Fancy Dinner at 91st Street, Jakarta

Pas malam natal, gw cobain makan cantik di 91st street. Lokasinya di dlm Hotel Akmani, Menteng, Jakarta. Tempatnya terpisah jadi 2, ada yg deket bar dan yg satunya deket dekor. Tempatnya tidak terlalu besar, tapi cantik buat foto dan cocon buat event. Konsepnya all u can eat made by order atau bisa ala carte aja. Boleh bgt buat birthday party atau celebration lainnya.LRM_EXPORT_20191228_234040.jpg

Pizza pesto

My favorit! Ada saus pestonya dan rasanya enak. Dimakan panas2 ya.

Crustnya masih garing dan rotinys empuk. Rotinya lebih tebel dari pizza Italia, tapi ga setebal pizza di Indonesia.

Tomato Pizza

Mozarella cheesenya enak bgt dan rasa tomatnya jg enak ga asem bgt.

Pepperoni and beef pizza

Enak dan ga beefy dagingnya.

Teksturnya pizzanya juga sama seperti yg lainnya, empuk dan light.

Aneka Gorengan

Ada f

Ada f

rench fries, fried cassava, dan potato wedges. Friesnya enak, cassavanya berasa manisnya, dan potato wedgesnya garing. Saucenya seperti onion sour cream gitu. Enak bgt sauce nya!

Fried Mozarella

Bentuknya seperti fish finger, harus dimakan panas-panas bisr melted mozarellanya dan bisa ditarik pas dimakan. Menurut gw ini snack yg unuk, sayangnya mozarellanya kurang meleleh dan makan 1 potong aja bikin kenyang.


Ikannya enak, ga amis, aadnya enak dan mashed potatonya lembu

t. Saladnya enak! Seger gitu pake plum sauce.

Roasted chicken

Must Try! Bumbunya meresap di ayam. Dagingnya juga empuk.

Chicken pesto pasta

Salah satu favorit gw krn enak dan bumbu pestonya berasa bgt. Daging ayamnya empuk dan berbumbu. Pestonya ga bikin eneg walaupun rasanya cukup kuiat.
Overall makan di sini pewe bgt krn tmptnya bagus, pewe, dan mknn enak. Servicenya juga oke. Aku cobain yg ala carte, belum pernah yg all you can eat. For the ala carte, I like it!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato


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91st Street Restaurant

Address :

Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No.91, RW.4, Gondangdia, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350

Hours : MON -SUN 10 AM -11PM

Phone : +6287825059191


PRICE : IDR 200k/person

The First Bobba Toast by O’delice Indonesia

Odelice Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Ke sini krn penasaran sama French Toaast Bobba mereka dan kebetulan menang giveawaynya mereka. Gw juga sekalian cobain Unicorn Charcoal Lattenya yg cute abis. Tempatnya di deretan perumahan, sbeerang Rs Abdi Waluyo. Sebenarnya ini rumah tinggal yg bagian depannya dijadikan cafe.

Dekornya simple, ala classic house gitu. Tempatnya terang dan bagus buat foto makanan. Gw cuma cobain 2 menu aja karena masih brunch time.


French Toast Bobba


Ada mozarella cheesenya di tengah dan brown sugar bobbanya enak. Kekenyalannya pas, harum, tp kurang rasa burnt sugar menurut gw. French toastnya enak, empuk dan soft. Fluffy gitu kalo dimakan panas2 karena mozarella cheesenya melted did alam toastnya.

Charcoal latte (39k)


Lagi ada free unicorn, seharusnya nambah 15k kalo mau pake unicorn di lattenya. Basicnya oreo cookies & cream dan enak kok, ga eneg. Gemes abis dah si unicornnya.


Overall, makan di sini enak buat brunch krn variasi menunya lbh coock buat brunck dan lunch sih. Tempatnya juga homey bgt dan bersih. Suka!
Selamat mencoba!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato


You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


O’delice cafe

Map of O'delice cafe

Address: Jl. HOS. Cokroaminoto No.22, RT.3/RW.4, Gondangdia, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350

Operation Hours: SUN – THU 7AM-8 PM  ; FRI 7 AM – 10 PM ;   SAT 10AM -10 PM
Telephone: 0816-1472-651
PRICE: IDR 100k/person





Honu, Thamrin

HONU Central Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


My most favorite Poke Bowl in Honu

Hello salmon lovers! Sebenarnya udah lama banget denger Honu di Kemang, tapi belum kesampean nyobain karena jauh dari rumah dan kalo gojek ke rumah pun terlalu lama. Finally, cobain juga Honu di cabang Menteng. Lokasinya di belakang Sarinah, bersebrangan dengan Gereja St. Theresia. Tempatnya kecil, terdiri dari 2 lantai. Lantai 1 hanya ada 2 meja yang bisa muat 4-6 orang per meja, sedangkan di lantai 2 lebih lega dan lebih banyak meja. Gw pilih makan di lantai 2 yg lebih luas.


