Makan Enak Di Rumah Aja Dengan Hangry App!

Hello guys! Sekarang Jakarta masih PSBB, nah kalo gw sih masih betah dong #dirumahaja sampai kondisi benar-benar normal. Buat sehari-hari, gw sih ga pusing mikirin mau makan apa karena banyak food delivery applications yang memudahkan kita memesan makanan secara online, seperti GoFood dan GrabFood. Gw pernah posting Sea Salt Caramel Latte dari Dari Pada yang menurut gw enak banget! Unik deh rasa lattenya! Nah, sekarang gw mau rekomen ke kalian food brands lain yang masih segrup dengan Dari Pada dalam naungan Hangry Indonesia.

Download Hangry App and get 150k cashback!

Jadi, Hangry Indonesia memiliki brand seperti Dari Pada (coffee dan non-coffee), Nasi Ayam Bude Sari (Indonesian), San Gyu (Japanese), Moon Chicken (Korean), dan Ayam Koplo (Indonesian). Gw udah pernah coba Nasi Ayam Bude Sari karena kulit ayamnya renyah dan nikmat banget diminum sama latte dari Dari Pada. Kalo gw lagi pengen makan masakan Korea dan Indonesia berbarengan, bisa langsung aja order di Hangry App. Cukup sekali klik, makanan dan minuman di semua brand ini bisa diorder dan diantar sekaligus. Sebelum membahas Hangry App lebih detail, gw mau bahas makanan yang udah gw order pakai Hangry App ini ya.



Bagi kamu pecinta kopi, gw rekomen Dari Pada ini. Mereka menjual varian minuman berbasis kopi dan non-kopi tentunya, seperti yakult drink dan milk-based drink. Menu best seller mereka adalah Kopi Susu Gula Aren. Selain itu, ada juga Irish Espresso Latte, Salted Caramel Latte (favorit gw!), Blonde Creamy Latte, dan lainnya. Cocok banget buat nemenin kalian sambil makan Ayam Geprek dari Ayam Koplo atau Chicken Wings dari Moon Chicken. Chicken and coffee, why not?


Nasi Kulit Original

Buat penggemar kulit ayam, yuks order nasi kulit ayam enak dari Nasi Ayam Bude Sari. Kalo kalian inget, gw pernah piknik di rumah ditemenin nasi kulit enak. Nah, itu gw order dari Nasi Ayam Bude Sari yang menawarkan kenikmatan makanan tradisional rumahan seolah kamu sedang berada di rumah Bude di kampung. Cocok buat kamu yang suka kulit ayam dan masakan tradisional seperti gw nih. Gw cobain Bekal Komplit Original dan Bekal Komplit Garing. Isinya ada nasi, ayam goreng, serundeng, paru goreng, kol, sambal, dan kulit ayam. Kebayang kan makan nasi hangat, pake sambel dan kriuknya kulit ayam gurih yang bikin ketagihan tuh nikmatnya gimana… Pas deh buat nemenin kamu WFH di rumah dan mengobati rasa rindu kamu makan makanan bude di kampung.

Ayam Koplo


Ayam geprek emang all-time favoriteya! Apalagi ayam geprek enak. Nah, Hangry Indonesia juga punya brand yang menjual ayam geprek, yaitu Ayam Koplo. Ada pilihan nasi putih atau nasi wangi. Gw order Nasi Wangi Geprek Sambal Matah. Ada size Reguler dan Jumbo loh, tapi gw cukup yang reguler nih. Porsinya udah banyak kok yang reguler menurut gw. Nasi wanginya gw suka karena harum, soalnya mereka pakai rempah di nasinya. Ayam gepreknya dipotong dadu dan bagian kulitnya renyah banget, ditambah pedasnya sambal matah yang bikin makan kamu lebih enak lagi! Sambal matahnya ada harum sereh dan daun jeruk, nah pedesnya juga bisa pilih levelnya loh kalau kamu pesen sambal original. Kamu juga bisa tambah telur ceplok, mozza, dan pilihan topping lainnya.

San Gyu

Para pecinta beef bowl, yuks merapat! Gw mau kasih tau ke kalian kalo beef bowl enak dari San Gyu unik banget karena memadukan Japanese taste dengan Indonesian fusion. Beef bowlnya pakai topping kremes, kebayang ga sih gimana nikmatnya nasi hangat dengan beef sliced empuk, plus renyah dan gurihnya kremesan?? Gw langsung kalap loh makannya. Must try guys, terutama Sambal Aburi Gyudon dan Teriyaki Gyudon. Kalo yang Sambal Aburi Gyudon, beef sliced-nya di-torch dan ada sambalnya yang pedes poll!! Kalo yang suka rasa autentik Jepang, kamu wajib coba Teriyaki Gyudon yang manis gurih.

Udah pada ngiler belom sama makanan dan kopi yang gw order di Hangry App? Nah, kalian bisa memesan semua brand ini dalam satu aplikasi, yaitu Hangry App.

What is Hangry App?

