dari cleansing cream ini adalah teksturnya lembut, wanginya enak dan comforting. Udah dipakai seminggu, kulitku tidak kering dan komedo di hidung mulai berkurang. Tentunya, ga membuat kulitku iritasi atau merah loh!




Aku tertolong banget karena diberikan kesempatan untuk mencoba kedua produk ini. Aku baru mencoba cleanser yang tidak perlu menggunakan kapas, tapi bisa langsung digunakan di wajah dan dibilas dengan air. Jadi, ga perlu takut kulitku akan merah atau iritasi lagi. Thank you All Young Indonesia dan Clozette Indonesia!

Buat yang penasaran mau cobain produk ini, kamu bisa membuka link Instagram dan website dari All Young Indonesia dan Clozette Indonesia :

All Young Indonesia :

Clozette ID     : @clozetteid







Cool Therapy+++ by Matrix Biolage

Hello beauties!Buat kalian yang punya masalah rambut rontok maupun berketombe, yuk dibaca review ini tentang cool Therapy+++ by Matrix Biolage untuk mengatasi masalah rambut kalian 🙂


Buat kalian yang berhijab atau sering pake helm wajib banget melakukan treatment Cool Therapy+++ ini at least 1x/minggu. Aku dapet treatment ini dari Clozette Indonesia yg bekerja sama dengan Matrix Biolage dari L’Oreal Indonesia. Perawatan Cool Therapy+++ memang didedikasikan untuk wanita Indonesia dengan kulit kepala tertutup yang membutuhkan perawatan dan perlindungan rambut lebih, tetapi boleh banget dicoba buat yang tidak berhijab karena benefitnya bisa kamu dapatkan dengan melakukan treatment ini. Kondisi kepala tertutup cenderung memiliki masalah rambut dan kulit kepala, seperti rontok, berminyak, gatal, serta ketombe. Rambut yang tidak tertutup pun akan menglami hal yang sama jika terpapar sinar matahari langsung maupun terkena kotoran dan debu dan yang mengendarai motor.

Nah, Cool Therapy+++ hadir dengan menawarkan perawatan intensif untuk tiga masalah kulit kepala wanita Indonesia (kulit kepala berketomber, rontok, dan berminyak) agar bersih dari ketombe, rambut rontok berkurang, dan sensasi segar 72 jam. Kamu bisa memesan treatment ini via aplikasi GoGlam Indonesia*. Hijab Hair Care by Matrix di GoGlam memudahkan kita mendapatkan treatment sesuai waktu yang diinginkan, seperti di pagi hari sebelum berangkat ke kantor atau di malam hari setelah pulang kerja dan ingin memanjakan diri. Service ini juga merupakan pilihan untuk para wanita yang aktif dan sibuk atau yang berhijab dan memakai helm dan memilih home treatment.


Produk dari Matrix yang digunakan saat treatment Cool Therapy+++

*Cool Therapy+++ is now available in GoGlam app on the section Hijab Hair Care by Matrix, a hair care service for covered hair addressing 3 scalp problems: dandruff, hairfall, oily & unpleasent smell. Service is available only in Jakarta.

My Experience with Cool Therapy+++ by Matrix

Mula-mula, rambutku dianalisis terlebih dahulu agar dapat diketahui permasalahannya. Dari hasilnya, rambutku digolongkan sebagai rambut rontok (tetapi tidak berketombe) karena terlihat akar rambut yang rapuh dan mudah patah saat disisir.




Setelah dianalisis, rambut dan kulit kepalaku diberi Scalppure Clarifying Scrub dengan ingredient apricot untuk membersihkan kulit kepala dari kotoran/ketombe, sel kulit mati dan bau tidak sedap. Rambut dikeramas dengan shampoo dari Matix, lalu diberi Scalppure Cooling Mint Balm Mask untuk melembabkan batang rambut dan menyeimbangkan kadar minyak pada kulit kepala (masker rambut) dan Aminexil serum untuk mengurangi kerontokan dan membantu pertumbuhan rambut baru. Enaknya, kepala, bahu, dan tangan kita dimassage agar kita merasa lebih relax.




Yang aku suka dari treatment ini, Cooling Mint Mask nya bener-bener membuat sensai di kulit kepala kita merasa sejuk, calm, dan harum. Hair gel-nya berbentuk gel dan memberikan sensasi cooling di kepala. Sensaisnya masih bisa kamu rasakan setelah rambut kita dibilas dan dikeringkan. Bahkan, H+1 pun, kulit kepalaku masih terasa sejuk, harum banget, dan rambut jadi halus banget. Kelembutan rambut masih terasa selama 72 jam.


