Peacock Lounge – Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta

Peacock Lounge - Fairmont Jakarta Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Dalam rangka CNY 2019, Peacock lounge dari Fairmont hotel melaunching “World of Fairmont Afternoon Tea”. Dari seluruh hotel Fairmont yg tersebar di mancanegara, terdapat signature cake dari setiap negara. Mulai dari canape hingga sweet cake, bisa kamu nikmati di sini sharga 488k++, including 2 cups of tea. Aku paling suka salmon sandwich dan savoury canape nya.




Anyway, aku dilayani dari awal sampe akhir oleh Miss Monica, salah satu waitress di Peacock Lounge. Super helpful buat jelasin semua cakenya dan bantuin aku foto2. Cepat tanggap, ramah, dan baik banget. Kalo ke sini, cari Miss Monica deh, Baik banget.





Bertempat di Peacock Lounge yang elegan, Afternoon Tea “The World of Fairmont” disajikan di atas pohon silver yang sangat dekoratif. Setiap cabang memiliki pilihan kue-kue yang menggiurkan yang diciptakan oleh tim pastry berbakat, dimana setiap item memancarkan karya seni yang menggoda selera. Item unggulan termasuk Battenberg Cake dengan resep asli dari The Savoy, London. Kue Battenberg dulu dibuat untuk merayakan pernikahan Pangeran Louis dari Battenberg dengan cucu Ratu Victoria, yaitu Putri Victoria pada tahun 1884. Kue ini dianggap sebagai menu Afternoon Tea paling klasik di Inggris.

Untuk cakenya ada dari beberapa kota di mancanegara, antara lain:



Raspberry Cream Macaron


Jakarta: pandan Cake – ada pandan paste di tengahnya yg harum dan manis, luarnya dicoating white chocolate warna hijau muda
Savoy: Battenberg cake – Cakenya spt lapis tikar dan di luarnya dicoating white chocolate, unik dan manis.
Singapore: chocolate Hazelnut Almond – Crispy almond cakenya dan aku suka bgt choco hazelut cream di tengahnya, jadi udah pasti aku suka cake ini
Dubai : Raspberry Delight – Asam dan segar. Raspberrynya ada di setiap layer cakenya dan aku ga terlalu suka asam, so this is not my favorite one.
Toronto : Lemon Meringue – Merriguenya berasa lemonnya sih, tp nothing special.
Barcelona : Raspberry Cream Macaron – super pretty presentasi macaronnay! Jadi, macaronnya besar, gabisa sekali masuk mulut ya. Like any other macarons, udha pasti manis banget, tp dibalancing sama raspberry fruit di tengahnya. Bikin jadi ga eneg. Yummy!
New York : Cheese cake – classic cheese cake yg simple, tapi enak.
Bali Sanur: Peanut butter Chocolate Tabanan Cake – Aku suka yg ini karena perpaduan peanut butter dan cakenya pas.
Shanghai: Lychee Mousse Tart – Menurutku ga berasa lychee nya ya, tp moussenya soft banget, jadi teksturnya light.
San Fransisco : Mud brownies – browniesnya manis, chewy, tp layer luarnya garing


The World of Fairmont Afternoon Tea tersedia setiap hari mulai jam 1 siang – 5 sore di Peacock Lounge dengan harga Rp. 488.000 ++ per set termasuk dua cangkir teh. Para tamu juga dapat memilih Cava de Codorniu untuk melengkapi afternoon tea dengan tambahan harga Rp. 350.000++ untuk dua gelas cava. Untuk informasi atau pemesanan lebih lanjut, silahkan menghbungi +62 (21) 2970 3333 atau email ke[email protected].





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato and


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Peacock Lounge At Fairmont Jakarta

Peta Peacock Lounge At Fairmont Jakarta

Alamat: Jl. Asia Afrika No.8, RT.1/RW.3, Gelora, Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10270

Hours : 1 PM – 5 PM


PRICE: IDR 300k+/person

La Fleur Cafe, Sunway, Malaysia

Hello from Malaysia! Happy New Year 2019 and hope this year will be filled with lots of blessings for you and me 🙂



So, I want to share you about this cute Unicorn cafe in Sunway, Malaysia which I visited in 2018. The owners are a couple of Korean spouse. The concept is similar with the Unicorn Cafe in Bangkok, where you can rent the costumes for photoshoot.