Hangry App adalah aplikasi khusus untuk memesan semua makanan yang berada dalam grup Hangry Indonesia. Kamu cukup memesannya satu kali saja dari aplikasi ini, tidak perlu order dari masing-masing brand. Setelah download aplikasinya, pilih menu yang ada di lima brand tersebut, kemudian bayar menggunakan E-payment. Nanti kurir akan mengantar order kalian sekali saja dari lokasi toko yang sama. Makananmu pun siap disantap di rumah! Makanya, ga heran kan kalo gw betah banget di rumah aja =) Oh ya, kalian juga bisa takeaway order ini dari outlet terdekat dengan lokasi kamu.

Jangan takut lama, karena Hangry App akan mencarikan lokasi outlet terdekat dari lokasimu. Semua brand Hangry Indonesia sudah berada dalam satu lokasi, jadi kurir tidak perlu pergi ke banyak tempat, cukup satu tempat untuk mengambil pesananmu.

How to Use Hangry App?

First of all, tentunya kalian harus mengunduh aplikasi ini di Play Store atau App Store, search : Hangry. Setelah diunduh, kalian isi data diri dan kalian bisa pakai kode referral gw, yaitu “JESS226P” untuk mendapatkan diskon 30% hingga Rp 150.000! Isi di kolom “Kamu punya Kode Referral?”

Setelah itu, kalian akan masuk ke halaman utama dengan tampilan seperti ini.

Saat melakukan pesanan, ada pilihan DELIVERY dan TAKEAWAY. Gw pilih yang DELIVERY untuk diantarkan ke rumah tentunya. Setelah itu akan muncul tampilan seperti ini untuk memilih menu makanan dan minuman yang ingin kalian pesan dari lima brand Hangry Indonesia.

Setiap kalian memilih menu makanan, kalian bisa beri catatan tambahan seperti pilihan level pedas, jenis nasi, topping, dan tambahan topping. Untuk minuman, tentunya kalian bisa memilih sugar level dan banyaknya es. Gampang banget kan?

Setelah memilih semua menu yang ingin kalian pesan, kalian tinggal checkout dan masukkan alamat pengiriman. Jika alamatmu tidak ditemukan di kolom search, cukup tulis di Notes ya. Klik “Pilih Pembayaran” dan masukkan voucher diskon yang bisa kalian pilih seperti gambar di bawah ini.

Selanjutnya, kalian akan menuju halaman “Pilih Pembayaran”. Kalian bisa menggunakan Gopay, OVO, Dana, dan ShopeePay. Sekedar info, jika kalian menggunakan ShopeePay, kalian akan mendapatkan cashback hingga 30% loh! Super asik kan?! Setelah memilih metode pembayaran, tinggal klik “Bayar” dan kalian bisa tracking driver yang mengantar pesananmu. Tentunya, Hangry App akan mencari lokasi outlet terdekat dari lokasimu sehingga tidak perlu waktu lama untuk menyantap makanan dan minumanmu.

What Are The Benefits of Using Hangry App?

Selain mudah dan praktis, kalian juga akan mendapatkan benefit lainnya. Pertama,  kalian akan mendapatkan loyalty point yang bisa kalian kumpulkan dan redeem untuk mendapatkan reward seperti PlayStation! Kedua, kalian bisa membagikan kode referral ke teman-teman dan kalian akan mendapatkan voucher diskon 30% hingga Rp 150.000 setelah teman kalian melakukan pesanan pertama. Ketiga, pembayarannya super mudah, cukup memilih e-payment yang kalian inginkan.

It’s sooo easy! Makan enak ga perlu mahal dan susah, tinggal klik aja di Hangry App, makanan dan minuman kesukaanmu akan hadir tepat waktu. Banyak promo pula =) Jangan lupa pakai kode referral gw “JESS226P” buat dapetin diskon hingga Rp 150.000. Makan happy, dompet juga happy!



IG: @hangryindonesia




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato


You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Fancy Dinner at 91st Street, Jakarta

Pas malam natal, gw cobain makan cantik di 91st street. Lokasinya di dlm Hotel Akmani, Menteng, Jakarta. Tempatnya terpisah jadi 2, ada yg deket bar dan yg satunya deket dekor. Tempatnya tidak terlalu besar, tapi cantik buat foto dan cocon buat event. Konsepnya all u can eat made by order atau bisa ala carte aja. Boleh bgt buat birthday party atau celebration lainnya.LRM_EXPORT_20191228_234040.jpg

Pizza pesto

My favorit! Ada saus pestonya dan rasanya enak. Dimakan panas2 ya.

Crustnya masih garing dan rotinys empuk. Rotinya lebih tebel dari pizza Italia, tapi ga setebal pizza di Indonesia.

Tomato Pizza

Mozarella cheesenya enak bgt dan rasa tomatnya jg enak ga asem bgt.

Pepperoni and beef pizza

Enak dan ga beefy dagingnya.

Teksturnya pizzanya juga sama seperti yg lainnya, empuk dan light.

Aneka Gorengan

Ada f

Ada f

rench fries, fried cassava, dan potato wedges. Friesnya enak, cassavanya berasa manisnya, dan potato wedgesnya garing. Saucenya seperti onion sour cream gitu. Enak bgt sauce nya!

Fried Mozarella

Bentuknya seperti fish finger, harus dimakan panas-panas bisr melted mozarellanya dan bisa ditarik pas dimakan. Menurut gw ini snack yg unuk, sayangnya mozarellanya kurang meleleh dan makan 1 potong aja bikin kenyang.