Gel Serum dengan Cooling Mint Sensation



Untuk kulit berketombe, wajib melakukan treatment ini secara rutin agar kulit kepala benar-benar bersih dan terawat. Untuk rambut rontok, jangan sering diblow tarik karena akar rambut yang rapuh menyebabkan kerontokan bertambah parah. Ga mau dong kalo rambutnya lama-lama botak. Yuk rawat rambut kita agar tetap sehat berkilau karena rambut adalah mahkota setiap wanita ♥







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Hair Fall Treatment by Helen Seward

Hello girls! Buat yang punya masalah rambut rontok, pasti ngeselin banget kan kalo lihat banyak rambut jatuh di lantai. Lama-kelamaan takutnya jadi botak di area tertentu. So scary! Lalu bagaimana cara mengatasi kerontokan rambut?


Sebenarnya banyak produk perawatan rambut yang bisa membantu kamu mengatasi masalah kerontokan rambut. Kali ini aku cobain Hair Treatment Products dari Helen Seward yang bisa kalian beli di Beauty Dept via online (Instagram). Aku udah coba selama 3 hari (3x keramas) dengan menggunakan shampoo Helen Seward dan setelah kering, menggunakan hair serumnya. Hasilnya memuaskan! Rambut rontoknya berkurang asalkan kalian tidak menyisir rambut kencang-kencang maupun menyisirnya dengan sisir blow yg bikin rambut banyak tersangkut di sisirnya.


What is Helen Seward?


Helen Seward adalah sebuah company spesialis dalam produk yang berhubungan dengan perawatan rambut sampai cat rambut yang didirikan di Milan, Italia pada tahun 1969. Helen Seward bekerja sama dengan international hair stylist dan partner untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para customernya. Setiap produknya dibuat dengan bahan alami yang dikombinasikan dengan teknologi dan inovasi terkini.

Is it safe?


Pasti banyak banget yang bertanya apakah produknya aman. Jawabannya AMAN! Di kemasan Hair product yang aku punya, tertera No. MD dari BPOM. Artinya, produknya udah dicek di laboratorium BPOM dan terbukti aman untuk digunakan. So, don’t worry girls!

So, read my review of Helen Seward’s Hair Products below 🙂



Shampoo ini digunakan untuk mencegah kerontokan tambut. Diperkaya dengan ekstrak tumbuhan dan provitamin B yang sehat buat rambut kita. Shampoonya harum bunga, tidak berwarna (bening, transparan), dan digunakan saat keramas. Saat pakai shampoonya, diusahakan memijat kepala selama kurang lebih 1-2 menit agar terserap di kulit kepala. Bilas dengan air hingga bersih.



Produk kedua adalah fortifying anti-aging lotion dengan PhytoTech Extracts dan Biotinyl-Complex yang dapat mencegah kerontokan melalui aksi menumbuhkan dan memperkuat rambut serta aksi anti-aging pada folikel rambut. Intiinya, kalian usapkan serum ini saat rambut kalian kering di area kulit kepala sambil dipijat pelan-pelan agar serumnya meresap sempurna. Aroma serumnya fresh & mild, khas ekstrak tanaman. Bukan aroma obat seperti serum pada umumnya ya. Must try!

Aku udah coba produknya dan udah lihat hasilnya. Rambutku lebih berkilau, rontoknya berkurang  dan rambut yang patah juga berkurang loh! Aku bakal pakai produknya regularly dan kalian wajib coba ya!



Tips: jangan sisir rambut saat rambut masih basah karena rambut sangat rapuh saat selesai keramas. Jika memungkinkan, jangan menggunakan hair dryer dengan hot air (panas), tetapi gunakan cool air. Lebih bagus lagi jika kalian mengeringkan rambutnya secara alami tanpa hair dryer agar rambut tidak cepat kering dan tidak cepat rontok. Jika kalian blow rambut, jangan tarik rambut dengan kencang menggunakan sisir blow. Memang, biar hasil blow kalian lebih bagus, tetapi rambut kalian jadi mudah rapuh dan akhirnya rontok parah. Kalo udah seperti itu, tidak ada produk perawatan rambut yang bisa menyembuhkan kerontokan rambut kalian 100%.

So, treat your hair well and choose the best hair treatment

If you want to buy the Helen Seward Products, you can buy them here:

Beauty Dept

WA: +6281703020265
Line: @beautydept
BBM: 546990B6
⏰ 9am-5pm
Fast order via:






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



How to Elevate Your Chinese-look-alike Dress into The Next Level

Hello fashionista! I went to Hong Kong for my short holiday and I wanna share you about my outfit look. Since Hong Kong is a country in Asia, it is suitable to wear cheongsam, Chinese printed top/dress. However, too Chinese is so old-fashioned. I will give you some tips to make your Chinese-look outfit into more fashionable. Honestly, I am not a fashionista, but I do like mix & match my clothes to make them look new.


Lensed by Fujifilm XA-2 (no edit, no filter, it’s a raw shoot)

I will give you 2 looks with 2 different Chinese outfit. I hope you like them =)

My first look is come form Stand For Women (IG: @standforwomen) Xiu Top. I love the top ♥ because this top is so pretty, silky, comfy to wear on, and light! The fabric is good, silky-like, and the crane-printed top will make you look a Chinese princess. I wear this top with Escarpat pants to make look stylish, but not too much. You can wear pump shoes, sneakers, or wedges. For me, I choose to wear canvas shoes so that I can strolling around Hong Kong in ease. Choose a pair of shoes that are fit and comfy for you while you are traveling.


Xiu Top from @standforwomen + Escarpat pants + canvas shoes



The detail of top


The closer look of Xiu Top

My second look comes from Minimal Store (IG: @minimalstores) : Pearl Rose Dress. This dress is so beautiful, elegant, and feminine, suitable for evening party. I want to make this pretty dress into something different. If you just wear the dress, somehow it looks like a modern mini cheongsam. To make it into fashionable look, you can wear beret hat (a hat for winter, usually made from wool). I wear lace outer from Miss Sixty to make it look chic and fresh. Wearing elegant dress is sometimes too boring, but you can wear a hat and an outer to make the dress looks cute. I also wear shoes from Marks&Spencer Check out my post on my Instagram @jessica_sisy


The origin look of Pearl Rose Dress



Dress from @minimalstores | Outer  Miss Sixty | Shoes from Marks&Spencer








At Langham Place where all the Easter wishes are hanging on this wooden hanger


From Chinese look dress into Classic London look

Well, I hope my tips are useful for your traveling outfit. This is for my Spring look in Asia. Wait for another fashion looks in a western country (hint: hot air balloon city) ♥


Happy holiday!







map expand icon


Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Photo Editing Tips #1 : VSCO

Hello guys! Since many of you are eager to know of how to edit your photo to look more fabulous, I encourage myself to make this blog post for you. Instagram has become a media of portfolio for some people in doing commercial business, especially for endorsement. The better the quality of your photos, more likes are coming and more users see your portfolio. Thus, a good looking photos are necessary.


My Instagram Feed @jessica_sisy

There are many tools to edit your photos, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, PicsArt, Snapseed, VSCO, Face Tune, etc. You can download the photo editor apps via Play Store. Some of them are free and you can directly use it to edit your photo. I suggest you should download VSCO and Snapseed because they are easy to use, simpler, and applicable for newbie. For Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, they are more complicated, but I love them! Let’s start with the simplest one : VSCO!

Image result for vsco

VSCO is the simplest photo editing app in your smartphone. It’s easy to use, offers you a range of free filters, and manual adjustment. Filters are necessary to build your Instagram’s feed. Perhaps, most of you have realized that building a theme on your Instagram’s feed is similar to building a portfolio/image of yourself.


The first step of using VSCO is choosing your own preset (filter). There are more than 86 presets available. Fifteen are free in app and the rest are available for purchase. Honestly, I rarely use VSCO filter in editing my photos since I like the manual adjustment more than just using a single tap of choosing a filter. However, if you are a newbie, than I encourage you to use presets to ease the photo editing.


Flatlay for Endorsement 


I will share you some of my favorite presets. I like the bright tone and film-like tone, so I choose these presets to share with you.

The Analog/Aesthetics Collection (A1-A6)

The Aesthetics Series is one of the most popular presets in VSCO. Many bloggers use this filter since it will give slight fading and higher contrast. The result will look natural, thus it is suitable for food photography, interior, or OOTD photos. The most favorite filter from Aesthetic Collection is A6. Sometimes, I use A5 and A6. The latter filter (A6) will make your photos looked warmer, more vintage, and brownish tone. I suggest you to do some manual adjustments after you do any kind of filter. Tips: adjusting about 75% from the max value to get your image looks good, but not over-edited.