Two & Two : Salmon in Tuna in 1 bowl


1st floor decoration


the corner of the 2nd floor


The infamous poke bowls

Untuk makanan dan minumannya, gw bahas satu per satu ya

Yugo (55k)

Isinya ada salmon sashimi cube dengan shoyu (light taste, manis, asin gitu), edamame, wakame, tobiko, dan japanese purple pickles. Nasinya pulen, sedikit sticky spt nasi Jepang pada umumnya. Salmonnya fresh, ga amis, teksturnya empuk banget! original taste dari poke bowl, tapi gw suka karena light dan bisa makan banyak.

Torched (70k)

This is my most favorite bowl! Rasanya gurih, creamy, sweet, dan enak! Salmon dan salmon belly aburinya enak banget, baik dari segi rasa dan teksturnya yang empuk. Buat yg suka mayonnaise, wajib cobain ini! Recommended nih!

Superbowl (60k)

Salmon dengan miso lemon saucenya bikin poke bowl ini asem manis seger! Misonya agak feremented, sedikit asin, tapi cocok dimakan dengan nasi dan toppingnya. Crispy kalenya yang bikin bowl ini jadi makin mantep karena cripsy banget!

Two n Two (50k)

Ini adalah salah satu menu yg gw suka dari Honu. Yg ini wajib coba buat pecinta salmon dan tuna. Kalo bingung mau pilih tuna atau salmon, makan aja keduanya di Two n Two bowl ini. Disajikan dengan wakame, lettuce, carrot, tempura crunch, dan pakai creamy sauce enak. Tuna-nya fresh, terlihat dari warna pink kemerahannya yang cantik. Teksturnya empuk, kenyal, dan ga berbau amis sedikitpun. Must try!

Matcha latte iced/hot (35k)


Matchanya autentik jepang karena pakai matcha powder asli yang dicampur dengan soy milk/fresh milk (bisa kamu pilih mau susu apa) dan honey. Rasnaya enak dan bold! Karena ada honey, makanya matchanya jug amanis alami tanpa penambahan gula lagi. Recommended!!

Overall, gw puas banget makan di sini. Selain karena makanan yang enak dan porsinya cukup banyak (kenyang loh!), harganya juga terjangkau. Servicenya OK, cepat, dan ramah. Tempatnya juga pewe buat nongkrong.
Selamat mencoba!







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Honu Central

Peta Honu Central

Address: Jl. H. Agus Salim No.60, RT.8/RW.4, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350
Hours : MON – SUN 10 AM – 9.30 PM
Telephone : (021) 21231449
PRICE : IDR 50k – 100k / person







Plataran Menteng

Plataran Menteng Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato



Hello food lovers! Kali ini gw celebrate Mother’s Day di Plataran Menteng. Gw pilih tempat ini karena ambience classic-Indonesia yang kuat dan elegant. Tempatnya benar-benar cantik, elegant, vintage, dan mewah. Terdiri dari 4 lantai dan beberapa private room, kamu bisa merayakan acara private di ruangan khusus dengan minimum spending IDR 5jt. Setiap ruang memiliki decor yang berbeda dan bisa kamu pilih.


Lantai 1


Lantai 1


Lantai 1



private room lantai 2


private room lantai 1

Di Lantai 3 ada mini bar dan di lantai 4 ada rooftop untuk garden party. Saat kamu masuk, kamu akan melihat dekorasi dan barang-barang antik peninggalan zaman kuno yang masih terawat. Di lantai 1 ada grand piano dan tempat foto OOTD. Di sebelah kanan, ada lift untuk naik ke lantai 2,3, dan 4. Di lantai 2 lbh banyak spot bagus untuk foto dan suasana nya lbh ramai. Gw pilih di tempat dekat jendela.


lantai 4





private room lantai 2


Dress by @shooki.ind

Beberapa menu yg dipesan antara lain:

Sate Ayam (75k)

Satu porsi isi 5 tusuk sate ayam yg dagingnya tebal. Makan 1 tusuk tuh rasanya puaaass banget. Bukan sate ayam biasa yg dagingnya tipis dan berlemak. Yg ini full daging.