Ikannya enak, ga amis, aadnya enak dan mashed potatonya lembu

t. Saladnya enak! Seger gitu pake plum sauce.

Roasted chicken

Must Try! Bumbunya meresap di ayam. Dagingnya juga empuk.

Chicken pesto pasta

Salah satu favorit gw krn enak dan bumbu pestonya berasa bgt. Daging ayamnya empuk dan berbumbu. Pestonya ga bikin eneg walaupun rasanya cukup kuiat.
Overall makan di sini pewe bgt krn tmptnya bagus, pewe, dan mknn enak. Servicenya juga oke. Aku cobain yg ala carte, belum pernah yg all you can eat. For the ala carte, I like it!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato


You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



91st Street Restaurant

Address :

Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No.91, RW.4, Gondangdia, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350

Hours : MON -SUN 10 AM -11PM

Phone : +6287825059191


PRICE : IDR 200k/person

Taste The Real Italian Food By Ambiente Ristorante, Aryaduta Hotel

Ambiente Ristorante - Aryaduta Jakarta Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! This time, I went to Ambiente Ristorante at Aryaduta Hotel at Mezzanine floor. The place was spacious, classic, and warm. You could see the bar in front and at the right side, you could take a seat. A classic-vintage decoration for the dining area.



I tasted some new menus for this November. Luckily, I had a chance to try them before launch!


Red Bean and Veggie Soup (NEW)


It was a homemade soup in Italy, directly made by Chef Mateo from Italy. The thick soup was made by red beans, vegetables, and there are some barley to fulfill your hunger. Eating this soup while it’s still warm. The soup was thick and kinda sweet. The beans were tender and well-cooked, but I did not like the barley inside my soup.

Ambiente Black Pizza (128k)


Black is still in hype. The tasty black pizza was made by charcoal black dough, topped with mozarella, cherry tomatoes, smoked salmon, grilled zucchine, marcarpone cheese, and drizzled with truffle oil. The taste was good and I love the Cheese! The smoked salmon and zucchine tasted so good. This is one of my favorite dishes.

Beef Cheek Meatball (NEW)


This is my most favorite dish because the meatball tasted sweet, savoury, and the meat was tender. The mashed potato in the bottom was so good! The dish is simple, but it is completely delicious.

Raviolli Bolognese (NEW)


Eat this while it’s warm. The bolognese was good, sweet-sour taste with the minced meat. The ravioli was quite big, as compared to any other restaurants. Inside the ravioli was the chopped beef. I think it is a wonton in italian-style.

Deep-fried meat cut with Vegetables (NEW)


The lean meat was thin, battered, and deep-fried. The beef was crispy on the outside, but tender in the inside. The garnish tasted good, consisted of zucchine, onion, bell-pepper, etc.


Overall, the food tasted quite good with the real Italian taste. The tasted was dominated by sweet-sour taste from tomatoes and the main ingredient was beef. The beef was good, meaty, and not beefy. Recommended for enjoying your weekend with your spouse, friends, or family.




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato


You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Ambiente Ristorante

Map of Ambiente Ristorante

Located in: Aryaduta Jakarta , Mezzanine Floor
Address: Aryaduta Jakarta, Jl. Prajurit KKO Usman dan Harun No.44-48, RT.7/RW.1, Gambir, Kecamatan Gambir, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10110
Hours        : MON-SUN 11 AM – 11 PM
Telephone: (021) 23521234
PRICE        : IDR 200k/persons


The First Bobba Toast by O’delice Indonesia

Odelice Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Ke sini krn penasaran sama French Toaast Bobba mereka dan kebetulan menang giveawaynya mereka. Gw juga sekalian cobain Unicorn Charcoal Lattenya yg cute abis. Tempatnya di deretan perumahan, sbeerang Rs Abdi Waluyo. Sebenarnya ini rumah tinggal yg bagian depannya dijadikan cafe.

Dekornya simple, ala classic house gitu. Tempatnya terang dan bagus buat foto makanan. Gw cuma cobain 2 menu aja karena masih brunch time.


French Toast Bobba


Ada mozarella cheesenya di tengah dan brown sugar bobbanya enak. Kekenyalannya pas, harum, tp kurang rasa burnt sugar menurut gw. French toastnya enak, empuk dan soft. Fluffy gitu kalo dimakan panas2 karena mozarella cheesenya melted did alam toastnya.

Charcoal latte (39k)


Lagi ada free unicorn, seharusnya nambah 15k kalo mau pake unicorn di lattenya. Basicnya oreo cookies & cream dan enak kok, ga eneg. Gemes abis dah si unicornnya.


Overall, makan di sini enak buat brunch krn variasi menunya lbh coock buat brunck dan lunch sih. Tempatnya juga homey bgt dan bersih. Suka!
Selamat mencoba!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato


You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


O’delice cafe

Map of O'delice cafe

Address: Jl. HOS. Cokroaminoto No.22, RT.3/RW.4, Gondangdia, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350

Operation Hours: SUN – THU 7AM-8 PM  ; FRI 7 AM – 10 PM ;   SAT 10AM -10 PM
Telephone: 0816-1472-651
PRICE: IDR 100k/person





BALUUN by HALUU World Jakarta

I was invited to see the sneak peek (so there were 2 spots that were not ready) of the most beautiful and the hypest exhibition at The Warehouse, Plaza Indonesia 5th floor : BALUUN BY HALUU WORLD! This is their 2nd exhibition in Jakarta. I did not go to their 1st exhibition, unfortunately. So, I came to their 2nd exhibition with “Balloon” for their theme.