Hypebeast x VSCO (HB1, HB2)

This preset is my favorite since it will give more contrast tone, cooler tint, but darker than Aesthetic preset. Both HB1 and HB2 are free. More adjustment on the Temperature or Saturation to make your photo become warmer. Some people dislike bluish tint on their photos.


F Series: Mellow / Fade (F1-F3)

The F series will give you elegant result. That’s why I like this preset.  F1, F2, and F3 excel at beautiful skin tones and quiet everyday moments. F2 is available free in your VSCO app.


C Series: Vibrant Classic (C1-C3)

This preset is super vibrant or super chromatic. The C1 to C3 are timeless and good for photography. Sometimes, I use this preset for darker-cool photos. Too much bluish tint on your photo will ruin the result. This preset could help your photo looked warmer and cheerful.


Varying in tones, sentiment, and subject matter, the gorgeous moments below (in the next section) are laudable examples of photos recently shared to VSCO Grid and processed using the presets in The Minimalist Collection.


In some cases, you need to do manual adjustment tools (besides using filter) to correct the brightness, finding the best tune on your photos, sharpening, adjusting the Temperature, and many more. These are some more tips for the essential manual tweaks:


For better image, use Perspective and Straighten, after you do Crop the picture. Try to focus on your image. Capture the best thing or moment and make it in detail. Clarity can be used to make your image clearer, emphasizing the details. You can also choose Sharpen for your final touch.


I always use Exposure (between 0 to 0.7) to make my image brighter without losing any details. Then, use Contrast if it’s needed to reduce or increase the contrast between light and dark portions of an image. Too much contrast is not good.PhotoGrid_1520525882106.jpg


After that, you can adjust the Temperature, Tint, or Skin tone to give your image cooler or warmer tint. This will make your image more vintage or cooler.

Shadow Save is needed if you want to brighten a dark photo, while Highlight Save is needed to soften the bright areas of your image.


Adjust the Grain if you want to add a bit of film-style coarseness to an image. You have to find a good balance to keep the details of your image and still make it to look amazing!

Okay, I hope this simple tutorial will help you to edit your photo. It does not matter if your photos are not captured by a DSLR or mirrorless camera. Photos captured by your phone camera are also amazing! Try to edit your photo and voila! It will look like it was captured by a real camera :p