The cafe is located inside the Sunway GEO Avenue, Ground Floor. The place is small, but it’s decorated with cute stuff such as pink guitar, colorful balls, and unicorn dolls. So pinky and super cute.


For the food and drinks, there are waffles, unicorn cake, and DIY latte.

Unicorn Cake (RM 21.90)


Actually, there is cuter unicorn cake, but I don’t like cream. So, I decided to buy this pink unicorn cake which is a mousse cake. The mousse is soft, has dried apricot (I think) fruit inside, and the presentation is just too cute to be eaten!

DIY Chocolate Latte (RM 15)


Actually, the chocolate latte tastes good and not too sweet. Unlike any other latte in other coffee shops, the latte art is made by ourself. So, I made my own kind of latter art and failed!


Overall, you must visit this cafe while you are in Malaysia since the cafe is so cute and the food is quite OK. The price is a bit pricey, but it’s worth for Instagram.

Happy New Year!







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

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La Fleur X Uniqorn

Peta La Fleur X Uniqorn

Address: 01, E1, 02, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Sunway Geo Avenue, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Hours     : MON- THU 12 PM – 12 AM
                   FRI – SUN     10 AM – 1 AM
Telepon: +60 11-1179 6750
WIFI      : YES
PRICE    : RM 45/person

So Fashion Cafe, Jakarta

So Fashion Cafe Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Buat yang suka foto cantik ala OOTD, wajib banget dateng ke So Fashion Cafe di lantai 2 Mal Taman Anggrek. Sebenarnya udah buka dari awal 2018, tp gw baru sempet ke sini. Tempatnya cantik, didominasi warna putih dan pink sehingga bagus banget buat foto.

Tempatnya kecil, tp ada outdoor area di dalam mal nya (seberang cafenya) dan tempatnya ga kalah cantik. Ada boneka Pink Panther untuk di dalam cafe, sedangkan di outdoor ada boneka Teddy warna pink yg super besar. Gw demen banget sama dekor cafenya dan super nyaman buat nongkrong lama-lama.






Passion olio prawn (69k)


Angel hair pasta dimasak jadi aglio olio dgn udang. Bisa pilih mau sedang atau pedas. Level sedangnya ga berasa pedas, ahnya peppery taste gitu. Buat yg suka pedas, cobain level pedasnya aja. Enak! Porsinya juga banyak. Gw kenyang bgt makan seporsi. Topping udangnya juga ada 7 pcs, cukup generous dgn harga segitu. must try!

Moods Marshmallow Mint Chocolate (43k)


My favorite drink! Chocomint nya enak dan manis (pdhl ud minya half sugar). Mintnya enak, berasa tp gak terlalu kuat. chocoaltenya juga enak. So instagramable and yummy! Must try!

Peach tea (45k)


Peach tea-nya disajikan di atas flamingo balloon. So cute! Peach teanya pake soda, jd seger gitu. Potongan buah peachnya juga besar dan ada 4 pcs. Seger!
Overall, gw nyaman makan di sini. Tempatnya bagus buat foto, pewe buat ngobrol, dan presentasi makanannya menarik. Rasanya juga ga kalah enak.

Here are the OOTD photos!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

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So Fashion Cafe, MTA

Map of So Fashion Cafe, MTA
Address: RT.12/RW.1, South Tanjung Duren, Grogol petamburan, West Jakarta City, Jakarta 11470
Hours: 10 AM – 10 PM
PRICE : IDR 100k/person

Amyrea Art Kitchen, Kelapa Gading

Amyrea Art & Kitchen Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello coffee lovers! Karena lagi demen fotoin kopi dan cari tempat nongkrong yg pewe, gw nemuin Amyrea Art Kitchen deket sebrang Ulisa.


