Porto Bitreau – Iftar Special

Porto Bistreau Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Puasa telah tiba dan Porto Bistreau akan launching 3 menu special selama bulan Ramadhan. Setiap pembelian menu di Porto selama bulan puasa akan mendapatkan free takjil berupa biji salak. Tempatnya cantik, terletak di area Tribeca dan bisa masuk dari dalam Sogo lantai dasar juga.




Adapun 3 menu baru yg akan launching adalah:

Tomato Basil Penne


Penne dimasak dengan tomato sauce dan basil. Toppingnya melted mozarella. Cocok buat yg vegan. Penampilannya biasa aja, tapi rasanya cukup enak.

Beef Stroganoff


Beefnya empuk, medium-rare, kuahnya gurih dan creamy. Pastanya juga al dente. So yummy!

Beef Lasagna


Porsinya ga sebesar ekspektasi gw tapi mengenyangkan. Di setiap layer nya terdapat minced beef dan cheese. Cukup enak menurut gw dan light.

Selain 3 menu di atas, gw juga cobain beberapa menu lain dari Porto, seperti

Baramundi Truffle


Ikannya enak, empuk, dan ga amis diamasak dengan cram sauce dan truffle oil. Mushroomnya juga generous. Menu favorit gw nih!

Wagyu Steak


Enak banget! Dagingnya empuk, saucenya enak dan saladnya bikin nagih.

Red salad


Penyajiannya unik, jadi saladnya dimasukkan ke dalam mangkuk dari watermelon. Manis dan creamy. Saladnya juga enak, terasa sesame oilnya.



Pannacottanya soft banget, milky dan ada caramel saucenya yg enak

Cheese Cake


So yummy! Manisnya pas, creamy, cheesy, dan nagih. Teksturnya juga soft tapi tebel. Gw bisa abisin 1 slice loh!


Sunset Island: Minuman soda warna merah terbuat dari lemon, lychee, strawberry, dan soda. Rasnaya manis asem jadi satu. Enak!

Deep Blue Soda: Gw suka minuman yg satu ini. Selain penampilannya yg unik, rasa mint dan sodanya terasa unik di mulut. Manis dari lychee dan minty taste nya menyatu dengan sempurna.

Overall, makanan dan minuman di sini enak dengna porsi yg pas. Harga agak pricey tapi suka ada promo kok. Tempatnya juga enak buat lunch ataupun dinner.
Selamat mencoba!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

 More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato and Foody.id


You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Porto Bistreau

Map of Porto Bistreau

Address: Central Park Mall Lantai GF, Jalan Letjen S. Parman No.28, RT.12/RW.6, Tanjung Duren Selatan, Grogol petamburan, RT.12/RW.6, Tj. Duren Sel., Grogol petamburan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11470

Hours: MON – SUN 10 AM – 10 PM
Telephone :(021) 56985751


PRICE: IDR 150k/person

Street Churros, Jakarta

Street Churros Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato
Annyeong! Sekarang churros ala Korea udah hadir nih di Jakarta. Lokasinya di depan May Star restaurant, persis sebelahnya auntie Anne’s. Ada 2 meja kecil untuk 4 orang dan 1 meja panjang. Tempatnya kecil, tapi didekor ala cafe Korea dan kamu bisa menikmati churros sambil mendengarkan lagu K-Pop. Buat yang suka sama lagu-lagu Korea, pasti betah nih duduk lama-lama.



Churros (start 22k)



Jadi di sini ada 4 macam sauce+topping yang bisa kamu nikmati. Flavor sauce dan toppingnya ada Matcha Oreo, Peanut Butter with Nuts, Strawberry Sprinkles, dan Chocolate with Mint Sprinkles. Kamu bisa juga mix match sauce dan toppingnya sesuai yg kamu mau. Size churrosnya cukup besar dan cocok buat sharing rame-rame bareng teman.Harga churros, sauce, dan topping terpisah semuanya ya. Yg aku suka, churrosnya crispy luarnya, tp dalemnya moist. Kulitnya renyah! Gw suka yg chocolate mint.

Ice cream churros (26k)


Es krimnya too milky buatku, tp ini enak bgt dimakan pake churros. Churrosnya dicocol pake es krim vanillanya. Yummy!