More images on my Instagram @jessica_sisy





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



LUVENUS Fragrance Moisturizing Lotion

Calling all the beautiful ladies for this good news! Kali ini gw punya skin care product yang cocok buat para wanita yang ingin kulitnya halus, lembut, selalu lebab, dan harum, yaitu body lotion yang namanya LUVENUS. Ini bukan body lotion biasa loh! Yuk simak review gw tentang body lotion yang satu ini.
Saat terima produknya, gw suka banget dengan packagingnya yang memiliki kesan feminine, cantik, dan lux. Box-nya feminine banget, khusus dibuat untuk para wanita aktif yang punya segudang aktif yang ga takut berkeringat dan mengeluarkan bau badan ga sedap di tengah keramaian.
LUVENUS Fragrance Moisturizing Lotion diproduksi  oleh PT. Strata Bintang Surya di Deli Serdang, Indonesia, dan didistribusikan oleh PT. Sejahtera Bersama Sempurnah. Kamu bisa lihat informasinya di botol body lotion bagian belakang. 
So pretty! But, Is It Safe For My Body?
It’s totally safe, ladies! Luvenus Lotion ini sudah terdaftar dalam produk BPOM yang telah melalui analisa ketat. Kamu bisa cek No. MD produknya di SINI. No. MD tersebut juga tercantum di bagian belakang kemasan lotionnya.
What Are The Benefit of Luvenus For Me?
Luvenus Fragrance Moisturizing Lotion cocok untuk kulit kering dan normal karena dapat menghaluskan, melembutkan, dan memberikan keharuman mewah yang tahan lama. Wanginya ga terlalu kuat, tapi memang harum dan tahan lama di kulitku. Ga perlu pakai parfum lagi nih. Secara, gw ga suka wewangian kuat seperti parfum dan gw prefer pakai lotion yang harum. Namun, lotion dengan parfum harganya mahal dan mengandung zat kimia dan paraben yang bahaya bagi tubuh.
Luvenus Lotion ini FREE FROM PARABEN! Nilai plus banget nih. Buat yang masih belum tahu paa itu paraben, sebnarnya hampir semua kosmetik dan farmasi. Paraben digunakan sebagai pengawet pada produk kosmetik dan farmasi untuk membantu mencegah timbulnya jamur dan bakteri, dan menjaga kualitas produk. Banyak produk perawatan yang mengandung paraben, seperti shampoo, gel cukur, pelumas, farmasi, riasan wajah, losion dan pasta gigi. Sebenarnya, paraben aman kok di tubuh jika terkandung dalam jumlah yang sesuai batas. Sayangnya, banyak kosmetik yang memasukkan zat ini berlebihan sehingga menimbulkan dampak buruk bagi kesehatan tubuh. Nah, kamu ga perlu khawatir lagi dengan bahaya dari paraben kalo kamu pakai lotion Luvenus ini.
What About The Texture?
Teksturnya kental dan tidak lengket di kulit, malah kulit jadi halus abis pakai lotion ini. Cukup 1 titik kecil ini bisa untuk 1 tangan dari ujung jari hingga lengan atas. Hemat banget ya! Dalam 1 kemasan terkandung 200 ml lotion. Banyak dan hemat!
What Are The Fragrance’s of The Lotion?
LUVENUS Fragrance Moisturizing Lotion sampai saat ini memiliki dua varian yaitu: Moroccan Rose dan White Musk. Ke depannya akan dikembangkan varian baru dengan wewangian yang tidak kalah baiknya. Gw suka banget 2 fragrance ini!
Moroccan Rose lebih mirip parfum wanita premium; feminine; dan mirip salah satu parfum kesukaan gw. Bener2 feminine deh wanginya!
White Musk lebih mild dan calm. Wanginya pun segar dan menenangkan seperti memberikan sugesti positif karena wanginya benar-benar bikin relax.
Namun jika harus memilih, gw pilih Whie Musk karena gw lebih suka wangi yang fresh dan cocok untuk gw yang lebih banyak beraktivitas di area terbuka. Wanginya yang mild bikin relax dan confident saat harus melakukan aktivitas di luar.
Wow! Sounds Interesting! So, Where Can I Buy Them?
Kamu dapetin produk ini melalui Instagramnya di atau membelinya via Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, dan juga Bukalapak dengan harga Rp 25,000 – 30,000. Wow, harganya terjangkau, manfaatnya luar biasa ♥ Buruan beli dan pilih Moroccan Rose atau White Musk?
LUVENUS Fragrance Moisturizing
PRICE     : IDR 25k – 30k

Travel Outfit in Bogor

Maybe it’s a little bit too late to say:



I hope that I could be more positive in this year, be more grateful with what I have and receive as well as giving more than receiving. I just want to be happier and the others could feel the same way. For me, 2017 is a rough year to be a food blogger and I hope I can expand my blog not only about food, but also fashion, travel, photography, and beauty. As a woman, I could not deny myself that I really into fashion and beauty. Sometimes, I wish I could had more time to do different kind of makeup styles.

To start a new year, I went to Bogor for my short escape. Just to refresh my mind out of my heavy work and to think about my resolutions in 2018. I don’t want to just make the resolution, but I want to make them all happen, especially about photography. I did not realize that I love photography! Perhaps, photography tips on my blog? :p

Here are my travel outfit in Bogor. Hope you like my simple outfit 🙂












P.S: Sorry if you don’t like to see myself wearing a pair of sandals. For me, comfortable is No.1! In Bogor, you cannot predict when the rain comes. One day, suddenly the rain comes when we were in a small forest. If I wore wedges/high heels, I could get myself into a mess.

Tips: wearing your best sneakers, flat shoes, or just flippers in traveling. They are your best friends. You could find the pretty slippers in THIS IS APRIL or BERRYBENKA. They sell good leather slippers and comfy shoes with such affordable price 🙂






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

You can see my Non-Food articles on Clozette:

Green Door Kitchen, Kelapa Gading

Green Door Kitchen Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Happy Christmas for all who celebrate it



On the day of Christmas, my friends and I celebrate this wonderful day at The green Door Kitchen. It is located at the back side of Hotel Santika in Mahaka Square. You can spot the cafe by the colour of the door : green!


White Dress from This Is April


It is a small cafe with simple decoration, minimalist, warm, and pretty. Since I like to celebrate Christmas with my close friends, I choose this small place. We sat next to the window and door. This is the best spot for me to do the food photo shoot. The sunlight shines perfectly at 3-4 pm. So, make sure you do a reservation min. one day before you come to this cafe to get this perfect spot. There are also OOTD spot in this cafe as seen on my instagram and some selebgrams.






For the drink, we ordered flavoured hot tea since we are tea lovers.