Baluun by Haluu World has been open for public starting from 6th June until 25th August 2019. The ticket is available on spot or you can book via Traveloka (click it to directly buy the ticket) and enjoy 10% off by booking via Traveloka. The exhibition opens from 10 AM – 10 PM (last entry is 9.30 PM). The ticket fee is 100k (weekdays) or 120k (weekends & public holidays). I think the price is worth for enjoying the exhibition.



There are about 10 photo spots in Baluun. There are Pond’s trampoline, Colorful Balloon, Tokopedia, Flying Money, Sasa Kitchen, Ball Pool, Pond’s Beauty Section, Bubbles in the Dark (I did not take photo there because the bubbles were not ready), and there were 2 other spots that were not ready.


These are my photos with my friends. So, let’s enjoy the exhibition immediately before the end of August ♥ Tips from me: Make sure you bring your CAMERA (tripod and other big things are NOT ALLOWED). Wear your prettiest and the comfiest clothes. Pastel colour is more prefereable since there are many spots that are dominated with this colour.










Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato


You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



BALUUN by Haluu World

Map of BALUUN by Haluu World

Located in: Plaza Indonesia

Address: The Warehouse, Plaza Indonesia Level 5, RT.9/RW.5, Gondangdia, Menteng, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta

Hour: MON – SUN 10 AM – 10 PM (last entry 9.30 PM)
AVAILABILITY : 6th June – 25th August 2019
TICKET   : IDR 100k (weekdays) or IDR 120k (weekends & public holidays)
Discount 10% off via Traveloka/Xperience Apps

Lee Palace, Harmoni Exchange, Hayam Wuruk

Lee Palace Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! Got back to Lee Palace again with some of my friends since the dimsum dishes are so cute! From the latest visit, I just tried some dishes and it was so crowded! So, I decided to do a reservation for this visit. On weekends, Lee Palace has several sessions and each for 2 hours. You just have 2 hours starting from 10 AM. Better to do reservation 3 days prior your visit.


Located on the 3rd floor of Harmoni Exchange (HXC) Mall, the place was quite big and they have VIP rooms too. However, I don’t know the minimum spending for VIP room. If you want to have good photos like mine, you can ask them to give you the table besides the front window.



Let’s go to the dim sums! Note: dim sums are available from  10AM – 5 PM (10.00-17.00 WIB). One portion of all dim sums consist of 3 pieces.


All prices written here are exclude 10% PPN and 6% Service Charge.

Minion salted egg pao (19.8k)



This is the cutest buns so far! The salted egg filling tastes good; sweet and melted in your mouth. Recommended for photo shoot.

Doggy-style spring rolls (18.8k)


The spring rolls filled with vegetable, but they make the spring rolls in dog shape. For me, the taste is so-so.

Ham Sui Kok in Elephant Shape (17.8k)


The fried glutinous filled with chicken is shaped into elephant’s head. So cute! The taste is also good.

Siomay hisit (18.8k)


The siomay is so-so, not tasty enough as compared to the other siomay from the other restaurants.

Steamed Hakao with Lychee and Shrimp (18.8k)


The hakau has fushia (dark pink) colour, filled with shrimp as small pieces of lychee. The skin is too thick and the taste is so-so.

Chasiu pao (17.8k)


The pork buns are not decorated into cute shapes and the taste is not so good. Too plain.

Seafood chong fan (19.8k)



The chong fan is tasty and the skin is not too thick. Try it!

Three-flavored egg tarts(16.8k)


The egg tart’s custards are chocolate, matcha, and original. The Original and Matcha are quite good, but the Chocolate is tasteless.

Fried Puff in Swan (19.8k)



This is good. The puff is so crispy and the filling is tasty! The puff is filled with sorted of vegetables.

Deep-fried Pumpkin Puff Roll (18.8k)


The presentation is so cute! The pumpkin cake is fried and shaped into pumpkin. The filling is sweet-savoury chicken pieces. Must try!

Deep-fried Sesame Balls with Green Tea Skin (19.8k)


The glutinous balls are filled with green tea custard and fried. The balls are soft in the inside and crispy at the outside. The custard is not too sweet and tasted good. So yummy!

Deep-fried Minced Black Mushroom and Chicken Buns (18.8k)


The shape is just like big Shitake mushrooms! So cute! The buns are filled with sweet chicken and mushrooms pieces. Quite good.

Overall, the dim sums have eye-catching and cute presentation. However, the taste is so-so. The price is quite affordable as compared to any other restaurants. The restaurant’s service is slow and not fast enough to serve all of the food and drinks on time. Maybe because of the crowd. to sum up, bad service, moderate taste o food, but eye-catching presentation.
Happy eating!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Lee Palace Chinese Restaurant

Map of Lee Palace Chinese Restaurant

Address      : Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.6, RT.6/RW.2, Kb. Klp., Gambir, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10120

Hours         : 10 AM – 10 PM
Telephone : (021) 22035818
WIFI           : YES
PRICE         : IDR 100k/person (dim sum)

Eight Treasures, Thamrin

Eight Treasures Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello meat lovers! Finally cobain juga makan di Eight Tresures yg populer dengan daging yang disajikan di ‘jemuran’ kecil ini. Lokasinya terletak persis di sebelah Taste Paradise di Plaza Indonesia lantai 4. Kalo dari lobby Starbucks, kamu naik escalator di depan Dior sampai lantai paling atas. Then, you will see the restaurant at the right side.
Interiornya ala high class Chinese restaurant. Dekorasinya cantik dan elegant. Pas masuk, ramai banget dan ternyata memang dibatasin jam makannya. Tiap sesi hanya diberi waktu 2 jam: pk 13.00-15.00; pk 15.00-17.00; dst. ini BUKAN ALL YOU CAN EAT ya. Di sisi sebelah kiri terdapat sederetan ruangan VIP dengan minimum payment IDR 3 jt++. Benefitnya, private bgt, ga ada batas waktu makan, dan dilayani sangat baik dengan para waitressnya. Minusnya, ruangannya remang dan ga bagus untuk foto makanan.

Appetizer (42k – 68k++)

Kita pesan fried wonton, chicken lollipop, glazed chicken ala Korea gitu, dan corn tempura. Fried wonton sih so-so ya, bukan yg wow gimana gitu. Glazed chickennya manis, empuk, dan enak karena ayamnya dimarinated dgn bumbunya sampe meresap dgn baik. untuk corn tempuranya, mereka pakai jagung muda manis yg digoreng tepung. Yummy!

Soup (68k++)


Ini soupnya saja udah enak. Ada 4 pilihan soup : Szechuan Mala, Herbal chicken soup, Cartilage / Collagen Soup, dan Chicken African Coconut Soup. kami pilih yg best seller, yaitu Collagen Soup (pork) dan Herbal Chicken soup. Buat yg suka gurih dan creamy, kamu pilih aja yg Collagen. Awalnya soupnya amis, tp pas kamu rebus dengan garlic, cabe rawit, daging, sayuran, soupnya jadi enak banget! Walaupun pas dining, lemaknya berubah jadi krsital semua Guilty pleasure bgt ya.
Untuk herbal soup, ada pahit ginsengnya gitu dan ga semua orang suka. Pas kamu masak dengan daging & sayuran, soupnya berubah jadi kaldu dan manis. Enak! Gw lebih suka yg herbal karena ga bikin eneg.

US Angus Prime Short Ribs (112k -168k++/ jemuran)

Harga ga bohong sih akrena dagingnya enak banget, empuk, soft, dan high quality. Ga ada alot sedikit pun. Enak abnget!

Pork (start 98k++)

Pork is the best! Presentasinya yg Iberico Pork Barriguera beenr2 bagus karena dibentuk menjadi mawar. Satu porsi hanya ada 2 mawar. Dagingnya beneran empuk, fatty, dan juicy. Ga amis lemak. Nagih! Pork Belly nya juga enak karena rich dan fatty, tapi ga bikin eneg.

Vegetables and Fried Beancurd Skin (start 26k++)

Kamu bisa pilih jamur dan sayuran mau mau kamu tambahkan di soupnya. Kulit tahunya wajib pesan karena enak! Teksturnya mirip perut ikan, tp ga sekenyal itu.

Paket Treasure A,B,C,D (588k – 1.28 mio ++)

Tiap paket berbeda, terutama di pilihan daging dan seafoodnya. Paket D yg termahal, bisa ambil Hoisom premium! Gw pesan yg paket C untuk 10 orang. Kalo paket ! seperti di gambar gw ini. Sederhana banget tapi mahal.

Assorted Dumpling Platter (38k – 72k++)

Isinya ada yg Prawn & Pork, Vegetable & Pork, Prawn, Fish, dll sesuai yg kamu mau. Dumplingnya full daging, ga dicampur banyak tepung, tp jadinya agak keras dagingnya karena padat banget.

Sauce (free)

Ada saus kacang halus, garlic mentah, cabe rawit, kecap asin yang bisa kamu racik sendiri atau minta bantuan waitress untuk emraciknya sesuai keinginan level pedasnya. Sausnya sih enak banget dan cocok buat masukin ke kuahnya.
Overall, semua makanan di sini rata-rata terbuat dari high quality ingredient dan enak.Sayangnya, porsinya kecil dan kamu harus nambah di luar paket (kalo kamu pesan paket). Dagingnya harus nambah terus dan bukan all u can eat (ayce) sepuasnya. Jadi, kalo kamu mau agak irit ya jangan pesan daging kebanyakan. Dagingnya per jemuran cuma 8 sliced tipisss. Kalo kamu emang pilih quality, kamu wajib cobain Eight Treasures. Namun, kalo kamu lebih concern ke porsi dan harga, better you choose AYCE restaurant karena Eight Treasures adalah restoran untuk upper class market.
Selamat mencoba!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Address: Plaza Indonesia, Lantai 4. Jl. MH Thamrin, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat

Phone  : 021 29923129, 08119698688

Hours  : 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM, 06:00 PM – 10:00 PM


PRICE  : IDR 300k ++/person

Honu, Thamrin

HONU Central Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


My most favorite Poke Bowl in Honu

Hello salmon lovers! Sebenarnya udah lama banget denger Honu di Kemang, tapi belum kesampean nyobain karena jauh dari rumah dan kalo gojek ke rumah pun terlalu lama. Finally, cobain juga Honu di cabang Menteng. Lokasinya di belakang Sarinah, bersebrangan dengan Gereja St. Theresia. Tempatnya kecil, terdiri dari 2 lantai. Lantai 1 hanya ada 2 meja yang bisa muat 4-6 orang per meja, sedangkan di lantai 2 lebih lega dan lebih banyak meja. Gw pilih makan di lantai 2 yg lebih luas.


Two & Two : Salmon in Tuna in 1 bowl


1st floor decoration


the corner of the 2nd floor


The infamous poke bowls

Untuk makanan dan minumannya, gw bahas satu per satu ya

Yugo (55k)

Isinya ada salmon sashimi cube dengan shoyu (light taste, manis, asin gitu), edamame, wakame, tobiko, dan japanese purple pickles. Nasinya pulen, sedikit sticky spt nasi Jepang pada umumnya. Salmonnya fresh, ga amis, teksturnya empuk banget! original taste dari poke bowl, tapi gw suka karena light dan bisa makan banyak.

Torched (70k)

This is my most favorite bowl! Rasanya gurih, creamy, sweet, dan enak! Salmon dan salmon belly aburinya enak banget, baik dari segi rasa dan teksturnya yang empuk. Buat yg suka mayonnaise, wajib cobain ini! Recommended nih!

Superbowl (60k)

Salmon dengan miso lemon saucenya bikin poke bowl ini asem manis seger! Misonya agak feremented, sedikit asin, tapi cocok dimakan dengan nasi dan toppingnya. Crispy kalenya yang bikin bowl ini jadi makin mantep karena cripsy banget!

Two n Two (50k)

Ini adalah salah satu menu yg gw suka dari Honu. Yg ini wajib coba buat pecinta salmon dan tuna. Kalo bingung mau pilih tuna atau salmon, makan aja keduanya di Two n Two bowl ini. Disajikan dengan wakame, lettuce, carrot, tempura crunch, dan pakai creamy sauce enak. Tuna-nya fresh, terlihat dari warna pink kemerahannya yang cantik. Teksturnya empuk, kenyal, dan ga berbau amis sedikitpun. Must try!

Matcha latte iced/hot (35k)


Matchanya autentik jepang karena pakai matcha powder asli yang dicampur dengan soy milk/fresh milk (bisa kamu pilih mau susu apa) dan honey. Rasnaya enak dan bold! Karena ada honey, makanya matchanya jug amanis alami tanpa penambahan gula lagi. Recommended!!

Overall, gw puas banget makan di sini. Selain karena makanan yang enak dan porsinya cukup banyak (kenyang loh!), harganya juga terjangkau. Servicenya OK, cepat, dan ramah. Tempatnya juga pewe buat nongkrong.
Selamat mencoba!







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Honu Central

Peta Honu Central

Address: Jl. H. Agus Salim No.60, RT.8/RW.4, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350
Hours : MON – SUN 10 AM – 9.30 PM
Telephone : (021) 21231449
PRICE : IDR 50k – 100k / person







WAKI Japanese BBQ, Thamrin

WAKI Japanese BBQ Dining Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello meat lovers! I think some of you have already heard that WAKI Japanese BBQ has the best beef in town! That’s right! I agree with them. It’s my pleasure to get invitation from WAKI itself and to make my own HONEST review about their food.



WAKI is located in Thamrin, more precisely on the 2nd floor of Metro Coffee. You will recognize the logo (big cow’s head) on the rooftop. The Metro Coffee itself is also pretty and suitable for OOTD photoshoot. Back to WAKI, the place is quite big and spacious. It has 3 VIP rooms which are all connected into 1 big VIP room for an event. The VIP room is very private and soundproof. WAKI has also semi-private rooms in which the place is only separated with partition and not soundproof. So, you can see the dining area from the semi-private room. It is more spacious rather than VIP room. The dining area is the place for less than 6 people. There is also a bar for alcoholic drinks. This place is suitable for holding a celebration or event.



WAKI serves you the most excellent quality of beef and halal foods with affordable price. There are promotions for set menu and lunch menu as well for only 49k to 69k, including Rice bowls and Gyutandon with free salad and soup. No pork, no lard. The market target is for middle up section, but the price is not as expensive as I thought before.Since they serve alcholic drinks, they also serve Korean side dishes. They said that Korean dishes are perfect for alcholc drinks. So, don’t get confuse if you see many Korean dishes on the menu book. It still a Japanese restaurant.



Are you ready to get hungry? *Drool

I could not help myself not to get tempted while looking all of these photos.



Kimchi (29k)


The kimchi is delicious; not only for the seasoning , but also from the cabbage’s texture. Originally, the cabbage is fermented for 7 days, but in WAKI, the fermentation process is only 3 days. This will result in crunchy texture of the kimchi and less sour. The spiciness and sourness are lower than Korean Kimchi. It is a good point when a Japanese restaurant can make a tasty kimchi.