Sebenarnya, Amyrea ini udah berdiri dari 2-3 thn lalu dan sekarang pindah tempat ke Jl. Gading Putih. Tempatnya cukup besar, high ceiling, dan bagus buat foto! Terdiri dari 2 lantai, lantai 1 untuk non-smoking area, sedangkan lantai 2 nya untuk smoking area.




Lampunya bagus dan tangganya juga bagus buat spot foto. Di lantai 1 ada private dining area buat kamu yg mau celebrate special event.






Hazelnut latte (35k)



Cuma ini dan cappucino yg bisa dibuat jadi latte art. Hazelnutnya cocok buat yg ga terlalu suka kopi karena rasanya rounded, milky, aroma kopinya ga strong dan bagus buat difoto.

Peach tea (33k)


Sweet iced tea dengan potongan buah peach yg manis asem. So fresh!

Butter Rice Creamy chicken (55k)


Enak! Must try! Presentasinya unyu kaena butter ricenya dibentuk teddy bear lagi mandi di kolam. Butter ricenya harum dan enak. Creamy chickennya enak, cheesy, milky, tp keasinan buat gw. Dimakan nasi baru pas.


Overall, tempatnya enak banget buat nongkrong bareng temen dan makannnya juga enak. Buat foto juga banyak spot OOTD yg bagus. Recommended buat nongkrong saat weekend.
Selamat mencoba!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

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map expand icon

Amyréa Art & Kitchen

Map of Amyréa Art & Kitchen
Address: Jalan Gading Putih Raya CA2, RT.11/RW.12, Klp. Gading Tim., Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240
Hours: 8 AM – 10 PM
WIFI      : YES
PRICE    : IDR 50-100k/person

Copper Club coffee Shop, Kelapa Gading

Copper Club Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato




Hello coffee lovers! Udah lama banget pengen mampir ke Copper Club, finally sempet juga ke sini. Tempatnya instagramable bgt di social emdia, jadi bikin penasaran pengen OOTD di sini. Tempatnya kecil di area perumahan dan terdiri dari 2 lantai. Lantai 1 lbh terang dan ambiencenya lbh enak buat foto2.





Lantai 2 cantik, dan didominasi warna putih. Bagus sih tp kalo lagi ramai, berisik banget. Seramai2nya lantai 1, ,asih lbh pewe buat foto di lantai 1. So, gw prefer stay di lantai 1.



Dekorasinya bagus, minimalist, simple, vintage, dan cocok buat foto kopi. Gw order 1 latte dan 1 pastry buat cemilan di sore hari.



Houjicha White chocolate Latte (38k)

Karena gw ga suka kopi, gw prefer yg non-coffee nih. Rasanya agak pahit, manis, creamy, roasted, dan kental. I love it! Unik rasanya.

Croissant butter (25k)

Croissant lumayan enak. Harum mentega dan rasanya agak asin. Teksturnya crispy. Mayan buat temen minum latte walaupun belum seenak kompetitornya.




Overall, tempatnya enak buat nyantai bareng temen maupun foto2 OOTD. Harga masih terjangkau, standard coffee shop pada umumnya. Service cepat. Latte nya enak.






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

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Copper Club Specialty Coffee

Peta Copper Club Specialty Coffee

Address: Jl. Tarian Timur Raya blok W1 No. 23, RT.5/RW.9, Pegangsaan Dua, Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240

Hours : 8 AM – 8.30 PM

Phone: 0811-8081-168


PRICE  : IDR 100k/person



Stribe, Kelapa Gading

Stribe Kitchen & Coffee Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! Weekend tuh ga pernah puas kalo ga ke cafe hits yg makanannya enak dan tempatnya bagus buat OOTD. Di Kelapa Gading, ada Stribe buat kamu yg demen makan sambil hangout buat OOTD. Lokasinya sederetan dgn Monks dan Eat Boss. Tempatnya tidak terlalu besar, terdiri dari 2 lantai. Yg bagus utk OOTD adalah lantai 1, sedangkan lantai 2nya untuk smoking area dan non-smoking area tp agak gelap dan kurang bgs utk OOTD.


