Pablo Cafe Neo Soho, New Concept

Pablo Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! Kali ini gw diinvite untuk datang ke outlet Pablo Cafe di Neo Soho lantai LG. Setelah direnovasi, tempatnya lebih kece dan cocok buat nongkrong rame-rame atau yg butuh tempat untuk mengerjakan skripsi. Gw ke sini untuk mencicipi menu baru dari Pablo yang collab dengan 3 Skinny Minnies dari Dian Sastro. Konsep makanan dan dessertnya adalah healthy but yummy. Makanannya rata-rata di bawah 480 cal! Kecil ya tp tetap enak loh! Yuk kita intip menu2nya!


Spaghetti Avocado 368 cal (95k)


Konsepnya alfredo pasta di mana spaghetti dimasak dengan bumbu rempah dan avocado dengan topping smoked beef tongue. Enak, creamy dari avocadonya, tp healthy!

Spicy Aglio Olio 420 cal (85k)


My favorite karena rasanya agak pedas, seger! Baru kali ini makan pasta ga ngerasa guilty takut gemuk. Tunanya juga fresh, tebel, dan yummy!

Tsukune Soba 367 cal  (80k)


Soba dengan topping edamame salad dan meatball. Meatballnya padet daging, gw suka! Sobanya juga enak dan aroma minyak wijennya kuat sehingga bener2 seperti japanese soba.

Ginger Soy Tuna Don 306 cal (85k)


Nasi merah disajikan dgn topping tuna, ginger pickled, salad, dan disiram yuzu dressing with seasme. Nasi merahnya agak kekeringna buatku, tp pas dicampur dressingnya jd lebih moist, Aku suka bgt dressingnya krn ada rasa asem manis dari yuzu dan aroma wijennya enak.

Truffle Chicken Don 418 cal (80k)


Konsepnya mirip nasi hainan dengan siraman soy truffle sauce. Brown ricenya empuk, dagingnya juga ga asin, pas sih rasanya. Enak buat kamu yg mau diet tp takut makan nasi. This can be your choice.

Pancake Souffle


Fluffy pancake with maple syrup! Bikin pancakenya perlu 15 menit dan langsung disajikan ke kita panas2, lalu disiram maple syrupnya. Yummy!

Houjicha Pancake Souffle


Sama spt Pancake Souffle tp ini dengan siraman Houjicha sauce yg seger dan manis. Gw paling suka yg ini karena rasa manis dan houjichanya balance. Tasty!

Cheese Assam Tea


Selain maknan, Pablo juga ada cheese tea loh! Gw cobain yg Assam Cheese tea. Rasanya manis, agak sepat sedikit but fresh. Milky and creamy taste gitu rasanya, kurang cheesy sih menurut gw. Tapi malah enak dan ga eneg.

Overall, kalo pengen makan berat tapi takut gemuk, bisa cobain menu barunya Pablo dengan 3 Skinny Minnies. Healthy, low cal, but stil yummy. Jarang banget ada resto dengan konsep seperti. So, must try!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Pablo Cafe

Peta NEO SOHO Podomoro City Central Park
Address : Neo SOHO Mall, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. Letjen S. Parman, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta
Hours     : Everyday 10 AM – 10 PM
Phone     : 021-56988888
WIFI       : YES
PRICE     : IDR 100k+/person

Nature Treats – The Best Granola

Hello food lovers! Eating has always been our favorite hobby, isn’t it? However, have you ever cared about your body after consuming to much high cal and high fat foods? Sometimes, we, as foodies, eat all of those tasty foods as much as we want; tasting the foods from one place to another places at one day (me do!). Without balancing our diet and lack of exercise, we could suffer from high cholesterol and heart disease!

How to prevent those diseases without sacrificing our hobby?

Nature Treats gets the solution for us! They offer you granola, 100% organic fruit and organic vegetable juices, and almond milk which are good for our health. Not only healthy, but also yummy!


Nature Treats’s Products

What is granola?

Granola has been so popular as snack and breakfast since many people start to eat granola along with nuts and fresh-cut fruit pieces. It is composed of rolled oats which are baked until crispy and used as snack. Some companies use granola for energy-boosting snack bar for people who are in rush and have no time for a proper breakfast.


Granola : MAtcha and Salted Caramel flavor

By eating granola everyday, it may help to lower the cholesterol level and prevent certain chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer; regulate digestion, aid in weight loss attempts, improve your heart health, increase energy, prevent anemia and promote proper organ function. Regular intake of granola could also help to increase cognitive activity, improve skin quality, build stronger bones, manage diabetes, stimulate new tissue and hormonal growth.

Each variation of granola has a slightly different nutritional value. Some may have more sugar, fat, calories or protein, depending on the ingredients. The granola from Nature Treats is made from whole grain…..

Nutritional Value of Granola


Granola from Nature Treats

High fiber

A 1/2-cup serving of homemade granola contains 5.5 grams of fiber, which is 22 percent of the daily value of 25 grams of fiber for people who follow a 2,000-calorie diet. The fiber in granola makes the body feel full since it bulks up food and absorbs water. Therefore, it reduces appetite and inhibits the release of ghrelin, which is the hormone that makes the body feel hungry. This can help to prevent overeating, which is common for obese people, as well as those on diets which leave them hungry at unusual times of the day.

Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids

A serving of granola gives you about 4 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids and about 4 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These two forms of fat may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduce inflammation

Good source of vitamins and minerals

The oils, nuts and seeds in granola provide vitamin E, thiamin, and folate. Granola contains almost every mineral essential to your health. Magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium are present in the highest percent of your daily needs. They are essential for the formation of connective tissues, red blood cells and bones. They also help to maintain healthy immune, nervous and cardiovascular system function; aid in regulating the thyroid; and contribute to proper healing.

Dos & Don’ts

Calorie count is only one piece of the nutritional puzzle. When you’re looking for a healthy granola, do avoid varieties with high amounts of sugar and fat—particularly saturated fat—per serving. However, don’t look for fat-free or sugar-free granola. Many nutritious ingredients, such as nuts, seeds and dried fruit, contain varying amounts of natural sugar and healthy fats that come along with plenty of vitamins and minerals. To play it safe, eat granola that is sweetened only with dried fruit, honey or maple syrup, and that has at least 20 percent of the recommended daily value for fiber. Good fiber content makes.

Nature Treats’s Products and Me


On The Table: Fruit Juice, Almond Milk, and Granola

I usually eat the granola with the low fat milk and fruit pieces. You can add the almond milk or the fruit juice. I don’t like eating granola with plenty of high-sugar fruit pieces and yoghurt because it means that you add more sugar in your bowl. The more sugar you add, the more calorie you gain. So, do eat granola the way it is with milk or juice.

I suggest you to try on the 100% organic almond milk. It tastes so good! The almond aroma is mild, but no ‘beany’ aroma. The taste is similar to soya milk, but milder. It’s better to drink it with the salted caramel granola.


100% Almond Milk


Almmond Milk with Granola as my breakfast


Granola in The Almond Milk

The 100% organic fruit juice is also tasted good and so fresh! It is made from strawberry and pineapple. Sweet and sour into one. Better to drink it every morning or afternoon. I drink juice every day in the morning, more specifically in brunch time. It could help you to lessen your hunger, thus maintaining your weight and body shape.


100% Organic Fruit Juice

So, what are you waiting for? Grab all the organic products of Nature Treats for your body now ♥

Nature Treats

IG             : @naturetreats
Line         : naturetreats
Wa / sms : +62812-123-99-792


Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :