Honey Lane, Lippo Mall Puri

Honey Lane Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello ice cream lovers! Honey Lane baru aja buka di Lippo Mall Puri St. Moritz lantai 1 di depannya XXI dan Miyagi. Kedainya kecil tp rame bgt. Jual es krim madu, madunya, dan minuman dari madu.




Aku cobain Salted Honey Soft ice cream. Toppingnya pake granola dan cocoa nibs. Cocoa nibsnya krenyes2 dan pahit krn pure cocoa. Soft ice creamnya ga pake gula tp pake madu. Enak bgt! Sehat lagi. Rasanya manis, agak asin, dan seger! Yg bikin enak adalah HONEY COMB yg langsung melted di lidah. Rasanya manis dan unik.  MUST TRY!

Harganya 48k per cup.


Salted Honey Soft Ice with Cocoa nibs, honey comb, and lemon

Ini yang toppingnya granola, di-drizzled sama lime syrup dan honey comb.


Salted Honey Soft Ice with Granola and Lemon


Toppingnya bisa kamu pilih antara cocoa nibs, granola, bee pollen, dan di-drizzled sama lemon. Harganya juga terjangkau!

Selamat mencoba!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

You can see my reviews on Zomato and Foody.id




Honey Lane

Map of Lippo Mall Puri

Address: Lippo Mall Puri

Jl. Puri Indah Raya Blok U1, RT.3/RW.2, Kembangan Sel., Kembangan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11610

Hours : 10 AM – 10 PM

Phone : (021) 29111111


PRICE  : IDR 50k/person

Awesome Coffee Again

Awesome Coffee Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello coffee lovers! Back to this place again.  Ini kali ke-2 gw ke Awesome Coffee dan belum bosen. Buat yang mau lihat review sebelumnya, silakan klik di sini : Awesome Coffee.

Buat yg belum tahu, Awesome coffee berada di ruko Kirana, di belakang Sushi Hiro. Pake G-map atau Waze aja biar lebih akurat. Letaknya di belakang ruko-ruko yg menghadap jalan raya. Dari depan, pintu kayu nya unik, ada simbol huruf A. Pas masuk, tempatnya luas, minimalist, grey-coloured dominant, dan terdiri dari 3 lantai.


Lantai 1-2 untuk area non-smoking, sedangkan lantai 3 untuk area smoking. Semua design dan dekorasinya bagus dan cocok banget buat foto OOTD. Untuk foto produk juga bagus loh! Betah banget deh duduk di sini lama-lama.


Lantai 1 : Non-smoking area


View dari lantai 2


Lantai 3 : smoking area

Oh ya, gw dateng ke Awesome reserve pakai aplikasi BigDish nih. Dapetin diskon khusus setiap reservasi restoran/cafe yang terdapat di BigDish. Diskonnya berkisar dari 10-50% loh! Caranya mudah banget, tinggal download aplikasinya dan reserve di jam yang kamu inginkan. Secara otomatis, reservasi kamu akan masuk ke calender di smartphone. Jadi, kamu ga bakal lupa dengan reservasi kamu. Yuk dicoba 

Download app BigDish di smartphone-mu sekarang untuk memudahkanmu melakukan reservasi dengan cepat dan mudah tanpa perlu menelopon restonya. Terdapat lebih dari 100 restoran yang terdaftar di BigDish dan semuanya dapat discount jika kamu reserve melalui app nya.



Menurut gw, reservasi melalui app BigDish bener2 membantu gw untuk planning event atau lunch/dinner di suatu cafe atau resto favorit gw. Kamu bisa download aplikasinya DI SINI .



Soft Iced Cream : Coffee (22k)

Es krimnya lembut dan enak, Kopinya berasa, tapi ga pahit. That’s why I like it! Must try nih!

Rainbow pasta (65k)


Penampilannya cantik karena terdiri dari helaian pasta berwarna-warni. Setiap helai pasta memiliki rasa yang berbeda. Unik! Disajikan dengan baked-roasted pork yang manis dan empuk. Must try juga!

Pink pesto Linguine with Breaded Dory (68k)


Gw sengaja cobain ini karena pastanya wanra pink! So cute! penampilannya sih cukup menarik dengna potongan breaded dory yang besar. Dory nya enak dan ga amis. Porsinya juga cukup banyak.

Capsicum-Stuffed Dory (75k)



Menu yang satu ini ga kalah menarik dengan menu lainnya. Pas dateng, yang menarik adalah potongan dory diletakkan dalam cabai merah besar. Di abwahnya, ada nasi briyani warna kuning yang gurih dan manis (ada kismisnya). Enak! Cabai merahnya ga pedes loh! Agak manis gitu, dibuang bijinya dan direbus dulu supaya ga pedas. Recommended!

Apple Crumble French Toast Stick (48k)



Ini dessert selain souffle yang gw coba. Rasanya manis, milky, creamy, dan enak banget dimakan sama es krimnya!

Crouching Dragon Hidden Mango (48k)


Balik lagi ke minuman yang satu ini. Bikin gw ketagihan! Warnanya pink tua (dragon fruit) dan kuning (mango). Rasanya ga telralu manis, teksturnya kental. Seger! Cobain deh.

Mixed Berries Milkshake (48k)


Milkshakenya kental dan terdiri dari beberapa buah berry yang diblender. Di lidah gw yang dominan tuh rasa stroberi ya. Manis dan milky banget.

Exotic Flower Mojito (48k)


Ini dia minuman unik yang seger! Rasanya manis dan unik karena ada serpihan bunga kecombrangnya. Lime dan sodanya pas banget rationya, jadi pas minum ini, haus kamu langsung hilang!DSCF5996.JPG

Overall, gw seneng banget bisa ke Awesome Coffee tanpa perlu repot telepon untuk reservasi lagi. BigDish bener-bener ngebantu banget nih! Makanan dan minuman di sini enak, unik, dan harganya masih pas kantong. Tempatnya juga bagus buat foto-foto. Gw puas banget foto dan makan di Awesome Coffee.
Selamat mencoba!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Map of Awesome Coffee

Address: Ruko Graha Boulevard, Blok B No. 18
Jl. Boulevard Raya, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
PRICE : IDR 50k – 100k/person

Sudoet Tjerita – A Vintage Coffee Shop

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Hello coffee lovers! Sudoet Tjerita has been popular on Instagram since the grand opening last month. Since I was busy, I did not have time to visit this place. Finally, today I can go to Sudoet Tjerita to spend my weekend with my friends.
The cafe is located in ‘ruko Royal Mediterania’. Precisely, it is at the opposite of Neo Soho Mall, near the escalator that connects the dining area between Central Park Mall and Neo Soho Mall.


When you enter the cafe, you will feel homey. The vintage interior is dominated with small cactus pots and an old gramophone near the cashier. At the back of the shop, there is a “greeny-spot” where they sell the cactus pots. On the left side, there is a spot where you can sit on a swing. However, the swing is just for people whose weight are under 55 kgs  When I sat there, it’s fine! .


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Here are the foods and drinks we ordered.

** Note: the price is different with the menu on Pergikuliner. There are changes of the menu and the price

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“Sudoet Tjerita Kopi Rempah”

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Kopi Rempah (38k)**

This is the signature coffee which is very popular recently. The appearance is cute, in which 2 small anistar pieces are on top of the foam. The aroma of spices is fine. Once you sip the coffee, you can taste the strong spices. Since I’m a flavorist, I could tasted that the spices are a mixture of ginger, clove, cinnamon, cardamom, and other spices (I could not tell you the whole spices since it is confidential). For me and my friends, the spices are too strong and overcome the taste of coffee.

Red Velvet


Hot Red Velvet (37k)

Instead of red, the drink is more likely baby pink. I love the colour 
The taste is good, but too sweet for me. This is my favorite drink in this place.

Iced Green Tea Latte


Iced Green Tea Latte (37k)

The green tea latte is good, but not so japanese-type. The sweetness is tolerable since there are ice cubes. Note: the caramel popcorn is not a part of the iced green tea latte.

Hot Chocolate


Hot Chocolate (37k)

Tasted like milk chocolate, served warm, and the latte art is so beautiful! A peacock, I guess. For me, nothing special with this drink.