Cafe Latte (Hot 30k; Cold 35k)


Buat yg suka kopi susu, boleh bgt cobain iced cafe lattenya. Manis susu dicampur dengan pahitnya kopi sambil makan churros, wiihh enak banget!
Overall, churrosnya worth to try dan harganya affordable loh. Apalagi sizenya juga besar kan. Pantesan ramai terus.
Selamat mencoba!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat!https://wordpress.com/post/myculinarydiary.com/7111 More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato and Foody.id


You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Street Churros

Peta Street churos
Address:Central Park Mal Lantai LG
RT.12/RW.6, Tj. Duren Sel., Grogol petamburan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11470
Telephone: (021)-56985209
PRICE  : IDR 50k/person

Wang Dynasty, Jakarta

Wang Dynasty Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers!
Kali ini gw cobain dimsum unyu di Wang Dynasty. Lokasinya di seberangnya Central Tomang. Terdiri dari 5 lantai: lantai 1 restoran,, lantai 2 Kopi Apang dan ada area outdoor. Lantai 3 dan 4 ruang VIP untuk acara (married, sangjit, birthday, dll). Lantai 5 nya Kitchen: keren bgt kitchennya dan bersih! Ada GMP nya juga loh!







LRM_EXPORT_20190330_215603-01Gw order Avocado Coffee yg menurut gw mayan enak. ayangnya, avocadonya agak pahit, tp ngeblend dengan kopi dan es krim vanillanya.


Semua dimsum unyu gw cobain dan rata-rata enak.
1. Minion paonya isi pasta jagung, jadi rasaya manis gitu.
2. Hedgehog pao isinya red bean paste. Netral, manisnya pas.
3. Rose Bun: ga ada isinya, jd mendingna minta susu kental manis buat dicocol.
4. Penguin pao: isinya daging ayam spt isi pangsit gt.
5. Bola udangnya enak, isinya melted mozarella. Must try!
6. Tim lumpia kulit tahu, hakau, pangsit scallop, xaio long bao, chasiu (ayam) pao, pangsit goreng: rasanya enak2 aja spt dimsum pada umumnya.
7. Tumis lobak saus X.O.: enak! Mirip kwetiau goreng gitu. So yummy!
8. Onde wijen: enak, empuk, dan manisnya pas.


story_1553957136998.jpg1. Bebek peking: sausnya enak, manis gurih gt dan gw ga makan bebek jd gw gatau rasanya gmn. Yg pd cobain sih bilang enak dan empuk, kulitnya crispy
2. Tim ayam jahe (chamkee): Enak karena bumbunya menyerap di daging ayamnya. Rasanya gurih, dan ayamnya empuk, ga banyak lemak.
3. Brokoli 2 rasa: Jadi brokolinya dimasak dengna thau sutra dan disiram saus dgn telur. Enak kok, tp ga bikin nagih
4. Kailan 3 jamur : kailannya empuk, ga alot dan jamurnya enak.
Overall, dimsumnya enak dan main coursenya enak, terutama ayam jahenya. Tempatnya juga bagus dan bisa untuk event besar. Servicenya cepat tp keluar makannya agak lama menurut gw.
Selamat mencoba!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat!https://wordpress.com/post/myculinarydiary.com/7111 More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato and Foody.id


You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Wang Dynasty

Peta Wang Dynasty
Address: Jl. Ratu Kemuning No.1, RT.9/RW.13, ABCD, Kb. Jeruk, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11510
Hours:EVERY DAY 10 AM – 10 PM
Telephone: (021) 5668889
PRICE : IDR 150k/person

Khao Khao Thai, Neo Soho Mall, Jakarta

Khao Khao Urban Thai Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato
Hello food lovers! Kali ini gw cobain makan di Khao Khao buat ikutin lomba foto dgn hadiah trip ke Bali dan Bangkok! Info selanjutnya ada di IG gw ya.




IMG_20190215_155228_248.jpg Lokasinya di lantai LM (1 lantai di bawah GF), di deket pojokan, sebelah Ma La Tang. Tempatnya keliatna kecil, tp ternyata luas sampe ke belakang. Pewe banget buat nongkrong lama2 bareng temen2. Khao Khao masih segrup dengan Tom Tom Restaurant. Konsepnya Khao Khao adalah thai food yg affordable dengan porsi personal untuk anak mudan sampai dewasa.




Thai Suki (95k)





Menurut gw suki nya besar dan bisa buat sharing 2-3 orang karena isinya banyak. Ada mie , udang, kamaboko, shrimp balls, salmon balls, dan aneka sayuran. Kuahnya ada 2 macam: Tom Yum Clear Soup dan Tom Yum Creamy Soup. Yg Clear Soup lebih asam dan fresh. Yg Creamy Soup rasanya creamy, manis, asin pas, gurih. Gw lbh suka yg Creamy Soup sih karena menurut gw lebih mirip kuahnya sama yg gw makan di Bangkok.

Khao Pad Kai (49k)


Nasi goreng ayam dgn irisan telur dadar. Rasanya gurih, tp kurang special menurut gw.

Khao Op Saperot (49k)


Nasi goreng nanas yg fresh. Manis, asam, gurihnya balance, gw suka sih nasi gorengnya.

Kai Pad Ped Mamuang (NEW)


Nasi dgn topping ayam goreng tepung dan kacang mede sama irisan cabe merah. Sekilas mirip sama ayam kungpao. Rasanya gurih, ayamnya empuk, manis dan gurihnya pas. Pake telor ceplok di atasnya.

Kai Pad Prik Klea (NEW)


Nasi dgn ayam black pepper. Sayangnya rasa black peppernya kurang kuat sedikit. Ayamnya empuk dan gurih.

Kai Sam Rod (NEW)


Nasi dgn topping ayam asam manis. I like this one karena familiar sama ayam kuluyuk kesukaan gw. Manis dan asamnya pas, ga terlalu asam.

Kai Tod Kapi (NEW)


Nasi dgn ayam popcorn bumbu terasi dan ada daun kemangi goreng kering. Menutut gw, terasinya ga berasa sih. Ayamnya goreng tepung gt dan ga ada aroma terasi sama sekali.



Thawu too (24k)


Tahu goreng dengan cocolan saus kacang gurih yg bikin nagih!

Too Man Kung (45k)



Shrimp cake isi 3 pcs dengan saus tamarind. Sausnya ga asam, tp manis asamnya pas. Shrimp cakenya tebel banget dan agak sulit dipotong saking tebelnya, tp rasanya enak.

Khai Ho Bay Teai (39k)


Ayam goreng pandan. Ayamnya besar dan gurih. Ga terlalu oily dna pandannya harum. Enak!


Nam Kang Sai (31k)


Dessert yg isinya selasih, cincau, kelapa muda, grass jelly, roti tawar, dengan kuah susu dan sirup. Manis, seger, dan milky.

Iced Grass Jelly with Mlik (29k)



Isinya cincau, jelly, selasih dan kuahnya bening tp bisa kamu campur susu. Gw lebih suka pake susu biar creamy, milky, tp ga manis kok. Enak bgt!

Iced Longan with Jelly (29k)


Longan, grass jelly, dan kuahnya bening manis sirup gitu. Light tp fresh!


Mocha Latte (41k)


Mirip cappuciono menurut gw karena ga ada aroma mocha. Rasanya creamy, coffeenya enak, dan ga asam.

Matcha Latte (37k)


Matcha enak! Pas dijadiin latte ga heran kalo lattenya fresh dan relaxing. Must try!

Overall, pasti puas makan di sini karena enak, porsinya banyak dan harganya affordable. Bahkan ada menu2 yg bisa dishare. Servicenya oke, cukup cepat, dan ramah.
Selamat mencoba!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat!https://wordpress.com/post/myculinarydiary.com/7111 More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato and Foody.id


You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Khao Khao Urban Thai

Peta Khao Khao Urban Thai

Address: Neo Soho Mezzanine Floor Podomoro City (across Jakarta, Aquarium, RT.3/RW.5, South Tanjung Duren, Grogol petamburan, West Jakarta City, Jakarta 11470
Hours: MON – SUN, 10 AM – 10 PM
Telephone: (021) 27893443
PRICE  : IDR 100k/person

So Fashion Cafe, Jakarta

So Fashion Cafe Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Buat yang suka foto cantik ala OOTD, wajib banget dateng ke So Fashion Cafe di lantai 2 Mal Taman Anggrek. Sebenarnya udah buka dari awal 2018, tp gw baru sempet ke sini. Tempatnya cantik, didominasi warna putih dan pink sehingga bagus banget buat foto.