Nasi Goreng Nanas (79k)

Dari penampilannya sih tertutup abon semua dan agak kurang meyakinkan. Pas dicoba, ternyata cukup enak dan gurih. Rasanya ada gurih, manis, asemnya dgn potongan nanas kecil2.

Gado-gado Dharmawangsa (59k)

Bumbu kacangnya kental banget kyk di Jawa Timur, Ini sesuai selera sih, ada yg suka dan ada jg yg kurang suka akrena terlalu manis dan medok bumbunya.

Kari Ayam Deli (125k)

Must try! Terdiri dari 5 potong ayam yg digoreng dengan tepung dan dibumbui dengan racikan bumbu kari yg enak. Ada roti canai dan kari kuningnya yg kental. Enak banget! So far, ini salah satu menu yg gw suka.

Mie Panjang Umur (79k)


Mie goreng ulang tahun yang pakai telur puyuh warna orange. Enak, tapi ga bikin nagih.




Flower cake for mom

Semua makanan disantap dengan nasi hijau, yaitu nasi uduk berwarna hijau yg gurih. Overall, makanan di sini cukup enak dan pricey. Tempatnya cantik sih dan banyak yg celebrate Christmas, birthday, dan mother’s day di sana. Cukup rmaai tempatnya. Gw puas makan di sini. Servicenya jg cukup cepat.
Selamat mencoba!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Plataran Menteng

Map of Plataran Menteng
Address: Jl. H.O.S. Cokroaminoto No. 42, Gondangdia, Menteng, RT.6/RW.4, RT.6/RW.4, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350


Open today · 11AM–11PM 
PRICE  : >IDR 150k/person

Sushi Matsu – Sushi dalam Rumah

Sushi Matsu Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello sushi lovers! Kali ini gw nyobain sushi yg lagi hits di social media. Sushi Matsu berlokasi di Hotel Cemara. Tempatnya bagus, rapi, dan didekorasi ala resto sushi pada umumnya. Hanya terdiri dari 1 lantai dna tidak terlalu luas. Ada area indoor untuk non-smoking dan area outdoor untuk smoking. Tempatnya cozy untuk lunch atau dinner bareng temen dan keluarga.
Gw pesen salad, sushi, main course, dan dessert.


Wakame Salad (35k)


Penampilannya unik karena ada potato stick renyah di atas wakame saladnyha. Gw pilih pakai Matsu Sauce yang gurih, agak asam, dan ada aroma minyak wijennya. Enak!

Sushi House
Kamu perlu order min. 8 pcs sushi untuk diplating di dalam sushi house. 2017_1118_12471900-01.jpeg

Spicy Salmon Cheese Roll (35k/4 pcs)
Ini salah satu sushi recommended dari Sushi Matsu. Pask kamu makan, kamu bakal gigit chili pieces yg pedes! Agak bikin kaget karena tiba-tiba kamu berasa seperti ada ‘dynamite’ di dalam sushi ini.

Ebi Tempura Roll (40k/4 pcs)
Seperti ebi tempura sushi di resto lain, isinya ebi tempura yg renyah dan enak.

Chicken Katsu Curry Rice (68k)

Gw suka banget curry jepangnya! Kental, beefy, gurih, dan nagih. Enak! Must try!

Ogura and Matcha ice cream (20k/scoop)

Sebagai dessert, es krim emang paling pas abis makan berat. Gw cobain ogura (red bean) dan matcha ice cream. Ogura ice creamnya cukup enak dan legit. Matcha ice creamnya juga enak dan berasa banget mactha jepangnya. Boleh nih dicoba.

Overall, makanan di sini cukup enak, tapi agak pricey dibandingkan restoran sushi pada umumnya, Mungkin karena lokasinya masih berada di dalam hotel ya, jadi kena service charge yang lumayan besar. For me, gw cukup enjoy makan di sini karena suasananya cukup nyaman dan tempatnya pun bagus. Servicenya juga cukup cepat. Next time, boleh dicoba Truffle Gyudon-nya yg terkenal enak banget!
Selamat mencoba!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Sushi Matsu

Map of Sushi Matsu
Address: Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No.69, RT.1/RW.4, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350


Tuesday 11AM–3PM, 6–10:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM, 6–10:30PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM, 6–10:30PM
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–3PM, 6–10:30PM
Phone: (021) 3147587
PRICE  : IDR 100 – 150K/person

Shophaus Menteng – Gelato Secrets

Gelato Secrets Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


Calling for all dessert lovers! Gelato Secrets has been popular since the opening of Shophaus Menteng. The place is located across Bunga Rampai, in line with JEC. The parking area is small and valet parking is a must when it is full of crowd. Every weekend, lots of people come and go, trying this new hits gelato. Wondering how tasty it is, I decided to go trying the gelato. Shophaus has become a favorite place for bloggers to do photoshoot and vlogging.






The Shophaus interior is dominated with wooden facade, minimalist, and simple. There are some food tenants such as Gelato Secrets, Mockingbird, Namelaka, Pigeonhole Coffee, and Berrywell. There is also a beauty salon : Everlash Lash Expert and a barbershop : The Roots Barbershop. There are located on the 1st floor, except for Mocking bird which is on the 2nd floor.



Gelato Secret is actually popular in Bali. They use the Italian’s technique i making their own gelato, making the texture so soft and mouthfull. The shop is small, one place with the Pigeonhole Coffee. The decoration is cute and simple, dominated with pink colour. There are 3 size portion the gelato : Small (2 flavours), Medium (3 flavours), and Large (4 flavours).


The menu board




There are many flavour variants of the gelato. I tried the Chocolate Chili and Rose Petals. It was such a unique taste for the Choco-Chili. Sweet, little bit bitter, adn spicy. The same uniqueness goes to Rose Petals: sour, sweet, rosey-aroma. Moreover, I like the mango and durian flavour, as well as the Baileys. Nyummss!

I suggest you to order the Large size since the scoop’s portion is small and you can try more flavours with your friends. The gelato is quiet pricey for that kind of portion. It’s okay to have it once in a while ;p


Medium size portion


Left: Large size | Right: Medium size


Large size portion

Overall, it was a peaceful day trying a new food and taking some pictures in Shophaus.





Enjoy your day ♥

Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Gelato Secrets

Map of Gelato Secrets
Address: ShopHaus – Menteng, Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No.36, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10310
Phone: 0812-8558-8156
PRICE : IDR 30-90k / person

Bunga Rampai – Classic, Elegant, and Luxurious

Bunga Rampai Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

First of all, I wanna say :

“HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017! Hope this year will be better and may you have a wonderful year ahead ;)”


If you still confuse where to go for New Year’s date or feast, then I suggest you could try Bunga Rampai. In the end of 2016, I went for a family gathering celebration for Mother’s Day, Christmast’s, and New Year’s Eve at Bunga Rampai. Why did I choose this place? It’s because they serve a tasty Indonesian food (proud to be Indonesian!) and the place is so beautiful and suitable for having a celebration. It’s private (there are some private rooms on each floor), well-designed, elegant, and the service is very good.

Bunga Rampai is located at Menteng, opposite the Jakarta Eye Centre (JEC). The restaurant is looked ike a huge Dutch colonial house from outside and once I went in to the restaurant, I literally was amazed by the grand interior and luxurious decoration. Some people says that the restaurant is pretty hard to find since it looks like a small white house form the outside. It’s a 3-story house with a small cafe inside the restaurant. Each floor is estimated to accommodate up to 80 people with different concept design.

Related image

On the 1st floor, there is a wide area in the middle with some big tables. There are 2 private rooms on this floor. The small one is located on the left side, and the other one is located at the bck of the waiting room. The waiting room itself is luxuriously designed with classic and elegant look. Many public figures and bloggers always take photos at this spot (me too!). The waiting room itself is already great and I have to told you that the dining area was even greater than the waiting room. There is also a big VIP room, accomodated for max. 16 pax. The chandeliers were made with red crystals and it is a suitbale place for me to have a family gathering celebration. It is also perfect for Sangjit, birthday party, and another private event.


A waiting room near the restrooms

The 1st floor was an old-style fine dining concept with white colour dominated all over the building. The waiting room at the back (near the kitchen and restrooms) is a perfect place for photoshoot and there is an elevator at the left side.

Related image

1st floor : Old-style Concept


Private VIP Room

The 2nd floor was way more to the modern fine dining concept. The decorations were grand and luxurious, seems like you have entered a grand dining room in a castle. Each side has a different concept.