Bear Pancake


Plain Pancake (30k)

Actually there are 2 options: with ice cream or without ice cream. Since I want to do a photoshoot, then I choose the plain pancake. The presentation is so cute! It consists of 1 big round pancake, 1 medium pancake, and 2 small pancakes. Feeling like something is missing. There is no maple syrup. It is weird eating a pancake without any syrup or chocolate sauce or any other jam. I suggest to add maple syrup on a small plate.

Nougat Cake


Nougat Cake (45k)

It is a mocha-flavoured cake with nuts on top. Judging from its appearance, it is just a cake. Simple and plain. However, you must taste it. This is tasty! Me and my friends like this cake and want to add some more!

Overall, the place is so cozy and you can spend hours in it. The sunlight is perfect for food photoshoot. It is better to turn off the table lights while doing the photoshoot. For the food and drinks, they tasted quite good, but nothing so special. The “Kopi Rempah” is actually unique, but it is better to decrease the spices. The price is affordable for students as well.

Have a nice of coffee 

Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Sudoet Tjerita

Sudoet Tjerita Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Map of Sudoet Tjerita

Address: Ruko Garden shopping Arcade D 8, No. B A, Jl. Tanjung Duren Raya, RT.15/RW.5, Tj. Duren Sel., RT.15/RW.5, Tj. Duren Sel., Grogol petamburan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11470

Hours  : Mon-Sun 8AM – 10 PM


PRICE  : IDR 50k – 100k/person







Kedai MiKoRo (Mie, Kopi, Roti ), Kelapa Gading

Kedai MiKoRo Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


Hello all Ropang lovers! We’ve got a new cafe in Kelapa Gading, named Kedai MiKoRo (Mie, Kopi, Roti). It is located at Jl. Acordion No.L-5, Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading. From OTW cafe, just go straight and the cafe is on the left side. The place is quite big, bright at night, and it has two areas: the indoor area and outdoor area.


The outdoor area has a small ‘angkringan’ (a type of Indonesian wheeled cart) for the ‘Nasi Kucing’. The concept is ‘ropang/warmindo,’ in which the customers can directly see the kitchen (open-kitchen concept). The wall decorations are cute, minimalistic, and simple. The outdoor area is kinda wider than the indoor area, and is suitable as an area for smoking.




Outdoor Entrance

The indoor area is smaller, but I like the decorations. There are cute drawings over the wall and some cute stuff arranged on the wall. The place is cozy and they have free wi-fi. So, you can do your work, while eating and surfing the internet at once. ♥





For the food, I almost love them all ♥

As for the food,  I like the Curry Nippon Indomie, Pineapple and Tuna Toasted Bread, Scrambled Egg Toasted Bread, Cheese Flavored Pompom Fries, and the Choco Cheese Toasted Bread.


Internet Mozilla


Nasi Kucing with Sausage and Baso Bakar


Nasi Kucing with Sate Taichan mini


Indomie Curry Nippon

For the drinks, we had the Green Tea Thai Tea, Thai Milk Tea, and Pontianak Orange Juice. The recommended one is the Pontianak Orange Juice since the sweet and astringent taste was so unique. The orange taste is quite strong and fresh! You should try this!

For the roti bakar, you can pick between the Pineapple Tuna Roti Bakar and the Scrambled Egg with Cheese. They are both so tasty; the bread is crispy on the outside, but still soft in the inside. Here is the Scrambled Egg Roti Bakar:

Here is the Pineapple and Tuna Roti Bakar. Tasted so gewd!


Pineapple & Tuna Roti Bakar


Green Tea Roti Bakar


Nutella Roti Bakar

For the appetizer, I tried the Bitterballen and Pompom Fries with Cheese. Both of them are good and I like the cheese 🙂

Overall, Kedai MiKoRo takes a place to hangout with friends or family with  a ‘ropang’ concept to the next level. The signature menu items are the Indomie Gongso, Roti Bakar, Nasi Kucing, Street Food, and Snacks. The place is good, quite spacious and cozy. It is suitable for young adults and teenagers. The price is also affordable for them.



Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Kedai MiKoRo
Map of Kedai MiKoRo
Address: blok, Jl. Acordion No.L-5, Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 14240
Phone: 0819-3805-8885
PRICE : IDR 30k – 100k