Tempatnya kecil, tp ada outdoor area di dalam mal nya (seberang cafenya) dan tempatnya ga kalah cantik. Ada boneka Pink Panther untuk di dalam cafe, sedangkan di outdoor ada boneka Teddy warna pink yg super besar. Gw demen banget sama dekor cafenya dan super nyaman buat nongkrong lama-lama.






Passion olio prawn (69k)


Angel hair pasta dimasak jadi aglio olio dgn udang. Bisa pilih mau sedang atau pedas. Level sedangnya ga berasa pedas, ahnya peppery taste gitu. Buat yg suka pedas, cobain level pedasnya aja. Enak! Porsinya juga banyak. Gw kenyang bgt makan seporsi. Topping udangnya juga ada 7 pcs, cukup generous dgn harga segitu. must try!

Moods Marshmallow Mint Chocolate (43k)


My favorite drink! Chocomint nya enak dan manis (pdhl ud minya half sugar). Mintnya enak, berasa tp gak terlalu kuat. chocoaltenya juga enak. So instagramable and yummy! Must try!

Peach tea (45k)


Peach tea-nya disajikan di atas flamingo balloon. So cute! Peach teanya pake soda, jd seger gitu. Potongan buah peachnya juga besar dan ada 4 pcs. Seger!
Overall, gw nyaman makan di sini. Tempatnya bagus buat foto, pewe buat ngobrol, dan presentasi makanannya menarik. Rasanya juga ga kalah enak.

Here are the OOTD photos!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


So Fashion Cafe, MTA

Map of So Fashion Cafe, MTA
Address: RT.12/RW.1, South Tanjung Duren, Grogol petamburan, West Jakarta City, Jakarta 11470
Hours: 10 AM – 10 PM
PRICE : IDR 100k/person

Magi Planet Popcorn

Magi Planet Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Instagram @jessica_sisy


Hello movie lovers! Magi Planet (formerly Planet Popcorn) mengeluarkan flavor terbarunya, yaitu Salted egg! Trus, gw cobain lagi flavor lainnya. Kenapa gw lbh pilih ini dibandingkan popcorn lain? Karena kualitas popcorn Magi Planet udah terjamin, bersih, dan higienis. Kemasannya mudah dibawa kemana2 dan bisa buat makan di bioskop. Daripada antri beli popcorn dan bikin kamu telat nonton, mendingan bawa popcorn Magi Planet. Kalo ga abis, bisa disimpen karena packagingnya reseal-able with zip pouch. Ga nyesel deh!


Flavor terbaru di 2018 : Salted Egg

Salted  egg

Enak, creamy, dan eggy. Gurih tp manis. Beda sama kripik salted egg yg ada di pasaran. Yg ini ga bikin eneg! Must try!




Popcornnya dicoating coklat manis. Milky choclate type. Diamakn banyak ga eneg kok, malah nagih! Must try!



In frame: Seaweed (green), Chocolate, Salted Egg, Pink Salted Caramel

Nah, yg ini popcornnya ada potongan seaweed kecil2 yg gurih dan bikin popcornnya jadi ‘hijau’. sehat dan enak

Pink salted caramel


In frame: Pink salted caramel and Chocolate

Gw kira warna pink popcornnya, ternyata normal. Caramelnya enak, asin, manis tp ga eneg. Ga bikin gigi lengket. Me like it!



Original flavor is at the right side of Chocolate

Ga lengkap makan popcorn kalo ga makan yg original. Rasanya netral, asin, buttery, tp bikin nagih.

Overall, gw suka popcornnya karena renyah, ga keras, dan ga ada yg keras2 pas digigit. Lebih sehat dr potato chips, krn popcorn dioven, bukan digoreng. Mudah dibawa kemana pun termasuk jd temen cemilan pas macet.
Yuk dicoba!


Don’t forget to visit Sociolla.com and get more discount and free deliver with my promo code SBNLAF8Z !







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Magi Planet Popcorn Indonesia

1. Mal Kelapa Gading 3, Lantai 3
2. Mall Taman Anggrek, Lantai 3
3. Mall Puri Indah, Lantai GF
Hours : 10 AM – 10 PM
WIFI    : NO
PRICE  : <IDR 50k/pack

Onni House, Jakarta Barat

ONNI House Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello guys! If you are interested in visiting a beautiful cafe without concerning the taste of the food, you are in the right place. However, if you choose to visit a cafe with delicious meal, then you better change the article to be read. I’m gonna post more of my OOTD photos rather than food and drink.