WAKI Salad (45k)


This is my favorite dish. The Salad is fresh and has katsuobushi on top. There is tofu as well. The sesame dressing is very good;with its thick texture and bold taste. Super yummy!

Chijmi (59k)


It is a Korean pancake with WAKI special sesame sauce. I like the pancake because the texture is so crunchy on the outside and soft in the inside.

Kalbi soup (39k)


It is a spicy short ribs beef soup  with beef broth and vegetables. The beef is tender and the broth si quite good. For me it is not spicy, only the red colour makes it looked spicy.

Chapjae (95k)


The chapjae is delicious! The glass noodle is perfectly cooked with the sweet savoury seasoning. Must try!



WAKI Platter for 4-5 pax (389k)



RECOMMENDED! You must order this platter. The platter is quite big and suitable for 4-5 persons. You must eat them with this sequence : gyutan, kalbi, and jyo kalbi. Don’t get mix up since you will ruin your taste palette. The gyutan is so tender, perhaps the best beef tongue I’ve ever eaten. The kalbi is so juicy, meaty, and tender.

Moriawase (415k)



NEW MENU! It’s less than a month since WAKI serves this menu. The platter consists of the excellent quality of meat in which saikoro is my favorite! You may try the kalbi, jyo kalbi, harami, saikoro, and misuji in Moriawase platter. I think this is the best platter you’ll get in WAKI. MUST TRY! You can eat the beef with their sauce: Sweet onion sauce (my favorite), Lemon sauce, and Savoury sauce.


Ippon Kalbi (85k)


It is a tender long strip marinated meat in a small pot.The ribs is marinated with onion sauce, then grilled and cut into small pieces. You may taste the sweet taste when you chew the meat.

Tokujyo Kalbi  – PREMIUM Japanese A4 Wagyu Short Rib (279k)



This is the most premium and excellent quality of the meat that WAKI has. It only consists of 5 pieces in one plate. The pinkish red colour looks tempting. When you grill the meat, hmmm you can smell the delicious meat. The texture and the taste are excellent. Very recommended!

Premium spicy gyutan don set (75k+) and Lunch set menu (49k+)



All the set menu include Free soup dan salad.The beef sliced is tender and the sauce is tasty. It’s not the same with any other Japanese restaurant. BBQ lunch set starts from 69k and the rice bowl set meal starts from 49k.


Gyutan: beef’s tongue
Kalbi : sliced beef shortplate
Jyo Kalbi : sliced beef strip-loin
Harami : sliced hanging tender, a lean cut of beef with a bold flavor.
Saikoro: diced beef tenderloin
Misuji : sliced oyster blade

WAKI Rice (25k)


Rice drizzled with WAKI sauce and topped with nori, scallions, and sesame seeds. The rice is so tasty! Tasted like rice bowl without meat.



Mochi Ice Cream


The mochi ice cream is good. The mochi is chewy and the black sesame ice crema inside the mochi is also good. Yummy!

Ice cream (19k-25k)


There are 5 flavors of ice cream : vanilla, strawberry, coffee, matcha, and black sesame. The strawberry is made from the fruit itself. You may know it from the gritty texture. The Coffee and Matcha are the best! They are my favorite and not too sweet.

Overall, you will have NO REGRET after having your meal in WAKI. They serve the best quality of meat and the price is still affordable. The place is cozy, the service is good, and many selections of meat that you can try. You can indulge yourself in WAKI and I guarantee that you will satisfy with the food. Happy eating!


Don’t forget to visit and get more discount and free deliver with my promo code SBNLAF8Z !







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


WAKI Japanese BBQ Dining

 Peta WAKI Japanese BBQ Dining
Address: Metro Coffee Lantai 2, Jl. Tanjung Karang No.5, RT.11/RW.20, Kebon Melati, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10230
Hours: 11 AM-10 PM
Telephone: 0812-9010-9624
PRICE : IDR 100-150k/pax

Enmaru, Thamrin

Enmaru Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato





Hello sushi lovers! Kali ini diinvite sama Pergikuliner dalam acara Pergikuliner Alpha yang ke-2 edisi Valentine. Buat yang belum tahu Pergikuliner itu apa, yuk klik link Pergikuliner nya. Jadi, ini semaca m food app yang paling lengkap untuk cari informasi alamat, no telepon, dan menu kuliner enak di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, dan Surabaya, Indonesia. Paling update deh kalo ada restoran/cafe baru. yuk intip review gw di

Back to Enmaru, lokasinya di lantai 46 The Plaza Office Tower, selantai dengan Altitude Grill. Tempatnya minimalis, elegant, bagus, dan kamu bisa melihat kota Jakarta dari jendelanya yang besar. Kalo siang bagus untuk foto dan kalo malam juga bagus karena bisa melihat view kota Jakarta yan gindah di malam hari. Untuk tempatnya bisa menampung sekitar 100 orang dna ada juga 2 ruang VIP. Kalo untuk OOTD memang kurang bagus ya, tapi kamu bisa foto di Altitude kok 




Di Enmaru ada set menu dan ada juga all you can eat – sistemnya by order, bukan buffet/prasmanan yang mabil sendiri. Jadi, kamu pesan makanan yang ada di menu, boleh aja semuanya asal dihabiskan ya. All you can eat nya hanya ada di hari Sabtu, Minggu, dan public holiday mulai pk 12.00 – 14.30 WIB (last order). Servie di sini awalnya cepat, tapi karena all table dibooked (full capacisty), jadinya mereka kewalahan dan makanan yang keluar tidak sesuai pesanan. Ada juga makanan yang nyasar di meja lain. Need to improve their service.

Mejaku cukup banyak memesan sushi, sashimi, kushyiaki, dan appetizer.
Minumnya free flow ocha. Presentasi untuk hampir setiap makanannya cantik untuk difoto, seneng deh!




Makanan yang gw coba, antara lain :

Foie Gras Chawan Mushi 

Chawan mushi-nya kecil, imut, dna enak! Ga amis telur maupun foie gras padahal gw bisa mual kalo makan yang amis. Sausnya enak karena gurih, manis, dan pas banget. Tekstur telurnya mirip custard pudding. Must try!
Chawan mushi disini beda sama chawan mushi yg pernah gw coba. Chawan mushi 2.

Wagyu Risotto 

Penampilannya simple dengan potongan wagyu di atasnya. Rasanya agak manis, not so good for me. Wagyu nya empuk dan enak.

Ebi Tempura dan Ebi Mayo


Kita pesan ebi tempura dan ebi tempura dengan saus mayo. Gw lebih suka ebi tempura original walaupun sausnya plain. Yang ebi mayo enak, tapi biasa sih. Mirip udang mayonnaise.

Unagi Gohan tanpa Gohan (tanpa nasi)

Menu ini custom, harusnya unagi-nya disajikan dengan nasi putih. Karena udah pada mulai kenyang, jadi kita order tanpa nasi. Unaginya enak banget! Crispy, ga amis, dan sausnya manis gurih enak.

Wagyu Tongue Kushiyaki 

Gw cobain lidah sapi untuk pertama kalinya (alergi sapi nih!) karena penasaran pada bilang enak. Benera enak! Dagingnya empuk dan ga bau beefy seperti daging sapi pada umumnya.

Tori Momo Kushiyaki 3 kinds of Moriwase 

Sausnya kurang enak walaupun dagingnya ayamnya cukup enak. Gw paling suka yg spicy miso dari 3 jenis saus : Negi Shio, Basil, dan Spicy Miso.

Unagi Cheese Tempura Roll

Sushinya di-deep fried, makanya mantep! Unaginya crispy dan cheesenya berasa.

Unagi Tempura & Cheese Ika Sumi Roll

2018_0210_13010700-01.jpegPenampilannya unik karena sushinya warna hitam. Cream cheesenya kurang berasa, tapi overall lumayan enak.

Tori Tsukune Kushiyaki 3 Kinds of Moriwase 

DSCF3382 - Copy.JPG
Baso tusuk dengan saus cheese, tare, dan spicy mayo. Gw paling suka spicy mayo, tapi overall biasa aja sih.

Aburi Salmon Spicy Roll 

Enak! Sushinya kecil tapi aburi salmonnya banyak.

Sashimi 3 Kinds of Moriwase



Presentasinya cantik semua (ada yang di big plate maupun di boat) dengan dry ice yang bikin looksnya mewah. Sashimi-nya fresh semua, empuk, dan ga amis. Recommended!

Tofu Salad 

Tofu nya lembut & enak. Wakame saladnya enak dan gurih. Seger! Porsinya juga banyak.

Buta Bara Kushiyaki 3 Kinds of Moriwase

Babinya enak tapi berlemak. Aromanya harum dan bikin laper. Tingkat kematangan babinya OK, dagingnya empuk, dan sausnya enak semua. Must try!

Small Japanese Soba dan Udon (cold/hot)

Sobanya enak dan kuah dashinya light. Enak dan agak manis kuahnya. Kalo yg udon, kuahnya disiram panas-panas dari teko. Bagus buat difoto dan udonnya juga enak.


Salmon Salad


Rasanya mirip Tofu Salad, tapi toppingnya salmon sashii fresh. So delicious, so fresh! I love all the salads!

Salmon Teriyaki


Salmon-nya enak, saus teriyakinya pas. Perfect! Tapi jangan expect salmon skinnya crispy seperti chipsnya soalnya ini di-grill, jadi ga mungkin crispy.

Maguro Shouga Yaki


Stir-fried tuna dnegna ginger sauce. Enak dan ga amis. Dagingnya empuk dan sausnya bikin nagih! Must try!

Sebenarnya, masih banyak menu lain yang gw coba, tapi yang membekas di lidah gw adalah 16 menu di atas. Overall, tempat ini termasuk ok untuk all you can eat seharga 400k++ karena menunya premium quality. Makan di sini sepuasnya dengan kualitas terbaik deh!

Terima kasih Pergikuliner!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Enmaru Japanese Restaurant

Map of Enmaru Japanese Restaurant
Address: The Plaza Office Tower Lantai 46, Jalan M.H. Thamrin No.28 – 30, RT.9/RW.5, Gondangdia, Menteng, RT.9/RW.5, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350
Hours :
SUN – THU : 12 – 10.30 PM
FRI – SAT    : 12 – 11 PM
PRICE : IDR 400k++/person