STACK – Stack Your Own

Stack Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


Yeay finally kesampean juga cobain Stack! Lagi hype foto2nya di socmed dan penasaran pengen cobain. Pas dateng ke sana ternyata tempatnya kecil, tapi terdiri atas 2 lantai. Rame banget! Jadi, lantai 1 hanya untuk order dan take away. Lantai 2 untuk dine in : ada outdoor (smoking) dan indoor (non-smoking). Di Stack, konsepnya grab & go, makanannya dipack di dalam box. Boxnya bisa kamu makan sambil jalan (on the go) ataupun dine in sebagai pengganti piring.


Aku prefer di lantai 2 indoor karena lbh pewe dan ada wastafelnya di pojok belakang. Cahaya buat foto juga lbh bagus di indoor deket jendela.





* All price exclude Tax & Service

Steak Stack (77k)


Yg ini isinya Austalian Sliced Steak dgn signature Stack Sauce. Rasanya manis, agak gurih, dan dagingnya empuk. Isinya ada 6 pcs kecil2, jadi gampang masuk mulut. Yummy!

Lobster Stack (77k)


Gw liat hampir smeua order ini, jadinya penasaran deh. Di sini rotinya empuk, garing di kulit luarnya. Lobsternya kecil2 dan ada lemon sauce gitu. Unik rasanya antara creamy dan sour. Enak!

Truffle Brie Burger (115k)


Yg aku suka adalah beef patty-nya yg tebel dan 2 tumpuk! Saucenya enak, gurih, tp aku ga cium aroma truffle. Masih lebih kuat aroma truffle di french friesnya.

Apple Pie Stack (45k)


My favorite karena aku suka yg manis2. Unik deh, rotinya isi custard cream yg lembut dan manisnya pas, creamy, milky gitu. Leleh di mulut.Berasa kayu manisnya seakan2 kamu makan apple pie gitu. Must try!

Truffle Fries (35k)


Pas boxnya dibuka langsung wangi trufflenya  Parah enak bgt, apalagi ada keju di atasnya dan truffle oilnya bener2 bikin gw lahap makanin french friesnya.

Onion Ring (30k)


Aku suka bgt onion ringnya krn tekstur crunchy nya yg pas dan ga tepungan. Mantep banget! Recommended!

Cookies & Cream Coffee Milkshake (39k)


Enak nih milkshakenya, ga eneg krn berasa kopinya di awal. Balance bgt antara cookies cream oreo, susu, dan kopinya (sedikit doang kopinya). Cocok buat yg ga suka kopi karena ini beneran seenak itu.

Vanilla Regal Milkshake (39k)


Minuman hype dlm format milkshake. Berasa vanilla ice cream dan regalnya. Unik dan lbh enak dari vanilla regal yg pernah gw cobain! Manisnya pas, ga eneg, dan milky.

Overall, makanan dan minuman di sini enak. Rotinya juga empuk dan lbh baik dimakan selagi panas. Tempatnya terlalu kecil sih dan kalo lagi rame siap2 waiting list.





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato


You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Map of Stack

Address: Jl. Wijaya I No.64, Petogogan, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12170
Hours   : MON – SUN 10 AM – 10 PM
WIFI     : NO
PRICE   : IDR 100k/person

Burgushi – PHX, Grogol

Burgushi Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello burger lovers! This time, I try Burgushi – a burger shop located in PHX, Grogol. Burgushi is at the 2nd floor, near the “lounge”. So, you can buy the burger and eat it in the lounge with full AC. Honestly, the concept of open kitchen in PHX (for almost all food tenants) is very interesting in which the customers can directly see the cooking process from the outside. However, the place is so hot! Better to dine in the lounge. This place is suitable for weekend-hangout for youth.

Back to Burgushi, I ordered 3 menus : Beef Wakame, Tuna Aburi, and Salmon Mentai. All flavors of the burger is from Japanese food, that’s why I call it a fusion between western (burger) and east (japanese food flavor). I also ordered the french fries and the ocha.


Minions Burger Feast





Beef Wakame (35k)

This is Burgushi’s signature dish. So tasty and beefy. The meat is tender, while the wakame tasted good. It does not smell fishy at all. I think it is a good combination to put the healthy wakame inside the patty.

Tuna Aburi (35k)

The tuna meat is tender and good. The roasted tuna tasted good, but tasted salty. It should be sweet. Maybe due to the sauce is lack of sugar at that time.  Overall, it’s good.

Salmon Mentai (40k)

Ths is my favorite burger after Beef Wakame. I love the salmon, the seasoning is just perfect! For you who are on diet, better to choose this. Tasted good and still healthy.

French Fries (15k)

Actually, I don’t like french fries. However, I love the fries in Burgushi. The ‘fat’ shape and seasoning are just perfect for me. Must try!

Overall, I enjoy my lunch in Burgushi. The burger is small, but full of meat. Just enough for my lunch’s portion. The price is economical and you can choose package of burger + french fries+ ocha. Happy eating!


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Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Map of Burgushi
Address: Jalan Dokter Susilo No.342, Grogol petamburan, RT.5/RW.5, Grogol, Grogol petamburan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11450
Hours: 11 AM – 10 PM
PRICE : < IDR 100k/person