Untuk minuman dan dessertnya, banyak yg instagrambale, tp gw review yg menurutku OK ya.

Dragon’s Saliva (45k)

isinya campuran buah naga merah, susu, dan sedikit lemon. manis, agak asem, dan blendid gt. So fresh!

Affogato (35k)

Seperti affogato di cafe lain, ice blend avocado sm susu dan disirem espresso. Enak! Manisnya pas, kopinya ga terlalu pahit, dan pas bgt diminum sama ice cream vanilla.

Mocha (38k)

Ice blend kopi susu dgn aroma mocha. Creamy, sweet, melted di lidah. Buat yg suka mocha, yuks dicoba.

Tipsy Hot Cake

Pancake kecil isi 2 panas2 dimakan sama es krim vanilla dan mini Magnum bersamaan. So Yummy! Must try! Presentasinya juga cantik.
Untuk makanannya, aku review yg menurut gw cukup enak ya.


Baked Rice with Hamburg Steak (75k)

Hamburg steaknya enak, empuk, beefy, meaty. Nasinya dikasih bechamel dan brown sauce yg manis gurih. Ada mayo juga dan menurut gw mayo nya merusak rasa. Jadi, agak aneh rasanya. Mungkin krn gw ga suka mayo ya, tapi kalo mayo-nya ditake-out sih enak.

Harvest Bowl (68k)

Toppingnya banyak macem dan bisa pake pork or beef sausge yg digoreng. Makannya diaduk semua macem poke bowl. Enak sih dan ga bikin eneg. Seger malah krn ada sayurannya. Konsepnya healthy, but yummy.

Stribe’s Egg Benedict (68k)

Cocok buat brunch krn mengenyangkan. Gw suka smoked salmonnya ga terlalu smoked aromanya dan bumbunya pas. Toastnya agak keras sih dipotong, mungkin kurang panas.

Classic Caesar Salad (60k)

Saladnya enak! Asin, gurih, cheesy dan ga eneg. Gw bisa habisin saladnya seporsi terus makan main course lainnya. Buat gw sih light ya, jadi bisa habis seporsi dan emang enak.
Ini fot-foto makanan lain di Stribe.
Overall, F&B di Stribe cukup enak dan cantik buat di foto. Tempatnya bagus buat foto karena terang. Harganay standard cafe cantik. Servicenya juga cukup cepat. a perfect place to spend your weekend 






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

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STRIBE Kitchen & Coffee

Map of Stribe Kitchen & Coffee
Address: Jl. Boulevard Timur, RT.8/RW.12, Pegangsaan Dua, Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14250
Hours: MON – SUN 7 AM – 10 PM
PRICE : IDR 100K-200k/person

The Garden, PIK

The Garden Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! Finally, I can have my lunch time at The Garden, PIK. Since it is so hype on Social Meadia with its beautiful decoration for OOTD spot, The Garden has become one of must-visit places in Jakarta. The concept is similar with Onni House which has a small ‘garden’ area for OOTD spot inside the cafe. You must go in the morning to avoid the long waiting list. Once you enter the cafe, you have unlimited time to sit there and taking pictures. There is no rule that you have to leave in a period of time. You cannot do any reservation, only on-the-spot. So, if you want to celebrate anything in The Garden, make sure you come very early in the morning to have a seat.
The place is not so big, quite spacious, and at the back side on the 1st floor, there is a perfect spot for photoshoot. Actually, every areas in this cafe are instagramable. The dining area is only on the 1st, while the 2nd floor is still not yet opened for public.


These are the instagramable spots for doing your hobby: Photography! Prepare your best camera and outfit as well as PATIENT! There are lots of people Q-ing in every spots 🙂




Creamy Chicken Truffle Dumpling (75k)

My most favorite dish! Too creamy actually, but the truffle is so good! There are 4 pcs of chicken dumplings. The creamy sauce is perfectly combined with the truffle to become a delicious dish for your appetizer.

Wonton Bulgogi Taco (90k)

Consists of 4 pcs of fried wonton skin filled with minced beef. The taste is good and the wonton is so crispy. A combination of Chinese and Mexican food.

Panna Cotta Es Kelapa Muda (55k)

This is a must-try dessert in The Garden. The presentation is sweet and pinky. The texture is soft and not as fragile as I eat in other cafes. The fresh coconut ice is sweet and tasty. Must-try!

She’s Slice of Heaven/Mille Crepe (60k)

There are 2 selections of sauce : Taro or Milo. Since I love chocolate taste, I choose the latter. The crepe is creamy, but not too sweet. I can finish it all by myself and the taste is not overwhelmed. Yummy!
Overall, The Garden offers you a fancy place for photoshoot with selections of tasty yet pricey foods and drinks. For me, the dishes that I chose are quite good. I did not try any other foods there. The service is quite good, but you have to wait your food for 15-25 minutes. Enjoy!







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


The Garden PIK

Peta The garden PIK
Alamat: Rukan Garden House Blok B no 28, Jl. Pantai Indah Kapuk, RT.7/RW.2, Kapuk Muara, Penjaringan, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 14460
Jam buka : 11 AM -2 PM (zomato)
Telepon: (021) 22572270
WIFI     : YES
PRICE   : IDR 150k+/persons

Onni House, Jakarta Barat

ONNI House Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello guys! If you are interested in visiting a beautiful cafe without concerning the taste of the food, you are in the right place. However, if you choose to visit a cafe with delicious meal, then you better change the article to be read. I’m gonna post more of my OOTD photos rather than food and drink.



Onni House is a beautiful house, combining with the florist house and also selling vintage stuffs. All the flowers sold there are so beautiful. The decoration is so pretty, as if you are entering a small garden in a house. Actually, the house is not as big as I thought. You better do reservation via phone so that you don’t need to wait at the outside since the cafe is so crowded. Full of waiting lists. They have 20% discount for F&B until August 2018.

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The decoration is too pretty to be missed. I love taking pictures in every corner of the house. I admit that the house is so instagramable. Better to use your standard lens rather than fixed lens because the space is quite small and you might drop some stuffs there. I wore a flower crown which was bought in Turkey (see my Turkey blog here) and a black robe with floral printing. I love my outfit because it is suitable with the decoration.




There are 3 sections for the dining area: indoor (the prettiest area), semi outdoor (vintage lokk and so crowded), and outdoor (smoking area). Since I did the reservation, Onni gave me the most instagramable spot. Yeay! Thank you Onni ♥



As for the food, I just order the main course and 1 appetizer. My friend said that there is Namelaka’s cake, but I was too lazy to wait for another queue because the food came out quite long. You must be patient if you order the food and I suggest you eat at the other restaurants or cafes for your lunch/dinner. The portion is very small.

Here is the menu

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Beef Rice Bulgogi (48k)


The presentation is pretty and tempting. The taste is quite good and the beef is tender. The sweet taste is dominating my palette. I think this is the best dish from all the dishes we ordered.

Nasi Iga Bakar Maranggi (78k)


The beef ribs is small and the meat was so few. The taste is actually quite good with its grill taste. The chili and tomato make the dish taste fresh. However, the taste is so-so.

Garlic Noodles with Dory Sambal Matah (48k)


Actually, it’s aglio olio pasta. The dory pieces is soooo small, placed on top of the pasta. The taste of the aglio olio is good, but nothing special. The dory’s meat is very small, covered by the batter.

Chicken Teriyaki Burger (58k)


The burger is small and bad for the presentation. The sweet and grill taste of the chicken is so-so. The chicken is tender. The burger is fast food restaurants are much better.

Salted Egg Fries (36k)

frech fries

The salted egg spread is not so good. The sweet and creamy taste is actually like butter-sauce rather than salted egg. When you feel it at certain time, you might taste a hint of soft salted egg taste character. However, if my friend did not say that this is salted egg fries, I thought that it is just fries with cream.

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Overall, Onni gives you a new dining experience in a flower house. They give you a beautiful place for doing OOTD photoshoot, but not for culinary experience. The foods are so-so; small portion; and pricey since the small and taste are below my standard. The service is not so good. Sometimes, you have to wait for more than 15 minutes for the food because the place is so crowded. However, I like the decoration of how they make this small house into this pretty small garden.

Happy Holiday!


Don’t forget to visit and get more discount and free deliver with my promo code SBNLAF8Z !







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


ONNI House Jakarta

Peta ONNI House Jakarta
Address: Jl. Tanjung Duren Utara V No.242, Tj. Duren Utara, Grogol petamburan, Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11470

Tuesday 12.00–21.00
Wednesday 12.00–21.00
Thursday 12.00–21.00
Friday 12.00–21.00
Saturday 12.00–21.00
Sunday 12.00–21.00
Monday 09.00–21.00
Telephone: (021) 22956116
WIFI          : YES
PRICE        : 100k+/person

Travel Outfit in Bogor

Maybe it’s a little bit too late to say:



I hope that I could be more positive in this year, be more grateful with what I have and receive as well as giving more than receiving. I just want to be happier and the others could feel the same way. For me, 2017 is a rough year to be a food blogger and I hope I can expand my blog not only about food, but also fashion, travel, photography, and beauty. As a woman, I could not deny myself that I really into fashion and beauty. Sometimes, I wish I could had more time to do different kind of makeup styles.

To start a new year, I went to Bogor for my short escape. Just to refresh my mind out of my heavy work and to think about my resolutions in 2018. I don’t want to just make the resolution, but I want to make them all happen, especially about photography. I did not realize that I love photography! Perhaps, photography tips on my blog? :p

Here are my travel outfit in Bogor. Hope you like my simple outfit 🙂












P.S: Sorry if you don’t like to see myself wearing a pair of sandals. For me, comfortable is No.1! In Bogor, you cannot predict when the rain comes. One day, suddenly the rain comes when we were in a small forest. If I wore wedges/high heels, I could get myself into a mess.

Tips: wearing your best sneakers, flat shoes, or just flippers in traveling. They are your best friends. You could find the pretty slippers in THIS IS APRIL or BERRYBENKA. They sell good leather slippers and comfy shoes with such affordable price 🙂






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

You can see my Non-Food articles on Clozette:

Popolo Coffee, Sentul

Popolo Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato



Hello coffee lovers! There is a hidden gem inside the Taman Budaya Sentul City, across the BCA Learning Centre. Popolo Coffee has 2 locations: Sentul and Bogor. I prefer to go to the former one since I saw in the instagram that the place is unique. It is like a glass-house in a wood. Such a beautiful place for photoshoot. The outside area is for smoking, whilst the indoor area is for non-smoking area.

For more OOTD look in Bogor, kindly read my Travel Outfit in Bogor



Popolo Coffee

When I arrived at the glass house, there were so many people sitting there, taking pictures, and just taking a sip of coffee. Luckily, I got a small table in front of the coffee bar. For me, I was a bit disappointed since the place is not as spacious as seen on instagram. Moreover, the place was crowded although on weekday.


Indoor area


Outdoor area

I admit that the place is simple, minimalist, monochromatic, and beautiful. I spent much time taking some pictures there.



Coffee bar



OOTD spot

I ordered a glass of matcha latte and the barista said that they could make any pictures that you want. I asked him to make a rabbit. Voila! A small blurred rabbit appeared on my matcha latte. Not as good as I expected 



Matcha Latte

My friend said that the coffee was good, but I’m not a coffee lover. Hence, I did not try the coffee. Maybe you could visit this place and tell me what do you like from the food and coffee from Popolo? 


Overall, Popolo Coffee offers you a beautiful and cozy place to hang out with your friends. You could spend hours there taking pictures or doing some work there. Oh yeah, you could also do colouring on a piece of paper and post it on instagram! Happy coffee guys!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Map of Taman Budaya Sentul City
Address: Taman Budaya Jalan Siliwangi no.1, Sumur Batu, Babakan Madang, Sentul City, Jawa Barat 16810
Hours: 9 AM – 6 PM
PRICE : IDR 50k/person