2nd Floor: Luxurious Fine Dining Concept


2nd floor: Outside the VIP Room

The 3rd floor is a rooftop fine-dining concept. The place was so great with a perfect lighting. A perfect place for youngers and teenagers since there is a bar at the corner. However, it’s quiet hot at noon since the sun light will heat you up across the glass-house.

3rd floor ; Rooftop Concept

Let’s go for the food party!

The service is quiet good. The waiters are very kind and polite, yet you will be treated like a princess.  The ambient is quiet good, peaceful, and relaxing. Feel like you are an honourable guest in a luxurious old castle.



The food is quiet tasty with high quality ingredient. No wonder the price is quiet expensive, but it’s worth it!


Nasi Buketan (95k)

Nasi Buketan is a steamed aromatic pandan leaf rice served with sliced omelet, beef skewer, spicy fried chicken, potato and shrimp light curry, corn fritter, sweet soy bean cake fritter, sweet potato chip, chili bilimbi fruit peanut sauce and shrimp crackers. It is delicious! However, the portion is not as big as I thought at first. It’s not enough for having this menu for your meal.

Nasi Bali (95k)

Nasi Bali is a nasi campur in Balinese style served with minced shrimp and fish skewer (sate lilit), spicy shredded chicken, egg with red chili relished, relished, snake bean-cabbage-mung bean sprout with spicy shredded coconut (karedok), deep fried braised meat (like dendeng batokok), sweet and sour deep fried julienne of potato, shallot and bird eye chili relished, and chili shrimp paste relished. For me, it is tastier than Nasi Buketan because the side dishes (meat, relished, and vegetable) are more various. The sambal matah is good and the sate lilit is quiet tasty.
Iga Rawon Genjeran is a short ribs blackened soup with caramelized shallot, sliced celery and spring onion on top, served with jasmine rice, salted egg, mung bean sprout, chili shrimp paste relished, and shrimp crackers. The soup was very salty. The short ribs were tender and tsty. It’s better to tell the waiter to have it less salt.

Bihun Goreng Jawa (65k)

Bihun goreng Jawa is a Javanese style rice noodles with shredded chicken, cabbage, sliced omelette with caramelized shallot on top. The appearance was plain, not an appetizing-look like the other main dish. However, the taste was good. The rice noodle was well-cooked with all the seasonings, creating a delicious bihun goreng. For me, it was one of the best dishes so far.
Sate Banjar is a South Kalimantan chicken skewer in chili peanut served with caramelized shallot. The sate was tasty, each portion has 8 pieces of skewers. The sauce is sweet and spicy. It’s pricey, but tasty.

Tahu Telor (60.5k)

Tahu Telor is a tofu omelette with julienne of cabbage and carrot, mung bean sprouts, served with soya sauce mixed with black shrimp paste (petis). The tofu omelette is crispy at the outside and soft in the inside. The seasoning is perfect. However, the sauce is too sweet and the aroma is not like petis.
For the dessert, a various Indonesian desserts were available. I chose 3 desserts.

Lava Choclate Cake (58.5k)

Lava chocolate is a molten chococake served with homemade vanilla ice cream. Both the cake and ice cream were so small and pricey. I think it’s not quiet enough to fulfill your mouth. The chocolate cake was actually good with dark melted chocolate. The vanilla ice cream was too sweet.

Es Lobi Lobi (32.5k)

Es Lobi Lobi is a stewed batoko plum and topped with shredded ice. The sweet sour tasty will make you fresh. It is quiet good for you who like sour taste.

Es Cendol Dawet Ayu (35k)

Es Cendol Dawet Ayu is a traditional Javanese mung bean flour jelly, served with sliced jack fruit, coconut milk, and palm sugar syrup. The soup smelled like durian, the sweetness was enough and the tape was good. It tasted good, but so small portion.
Overall, Bunga Rampai serves a great place for having important events and celebrations. The food dishes and desserts were quiet tasty, although the price was quiet high. The service was good, friendly, and nice. For a fine dining class, I think Bunga Rampai have the food, service, and amazing place at one. Selamat makan!

Bunga Rampai

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Map of Bunga Rampai
Address: Jalan Cik Ditiro No.35, Menteng, RT.10/RW.5, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10310
Wifi    : YES
Cost    : >IDR 100.000/person.