Onni House is a beautiful house, combining with the florist house and also selling vintage stuffs. All the flowers sold there are so beautiful. The decoration is so pretty, as if you are entering a small garden in a house. Actually, the house is not as big as I thought. You better do reservation via phone so that you don’t need to wait at the outside since the cafe is so crowded. Full of waiting lists. They have 20% discount for F&B until August 2018.

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The decoration is too pretty to be missed. I love taking pictures in every corner of the house. I admit that the house is so instagramable. Better to use your standard lens rather than fixed lens because the space is quite small and you might drop some stuffs there. I wore a flower crown which was bought in Turkey (see my Turkey blog here) and a black robe with floral printing. I love my outfit because it is suitable with the decoration.




There are 3 sections for the dining area: indoor (the prettiest area), semi outdoor (vintage lokk and so crowded), and outdoor (smoking area). Since I did the reservation, Onni gave me the most instagramable spot. Yeay! Thank you Onni ♥



As for the food, I just order the main course and 1 appetizer. My friend said that there is Namelaka’s cake, but I was too lazy to wait for another queue because the food came out quite long. You must be patient if you order the food and I suggest you eat at the other restaurants or cafes for your lunch/dinner. The portion is very small.

Here is the menu

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Beef Rice Bulgogi (48k)


The presentation is pretty and tempting. The taste is quite good and the beef is tender. The sweet taste is dominating my palette. I think this is the best dish from all the dishes we ordered.

Nasi Iga Bakar Maranggi (78k)


The beef ribs is small and the meat was so few. The taste is actually quite good with its grill taste. The chili and tomato make the dish taste fresh. However, the taste is so-so.

Garlic Noodles with Dory Sambal Matah (48k)


Actually, it’s aglio olio pasta. The dory pieces is soooo small, placed on top of the pasta. The taste of the aglio olio is good, but nothing special. The dory’s meat is very small, covered by the batter.

Chicken Teriyaki Burger (58k)


The burger is small and bad for the presentation. The sweet and grill taste of the chicken is so-so. The chicken is tender. The burger is fast food restaurants are much better.

Salted Egg Fries (36k)

frech fries

The salted egg spread is not so good. The sweet and creamy taste is actually like butter-sauce rather than salted egg. When you feel it at certain time, you might taste a hint of soft salted egg taste character. However, if my friend did not say that this is salted egg fries, I thought that it is just fries with cream.

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Overall, Onni gives you a new dining experience in a flower house. They give you a beautiful place for doing OOTD photoshoot, but not for culinary experience. The foods are so-so; small portion; and pricey since the small and taste are below my standard. The service is not so good. Sometimes, you have to wait for more than 15 minutes for the food because the place is so crowded. However, I like the decoration of how they make this small house into this pretty small garden.

Happy Holiday!


Don’t forget to visit Sociolla.com and get more discount and free deliver with my promo code SBNLAF8Z !







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


ONNI House Jakarta

Peta ONNI House Jakarta
Address: Jl. Tanjung Duren Utara V No.242, Tj. Duren Utara, Grogol petamburan, Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11470

Tuesday 12.00–21.00
Wednesday 12.00–21.00
Thursday 12.00–21.00
Friday 12.00–21.00
Saturday 12.00–21.00
Sunday 12.00–21.00
Monday 09.00–21.00
Telephone: (021) 22956116
WIFI          : YES
PRICE        : 100k+/person

Chinatown Bandung


Hello travelers! Have you heard about Chinatown Bandung? It is recently opened on 4th August 2017. Located at Jalan Klenteng No. 41 (near Waringin School), Chinatown has been popular as the hype destination in Bandung. On 17th of August, the Chinatown is officially opened by the local government.


The Chinatown is easily spotted from the Chinese design of the building. You must pay for the entrance fee (information is below) and get 1 small bottle of mineral water. You can take a picture on the paintings before you enter the building.


The Entrance Door

When you enter the door, you can directly turn left to get in a small room with lots of oriental stuffs and a history of the Chinatown in Bandung. The ornament and design are very good and unique as if you are traveling in the ancient Chinese era.


The History


The Old Chinese-style ornaments

Like any other chinatown places, there are many colourful lanterns. You can taking pictures in the afternoon or in the evening when all the lanterns are turned on. Very beautiful!


The View in the Afternoon



The Night View


Selfie from the 2nd floor


You must go up to a house to take some OOTD photos or just taking pictures of the beautiful view. There is also a red bridge at the center of the building which is so Chinese-style and instagram-able.


The Fortune Red Bridge


The Chinese-style Stores


The Old Chinese Bowls


Inside the Souvenir’s Store

There are many souvenir stores at the right side of the building. Starting from Batik, kitchen tools, souvenirs, and also snacks. All of the stores are well-designed like in old Chinese era. You can also taking pictures at the ‘living room’ with jadoel-style home decor.


The Design of All Stores


The Souvenir Stores


The Wet Market


The Living Room



For the food, all foods are HALAL. So, don’t worry 🙂


The Street Foods


Nasi Rames and Nasi Padang


Tahu Gejrot

The foods are mostly Indonesian street food, such as Es Dung Dung, Es Alpukat, Soto Ayam, Gado-Gado, Ketoprak, Nasi Goreng, Batagor, Tahu Baso, Baso Kuah, and fresh fruits. The price is ranged from IDR 10.000 to IDR 50.000/dish. I like the Baso Goreng and Nasi Lengko (traditional food from Cirebon).


Baso Goreng


Nasi Lengko

For the Soto Lamongan, it is too salty. Actually, the seasoning is quite tasty, soupy, long-boiled, and meaty. However, since it is too salty, I could not enjoy the soto 😦


Soto Lamongan

The Tahu Baso is more likely siomay in Jakarta. The taste is so-so and the peanut sauce is too spicy. If you cannot eat spicy food, better to avoid this.


Tahu Baso Bandung

All foods in Chinatown must be paid via Debit Card or Flazz BCA. No cash or credit card. This is the food court in Chinatown Bandung. Very beautiful, isn’t it? Old-fashioned, but so cool!


The Food Court


Inside The Food Court


The Food Stand


The Food Stand


The Food Stand


The Food Stand



Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Kampung Cina atau Chinatown

Map of chinatown bandung jl kelenteng

Address: Jl. Kelenteng No.41, Ciroyom, Andir, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40182
                 (near 23 Paskal Mall)
Hours:  12 PM – 12 AM

Entrance Fee : IDR 10.000 (weekdays) and IDR 20.000 (weekends) per person




Nature Treats – The Best Granola

Hello food lovers! Eating has always been our favorite hobby, isn’t it? However, have you ever cared about your body after consuming to much high cal and high fat foods? Sometimes, we, as foodies, eat all of those tasty foods as much as we want; tasting the foods from one place to another places at one day (me do!). Without balancing our diet and lack of exercise, we could suffer from high cholesterol and heart disease!

How to prevent those diseases without sacrificing our hobby?

Nature Treats gets the solution for us! They offer you granola, 100% organic fruit and organic vegetable juices, and almond milk which are good for our health. Not only healthy, but also yummy!


Nature Treats’s Products

What is granola?

Granola has been so popular as snack and breakfast since many people start to eat granola along with nuts and fresh-cut fruit pieces. It is composed of rolled oats which are baked until crispy and used as snack. Some companies use granola for energy-boosting snack bar for people who are in rush and have no time for a proper breakfast.


Granola : MAtcha and Salted Caramel flavor

By eating granola everyday, it may help to lower the cholesterol level and prevent certain chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer; regulate digestion, aid in weight loss attempts, improve your heart health, increase energy, prevent anemia and promote proper organ function. Regular intake of granola could also help to increase cognitive activity, improve skin quality, build stronger bones, manage diabetes, stimulate new tissue and hormonal growth.

Each variation of granola has a slightly different nutritional value. Some may have more sugar, fat, calories or protein, depending on the ingredients. The granola from Nature Treats is made from whole grain…..

Nutritional Value of Granola


Granola from Nature Treats

High fiber

A 1/2-cup serving of homemade granola contains 5.5 grams of fiber, which is 22 percent of the daily value of 25 grams of fiber for people who follow a 2,000-calorie diet. The fiber in granola makes the body feel full since it bulks up food and absorbs water. Therefore, it reduces appetite and inhibits the release of ghrelin, which is the hormone that makes the body feel hungry. This can help to prevent overeating, which is common for obese people, as well as those on diets which leave them hungry at unusual times of the day.

Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids

A serving of granola gives you about 4 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids and about 4 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These two forms of fat may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduce inflammation

Good source of vitamins and minerals

The oils, nuts and seeds in granola provide vitamin E, thiamin, and folate. Granola contains almost every mineral essential to your health. Magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium are present in the highest percent of your daily needs. They are essential for the formation of connective tissues, red blood cells and bones. They also help to maintain healthy immune, nervous and cardiovascular system function; aid in regulating the thyroid; and contribute to proper healing.

Dos & Don’ts

Calorie count is only one piece of the nutritional puzzle. When you’re looking for a healthy granola, do avoid varieties with high amounts of sugar and fat—particularly saturated fat—per serving. However, don’t look for fat-free or sugar-free granola. Many nutritious ingredients, such as nuts, seeds and dried fruit, contain varying amounts of natural sugar and healthy fats that come along with plenty of vitamins and minerals. To play it safe, eat granola that is sweetened only with dried fruit, honey or maple syrup, and that has at least 20 percent of the recommended daily value for fiber. Good fiber content makes.

Nature Treats’s Products and Me


On The Table: Fruit Juice, Almond Milk, and Granola

I usually eat the granola with the low fat milk and fruit pieces. You can add the almond milk or the fruit juice. I don’t like eating granola with plenty of high-sugar fruit pieces and yoghurt because it means that you add more sugar in your bowl. The more sugar you add, the more calorie you gain. So, do eat granola the way it is with milk or juice.

I suggest you to try on the 100% organic almond milk. It tastes so good! The almond aroma is mild, but no ‘beany’ aroma. The taste is similar to soya milk, but milder. It’s better to drink it with the salted caramel granola.


100% Almond Milk


Almmond Milk with Granola as my breakfast


Granola in The Almond Milk

The 100% organic fruit juice is also tasted good and so fresh! It is made from strawberry and pineapple. Sweet and sour into one. Better to drink it every morning or afternoon. I drink juice every day in the morning, more specifically in brunch time. It could help you to lessen your hunger, thus maintaining your weight and body shape.


100% Organic Fruit Juice

So, what are you waiting for? Grab all the organic products of Nature Treats for your body now ♥

Nature Treats

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Line         : naturetreats
Wa / sms : +62812-123-99-792


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[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

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Burgushi – PHX, Grogol

Burgushi Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello burger lovers! This time, I try Burgushi – a burger shop located in PHX, Grogol. Burgushi is at the 2nd floor, near the “lounge”. So, you can buy the burger and eat it in the lounge with full AC. Honestly, the concept of open kitchen in PHX (for almost all food tenants) is very interesting in which the customers can directly see the cooking process from the outside. However, the place is so hot! Better to dine in the lounge. This place is suitable for weekend-hangout for youth.

Back to Burgushi, I ordered 3 menus : Beef Wakame, Tuna Aburi, and Salmon Mentai. All flavors of the burger is from Japanese food, that’s why I call it a fusion between western (burger) and east (japanese food flavor). I also ordered the french fries and the ocha.


Minions Burger Feast





Beef Wakame (35k)

This is Burgushi’s signature dish. So tasty and beefy. The meat is tender, while the wakame tasted good. It does not smell fishy at all. I think it is a good combination to put the healthy wakame inside the patty.

Tuna Aburi (35k)

The tuna meat is tender and good. The roasted tuna tasted good, but tasted salty. It should be sweet. Maybe due to the sauce is lack of sugar at that time.  Overall, it’s good.

Salmon Mentai (40k)

Ths is my favorite burger after Beef Wakame. I love the salmon, the seasoning is just perfect! For you who are on diet, better to choose this. Tasted good and still healthy.

French Fries (15k)

Actually, I don’t like french fries. However, I love the fries in Burgushi. The ‘fat’ shape and seasoning are just perfect for me. Must try!

Overall, I enjoy my lunch in Burgushi. The burger is small, but full of meat. Just enough for my lunch’s portion. The price is economical and you can choose package of burger + french fries+ ocha. Happy eating!


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Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Map of Burgushi
Address: Jalan Dokter Susilo No.342, Grogol petamburan, RT.5/RW.5, Grogol, Grogol petamburan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11450
Hours: 11 AM – 10 PM
PRICE : < IDR 100k/person