From left to right: Namaste, Cherry Blossom, and Honey Berry Sweet

Honey berry sweet (35k)
For you who like sweet aroma, you should try this. The sweet and a bit sour taste will make you feel come. I like this tea and usually I order this honey berry tea at other cafes as well.
Namaste (35k)
This orange-brown coloured tea has minty aroma. Suitable for people who has cold. If you like mint, you can try this tea.
Cherry Blossom (35k)
This is also one of my favorite. The sweet-floral note is my favorite thing of this tea. Maybe some people could not differentiate between cherry blossom and honey berry sweet. If you like the smell of flower, you should try cherry blossom. However, if you like the sweet taste of tea, then you should go for honey berry.



As for the food, these are what we ordered (almost all presentation are beautiful and I just let myself took all the beautiful photos).

Green Door Big Breakfast (non-halal, 120k)

Consisted of pork sausage and pork bacon, grain & seed bread (1 sliced), scrambled egg, sauteed mushrooms, and salad. For me, the portion is quite small, not big as it is written on the menu. So, don’t worry if you want to order this dish. The taste is so-so, nothing special, except for the yummy pork sausage.

Triple Cheese Sandwich (70k)

There are 3 types of cheese in this plate : Swiss Cheese, Red Cheddar, and Yellow Cheddar. If you are a cheese lover, then you should try this. The cheese are quite good. The portion is actually small, but it could fulfill your hunger.

Smoked Salmon and Bagel (90k)


The bagel is so hard since I couldn’t cut it with my small knife. So, i asked the waiter to cut it with bigger knife. The salmon was good and the veggie tasted good with the sesame oil. The smell is tempting.

Overall, the price is quite expensive for those small dishes. The taste of the dishes is good, but not addicted. The service is not as fast as any other cafes. For me, it only sells the pretty place. However, if you are curious why this place is quite popular, then you must go. This place is also suitable for bridal shower, birthday, and special events.


Happy Christmas!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


The Green Door Kitchen

Map of The Green Door Kitchen
Located in: Mahaka Square
Address: Mahaka Square Kelapa Gading (Sports Mall), Jl. Raya Kelapa Nias Blok HF 3 Unit B 18-23 Lt. Dasar, (accross outdoor basketball courts), RT.8/RW.6, Klp. Gading Bar., Klp. Gading, Kelapa Gading Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240
Hours : 7 AM – 9 PM
PRICE : IDR 150-200k/person


How To Look Sophisticated With Simple Outfit

Hello fashion lovers! I just want to share about my fashion tips with simple outfit. You don’t have to wear skirt just to be fashionable and chic. Skirt will make you girly and feminine, depending of the model you wear. However, not of you like to wear skirt. So, I want to tell you tips of how to look sophisticated with simple outfit.

Wearing Outer

Outer will make you look more elegant and sophisticated without being to much. You can wear your favorite top with culotte pants and complete your look with the best outer.




Outer : Soecah

I wear the latest collection of Soecah from Catherine Soepadhi. You can directly go to the website HERE. The outer looks simple, but so stunning.  It can bring your look to the next level. You can try this look for your special occasion and for socialite gathering.

Wear your Comfy Culotte Pants

Culotte pants can be the best option to complete your look. The pant is so simple, but it can make you look taller. Just buy a pair of monochrome culotte pants. You don’t have to buy the expensive one, just buy the comfiest pants via online shops. There are so many choices of pants. Tips: do not wear printed pants if you have ‘chubby’ legs. It will make your legs even bigger.




Wear Your Simple Dress or Jumpsuit


Melanie Jumpsuit


Dress : ThisIsApril

Wearing the simplest dress will make you effortlessly beautiful in simplicity. Choose the simplest design for ‘natural’ look. You can also wear jumpsuit (with long bottom) to make you more elegant. My beautiful sabrina lace dress is from This Is April, a local brand with premium quality and affordable price for young women.

Tips: choose monochrome colour for your dress and jumpsuit for classic look. Printed dress will make you look bigger, but for skinny-type of body, you are allowed to wear more bright and bold colours.

High Heels To Wrap Up Your Look

Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.

For me, wearing high heels is a must! I’m not tall and I need my heels to cover up my height on my photos. If you don’t like wearing stilletos, then you can go for wefges. Wedges are comfier than any type of heels. This is my favorite wedges from Schutz Shoes. You will never go wrong with this pair of heels! So comfy and you can wear them for a whole day. Premium leather, elegant design, and light!

Image result for schutz shoes



Wedges: Schutz Shoes



Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :