Wang Dynasty, Jakarta

Wang Dynasty Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers!
Kali ini gw cobain dimsum unyu di Wang Dynasty. Lokasinya di seberangnya Central Tomang. Terdiri dari 5 lantai: lantai 1 restoran,, lantai 2 Kopi Apang dan ada area outdoor. Lantai 3 dan 4 ruang VIP untuk acara (married, sangjit, birthday, dll). Lantai 5 nya Kitchen: keren bgt kitchennya dan bersih! Ada GMP nya juga loh!







LRM_EXPORT_20190330_215603-01Gw order Avocado Coffee yg menurut gw mayan enak. ayangnya, avocadonya agak pahit, tp ngeblend dengan kopi dan es krim vanillanya.


Semua dimsum unyu gw cobain dan rata-rata enak.
1. Minion paonya isi pasta jagung, jadi rasaya manis gitu.
2. Hedgehog pao isinya red bean paste. Netral, manisnya pas.
3. Rose Bun: ga ada isinya, jd mendingna minta susu kental manis buat dicocol.
4. Penguin pao: isinya daging ayam spt isi pangsit gt.
5. Bola udangnya enak, isinya melted mozarella. Must try!
6. Tim lumpia kulit tahu, hakau, pangsit scallop, xaio long bao, chasiu (ayam) pao, pangsit goreng: rasanya enak2 aja spt dimsum pada umumnya.
7. Tumis lobak saus X.O.: enak! Mirip kwetiau goreng gitu. So yummy!
8. Onde wijen: enak, empuk, dan manisnya pas.


story_1553957136998.jpg1. Bebek peking: sausnya enak, manis gurih gt dan gw ga makan bebek jd gw gatau rasanya gmn. Yg pd cobain sih bilang enak dan empuk, kulitnya crispy
2. Tim ayam jahe (chamkee): Enak karena bumbunya menyerap di daging ayamnya. Rasanya gurih, dan ayamnya empuk, ga banyak lemak.
3. Brokoli 2 rasa: Jadi brokolinya dimasak dengna thau sutra dan disiram saus dgn telur. Enak kok, tp ga bikin nagih
4. Kailan 3 jamur : kailannya empuk, ga alot dan jamurnya enak.
Overall, dimsumnya enak dan main coursenya enak, terutama ayam jahenya. Tempatnya juga bagus dan bisa untuk event besar. Servicenya cepat tp keluar makannya agak lama menurut gw.
Selamat mencoba!






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Wang Dynasty

Peta Wang Dynasty
Address: Jl. Ratu Kemuning No.1, RT.9/RW.13, ABCD, Kb. Jeruk, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11510
Hours:EVERY DAY 10 AM – 10 PM
Telephone: (021) 5668889
PRICE : IDR 150k/person

Orient Wu, Muara Karang, Jakarta

Orient Wu Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! First time ke Orient Wu yg belum lama ini buka. Lokasinya dekat dengan Becca Bakehouse. Tempatnya cukup besar dengan dekor oriental khas chinese restaurant. Ambiencenya cozy dan enak buat makan sambil ngobrol bareng keluarga.



Bentar lagi perayaan Cap Go Meh (15 hari setelah Imlek) dan Orient Wu melaunching paket Lontong Cap Go Meh untuk 5-10 orang mulai dari IDR 688k+! Affordable bgt karena porsinya banyak dan enak semua! Aku beneran kaget karena lontong cap go meh seenak ini dan I love it! Paket ini terdiri dari Lontong cap Go Meh, Es Teh/Teh hangat, Es Shanghai, dan Dim sum.

Lontong Cap Go Meh



1. Lontong: berasnya pulen dan enak dimakan sama lauk2nya
2. Udang Galah Bakar Oriental: bagian dari pake lontong cap go meh yg super enak! Udangnya gede, secara ini udang galah! Saus orientalnya enak banget, gurih, manis, dan banyak garlicnya. Ada irisan cabenya yg bikin makin sedap.
3. Tahu bacem : tahunya super lembut, tapi ga gampang hancur. Bumbu bacem/semurnya juga enak akrena manis dan gurihnya bercampur sempurna! Tahunya aku makan 3 loh!
4. Sayur lodeh dan ayam opor: kuahnya kental, gurih, dan enak banget! Bukan yg encer seperti di restoran lain ya. Ini beneran gurih dan nagih.
5. Telor rendang: bumbunya mirip rendang sih menurutku, tp ga terlalu pedas. So yummy!
6. Kentang balado buncis: santannya berasa, gurih, dan manis dengna seimbang. Enak banget dimakan sama sambel bawangnya yg disediakan oleh Orient Wu bersama lontong dan sayur lodehnya.
7. Dimsum unyu: ada siomay, kuotie ayam, bapao babi merah, ubi wortel. Aku suka kuotie dan bapaonya. Siomaynya juga cukup enak dan padat.
8. Es Shanghai: butuh yg seger2 abis makan main course yg enak. Esnya manis dan so refreshing!


Selain itu, ada juga hampers bapao dari Orient Wu yg bisa kamu berikan ke keluarga atau orang2 terdekat kita.  Baponya lucu bgt semua dan disajikan dalam tempat dimsum besar. Cantik banget!



1. Silver bao (IDR 228k nett): terdiri dari 4 jenis bapao dengan jumlah 12 pcs, antara lain bapao babi merah, bapao jamur, bapao tausa, dan bapao ulang tahun.
2. Gold bao (IDR 328k nett) : terdiri dari 8 jenis bapao dengan jumlah 24 pcs. Isinya ada bapao babi merah, bapao jamur, bapao tausa, bapao ulang tahun, bapao babi kecap, bapao nutella, bapao talas, dan bapao telur asin.
Dari semua jenis bapao, aku paling suka bapao telor asin karena beneran enak, agak creamy, dan berasa telor asinnya, bukan mentega doang. So yummy and melted dimakan panas2!

Overall, aku jamin puas banget makan di sini karena porsinya banyak, presentasinya bagus buat difoto, dan banyak promo menarik seperti Lucky angpao dan free birthday pao buat kamu yg berulang tahun. Servicenya cepat, waiter dan waitressnya ramah, apalagi dimsumnya super cute!
Selamat mencoba!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

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Orient Wu

Peta Orient Wu
Address: Muara Karang Blok G 6 Barat No. 34, RT.1/RW.8, Pluit, Penjaringan, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14450

(Sebelah Becca Bakehouse)
Hours  : MON – SUN 10 AM – 10 PM
Telephone: (021) 6678020
PRICE  : IDR 75k – 100k+/person


Lee Palace, Harmoni Exchange, Hayam Wuruk

Lee Palace Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! Got back to Lee Palace again with some of my friends since the dimsum dishes are so cute! From the latest visit, I just tried some dishes and it was so crowded! So, I decided to do a reservation for this visit. On weekends, Lee Palace has several sessions and each for 2 hours. You just have 2 hours starting from 10 AM. Better to do reservation 3 days prior your visit.


Located on the 3rd floor of Harmoni Exchange (HXC) Mall, the place was quite big and they have VIP rooms too. However, I don’t know the minimum spending for VIP room. If you want to have good photos like mine, you can ask them to give you the table besides the front window.



Let’s go to the dim sums! Note: dim sums are available from  10AM – 5 PM (10.00-17.00 WIB). One portion of all dim sums consist of 3 pieces.


All prices written here are exclude 10% PPN and 6% Service Charge.

Minion salted egg pao (19.8k)



This is the cutest buns so far! The salted egg filling tastes good; sweet and melted in your mouth. Recommended for photo shoot.

Doggy-style spring rolls (18.8k)


The spring rolls filled with vegetable, but they make the spring rolls in dog shape. For me, the taste is so-so.

Ham Sui Kok in Elephant Shape (17.8k)


The fried glutinous filled with chicken is shaped into elephant’s head. So cute! The taste is also good.

Siomay hisit (18.8k)


The siomay is so-so, not tasty enough as compared to the other siomay from the other restaurants.

Steamed Hakao with Lychee and Shrimp (18.8k)


The hakau has fushia (dark pink) colour, filled with shrimp as small pieces of lychee. The skin is too thick and the taste is so-so.

Chasiu pao (17.8k)


The pork buns are not decorated into cute shapes and the taste is not so good. Too plain.

Seafood chong fan (19.8k)



The chong fan is tasty and the skin is not too thick. Try it!

Three-flavored egg tarts(16.8k)


The egg tart’s custards are chocolate, matcha, and original. The Original and Matcha are quite good, but the Chocolate is tasteless.

Fried Puff in Swan (19.8k)



This is good. The puff is so crispy and the filling is tasty! The puff is filled with sorted of vegetables.

Deep-fried Pumpkin Puff Roll (18.8k)


The presentation is so cute! The pumpkin cake is fried and shaped into pumpkin. The filling is sweet-savoury chicken pieces. Must try!

Deep-fried Sesame Balls with Green Tea Skin (19.8k)


The glutinous balls are filled with green tea custard and fried. The balls are soft in the inside and crispy at the outside. The custard is not too sweet and tasted good. So yummy!

Deep-fried Minced Black Mushroom and Chicken Buns (18.8k)


The shape is just like big Shitake mushrooms! So cute! The buns are filled with sweet chicken and mushrooms pieces. Quite good.

Overall, the dim sums have eye-catching and cute presentation. However, the taste is so-so. The price is quite affordable as compared to any other restaurants. The restaurant’s service is slow and not fast enough to serve all of the food and drinks on time. Maybe because of the crowd. to sum up, bad service, moderate taste o food, but eye-catching presentation.
Happy eating!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Lee Palace Chinese Restaurant

Map of Lee Palace Chinese Restaurant

Address      : Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.6, RT.6/RW.2, Kb. Klp., Gambir, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10120

Hours         : 10 AM – 10 PM
Telephone : (021) 22035818
WIFI           : YES
PRICE         : IDR 100k/person (dim sum)

Wan Treasures, PIK

Wan Treasures Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello dimsum lovers! Buat pecinta dimsum wajib banget dateng ke Wan Treasures. Lokasinya sederetan The Garden, Sushi Hiro, dan Kintaro Sushi. Tempatnya bagus, terang, dan pewe. Ada spot buat foto cantik juga. Gw dateng pas masih soft opening, jadi masih belum banyak menunya. Tapi tenang aj, semua menunya enak2 kok. Harganya juga affordable banget! Rasa kelas atas, harganya pocket friendly. di sini menunya fushion gitu antara chinese-jepang-western.






Ada beberapa menu yg belum ada di book menu dan belum diinfo harganya. Jadi, yg udah dimention aja yg udah tertera harganya di menu. Walaupun belum ada di menu book, kamu tetap bisa pesan kok 🙂


Black Gold 24k Hakau


Penampilannya cantik banget karena hakaunya warna hitam dan ada lapisan 24k goldnya. Isinya udang dan fish roe. Agak asam rasanya tapi rasanya enak.

Foie gras Siomay (58k)


Recommended karena ini enak banget! Foie grasnya ga amis sedikitpun! Kulitnya juga ga keras. Dagingnya empuk, gurih, padat, harum menggiurkan. Perfect! Nagih deh!

Spicy Mozarella Siomay (36k)


Ini instagramable banget karena unik. Rasanya mirip salmon mentai krn di atasnya ada mayo dan cheese. Dagingnya full, harum menggoda, apalagi mozarella cheesenya melted banget. The best! Must try!

Crispy Prawn Chang Fen (38k)


Isinya udang dan cakwe goreng. Kulitnya tipis, sausnya manis gurih. Ini juga salah satu menu favorite di Wan Treasures. Rasanya enak dan garing banget! Must try!

Cakwe Udang


Cakwenya crispy banget. Udangnya juga banyak di dalemnya dan dikasih mayo di atasnya. a perfect snack before the main course.

Truffle noodle (83k)


Mienya paling enak ini karena trufflenya banyaaakkk banget! Isinya irisan babi panggang dan kerupuk babi kecil-kecil yg harum dan kriuk-kriuk. Semua noodle dapet telor setengah matang dan wonton yg ada fish roe nya. Mantep! Must try!

Sweet Pork Noodle


Rasa klasik noodle HK style yg kering tp ada kuah terpisah. Rasanya manis dan harum porknya. Dried noodle dan untaian mienya kecil-kecil smeua. Manis, gurih, dan klasik sih rasanya. Enak!

Mala noodle


Aroma mala-nya dapet tp kurang bold tastenya dan ga pedes. Need to be improved.

Hong Kong Style Milk Tea (28k)


Presentasinya unik, di dalam botol bentuk labu dan di bawahnya ada es batu di dalam mangkok. So unique! Tehnya kuat dan susunya plain. Kurang manis sih menurutku tapi buat yg ga suka manis pasti bilang pas.

Overall, dimsum dan noodle di sini enak banget semuanya dan gw makan banyak banget. Servicenya juga cukup cepat. Will definitely come back again. Recommended! Selamat mencoba!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

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Wan Treasures

Map of Kintaro Sushi PIK
Address: Ruko Garden House, Blok B No. 22, Jl. Pantai Indah Kapuk, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta.
Hours  :10 AM – 10 PM
PRICE  : IDR 150k/person

Dim Sum Icon, Hong Kong – Garfield

Hello food lovers! When I visited Hong Kong, I purposely went to Dim Sun Icon. This cafe is located on the 3/F of The ONE Mall, Tsim Sha Tsui, Nathan Road. This mall is quite instagramable because there are many manga exhibition and cartoon characters stores in this mall. Oh yeah, opposite to Dim Sum Icon, there is also a very cute cafe full of 365-days-bears.



Dim Sum Icon does frequently change their cafe’s theme. The most popular theme was Gudetama. When I visited there in 2016, the theme has changed into another theme (which was not cute at all). So, I decided to re-visit Dim Sum Icon in 2018.


Lucky me, I found Garfield for the theme! Garfield is the fat cat cartoon character since I was a kid. The cafe is small, but so cute! All area in this cafe is dominated by Garfield’s picture (yellow-orange colour). Even the table set and book menu are dominated by Garfield’s pictures. The foods are quite expensive since they have to pay the license’s of the theme. If you do not buy any kind of drink, each person will be charged HKD 10+ for hot tea. You may select what kind of tea do you prefer, though.



I visited Dim Sum Icon in the afternoon, around 4 PM (HKT). So, I did not hungry, just want some snack for afternoon tea. I think you will confuse of which menu you would like to order because all of the foods are adorable! Here is the menu :

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What I Ordered


Hakau (HKD 49)


It consists of 3 pcs of hakau. Each of them has different character’s face : Garfield, Odie, and Jon (the owner of Garfield).  The hakau is good and at first,

Glutinous Rice with Chicken and Egg (HKD 49)


It is called as lemper in Indonesia. Most people in Hong Kong will eat glutinous rice instead of steamed rice. This menu consists of 2 layers of glutinous rice and shredded chicken in between. The top part is like an omelette, but steamed. The happy face of Garfield is cute! The taste is okay, not too salty.

Fried Buns with Salted Egg (HKD 45)


Consist of 2 pcs, the porcupine fried buns are so cute! The outer part is so crispy (you can hear the creak sound when you bite it). The inner part is softer, filled with melted salted egg. However, the taste is not salty, but sweet, creamy, butter, and eggy. I think it is considered as sweet fried buns, not the savory buns.

Fried Wonton (HKD 39)


The fried wonton is cute with those eyes. I think the eyes are made from candy because the texture is hard. The wonton tasted good, but not addicted.

Mango Panna Cotta (HKD 39)


It looks cute with the head and tails of Garfield. It seems like the body is the panna cotta. I think that this is the best among the other foods I ordered. The panna cotta is smooth, soft, and has both mango aroma and taste (not artificial, maybe they use real mangoes). I like it! It looks small, but you will get full if you eat them all. The taste is not too sweet, which is good.


Overall, the foods are good, but pricey. I think it’s fine to try the foods here because Dim Sum Inc offers you a new look of eating dim sum. There are lots of dim sum places in Hong Kong, but this is the most unique place to spend since every 1-2x per year they change the theme. you will do re-visit again because the theme has changed.

Stay tune for my travel journey in Hong Kong.



Don’t forget to visit and get more discount and free deliver with my promo code SBNLAF8Z !







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Map of Dim Sum Icon
Located in: The ONE
Address : Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, Nathan Rd, 100號L308
Hours     : Mon-Sun 11 AM -11PM

Phone    : +852 2885 1345
WIFI       : YES
PRICE     : HKD 50+/pax

Jin Bao, PIK

JIN BAO Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


Hello food lovers! Buat kamu yg doyan kuliner di PIK, Jin Bao bisa jadi salah satu tempat yg gw rekomendasikan buat kalian. Jin bao menyediakan chinese food non-halal yg memiliki cita rasa autentik seperti di Shanghai. Lokasinya berada di deretan Hong He, He Brews Coffee, dan Cafe TIA. Tempatnya minimalis, terdiri dari 2 lantai dan tidak terlalu besar. Saat kalian masuk, di sebelah kanan kalian adalah tempat untuk OOTD dengan cahaya yg bagus.



1st floor


OOTD spot

Gw makan di lantai 2 dengan tempat yg lebih remang (romantic type) dengan jendela yg cukup besar untuk spot foto makanan. Oh ya di sini, servicenya cukup baik, waiter dan waitressnya ramah, dan ada Wifi.


2nd floor


2nd floor

Menunya terdiri dari meat buns, dessert buns, appetizer, noodles, xiao long bao, dan rice. Gw pesen beberapa menu yg chef recommended dan juga signature drink nya, yaitu Cheese Tea. Menu Jin Bao akan diupdate per 3 bulan dgn F&B yang lebih premium. Jadi, kamu harus cobain nih semuanya.


On The Table : What I eat at Jin Bao


My Favorite Dish



Cheese Tea (35k)


Layer cheesenya sih tebel banget ya dan kental! Bener2 enak dan worth it! Karena layernya tebal, kita ahrus menghabiskan cheese layernya dulu, baru bisa minum tehnya. Better to decrease the layer/thickness of the cheese. Must try!

Flavoured Yakult (35k)


Ini manis, asem, seger, dan milky spt Yakult. Buat cewe2 pasti suka dgn minuman yg satu ini.

Sliced Beef Bao (55k)


Beefnya empuk dan gurih, rasanya juga enak. Bao nya digoreng, garing di luar dna empuk di dalam.

Da Ji Tui Bao (45k)




Ini pao isi ayam. Ayamnya di-fried dan dikasih bumbu kari dan agak pedas. Enak banget! Recommended!

Hong Shao Bao (50k)


Sweet caramel pork belly nya mantep! Manis, fatty, gurih! Bao nya gw minta di-toasted. Enak juga loh! Walaupun kurang mouthfeel karena ga digoreng, tp pork bellynya pas banget dimakan sama toasted bun nya.

“Herbal” Gelato Bao (48k)


Ini UNIK BGT! es krimnya rasa obat batuk cap ibu&anak atau yg disebut peipakao. Must try guys!

Honey, Garlic & Spring Onion Noodles (40k)


This is my favorite! Enak banget meinya! Kecil2 panjang kyk mie HK. Bumbunya enak! Madu dan garlicnya berassa dan bikin mienya legit banget! Telur puyuhnya digoreng, soft and crispy. Must try!

Spicy Mapo Dan Dan Noodles (60k)


Recommended nih! Mienya sama seperti sebelumnya, tp dikasih minced pork dan mapo tofu banyak banget, komplit dgn mapo saucenya yg gurih pedas; crispy bacon; dan edamame.

Butter & Milk Sweet Pork Chop Bowl (55k)


Nasi putih dgn topping babi yg dimasak dgn buttermilk. Manis susu, creamy, milky, dan babinya empuk. Enak, tp agak terlalu milky ya buat gw. Hidangan ini unik karena memadukan rasa manis, gurih, dan asin. Menu ini juga jarang ditemui di resto lain.

Classic Xiao Long Bao (48k)


Recommend! Satu porsi isi 4 pcs. Xiao long baonya mantep bgt dgn kaldu babinya! Must try!

Overall, gw kenyang dan puas bgt makan di sini. Harganya masih terjangkau dan rasanya masih mirip dgn masakan Shanghai. Kalian mesti coba menu2 yg gw sebutin karena bener2 mantep!
Selamat mencoba!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Jin Bao, PIK

Map of Jin Bao
Address: Ruko Galeri Metrobroadway 8/DE, Jl. Pantai Indah Utara 2, RT.1/RW.16, Kapuk Muara, Penjaringan, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 14460

Open today · 10:30AM–10PM
Phone: 0822-9999-8817
PRICE : IDR 150k/person

Tim Ho Wan, Mid Valley, Malaysia


Tim Ho Wan is a popular chinese restaurant, specialty in dim sum. Tim Ho Wan has been so famous in Hong Kong, Singapore, and also Indonesia. Originally came from Hong Kong, Tim Ho Wan now has 45 locations around Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the United States.



I visited the one in Malaysia, more precisely at Mid Valley Mall. The restaurant is located at the outside of the mall, across the Starbucks. It is a two-story building, but customers are usually sit on the 1st floor. The place is spacious, chinese-type design, and minimalist. The ambience is good and suitbale for breakfast to lunch.


The menu is slightly different with the one in Indonesia. They have pork la mian menus and some other new menus. I only try the pork la mian for the new menu. The dim sum menu is the same with the one in Indonesia.


Pork La Mian

Dim Sum and Rice

We tried the hakao, veggie hakao, siomay, charsiu pao, chong fan, and the infamous pork buns. I love the pork buns. The buns are crispy and sweet on the crust, but very soft in the inside.


The steamed rice with pork sausage and mushroom is also famous. Eat it with the sweet salty sauce, special from Tim Ho Wan. The aroma is so tempting and the taste is so delicious!


Pork Buns


Steamed Rice with Pork Sausage and Mushroom


Chong Fan (Pork)


Fried Shrimp Dumplings




Pork Siomay

The wonton noodle is also good! The wonton is yummy, full of shrimp, and tasted good. The noodle is thin, rope-like shape, and actually a Hong Kong-style noodle. this is what I like the most!


Actually, I only like the pork buns and the wonton noodle. For the rest of the dim sums, I think they are so-so, like any other dim sums from other Chinese restaurants. Overall, the place is good, the foods are quiet tasty, although they are pricey for just dim sums. If you don’t know where to eat in Mid Valley, you can just go to Tim Ho Wan for their dim sums!


Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Tim Ho Wan

Map of Tim Ho Wan
The Boulevard, G-27,, 59, Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
PRICE : RM 20 – 40 / person

Jia Dining At ShangRi-La – A Contemporary Chinese Dining Resto

Jia - Hotel Shangri-La Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


Hello food lovers! Happy Chinese New Year for you who celebrate it ♥♥ May all of us are blessed with joy, prosperity, health, and luck through this Rooster-year. You can see my CNY outfit here.


On CNY, I went to Jia Dining resto, located inside Shangri-la Hotel. From the lobby, you could see a duck statue holding dim sum, written ‘Jia’ on the dim sum’s bamboo bowl. From that statue, just go to the elevator to the basement, turn left (the right side is Satoo restaurant), and here comes Jia.


Introducing JIA, the new signature Chinese restaurant in Shangri-la, formerly known as Shang Palace. In Chinese, JIA (Jiǎ) means first, strong bonding, family and home, a place to share great dining moments with friends and family. At that moment, I realize that this is a right place for me and my family to dine in for Chinese New Year 🙂

First step in and you will be awe with their lounge. The lounge interior was very elegant, a contemporary Chinese-inspired interior, but with modern touch. You can wait in the lounge while waiting your name called on their waiting list.


The lounge

For me, I love the interior and can’t help to stop my self from taking photos along the aisle =p Sorry for spamming the photos, but you can see how beautiful the interior is. Beautiful, classic, and elegant. There are many private rooms (spacious enough for 15 to 20 people).

Looking inside the resto was just too elegant and classic! You would say ‘Wow!’ and stand in awe. The guests could see the cooking process from a love open-oven station at the right side of the resto. The ingredient used must be fresh and for the premium dish, they serve the best ingredient, such as Abalone.




JIA serves tasty dim sums, luscious roasted menu and well-loved celebrated Chinese dishes. Their Executive Chinese Chef aims to serve the best of Chinese cuisine through his delicious dishes which are taken from traditional recipes with modern twist. Their signature dish is Peking-Style Roasted Duck and la mian noodles served in big bowls, as well as their fresh home-made dim sum.


We order the dim sum (Chinese New Year must eat buns!It’s my family tradition). Here we go for the dim sum, main course, and dessert.


Steamed Pork Siew Mai 32k


The siew mai tasted good. The pork meat was tender and chewy. The shrimp was quiet fresh and tender (garing). Not oily, clean, and tempting. One of the compulsory dim sum menus you had to order.

Steamed Shrimp Dumplings (Hakau) 38k


The dumpling’s skin was soft and the shrimp was tender. I like the taste, well-cooked with the seasonings. One of the compulsory dim sum menus you had to order.

Steamed BBQ Pork Buns 36k


Tasted like any other pork buns. Sweet, savoury, BBQ aroma, and soft. I like the buns better than the pork sincethe meat was not well-seasoned.

Steamed Soup Pork Dumpling (Xiao Long Bao) 32k 


I love the presentation! So unique. The xiao long bao was steamed on a small wooden crock. A slice of carrot was placed on the bottom of the dumplings. For the taste, it was good, but it’s better to add ginger. The skin of dumpling was too thick.

Steamed Custard Buns with Salted Egg Yolk 32k


This is my favorite dish. Cute and delicioussss. Squeezee it and the salted egg custard will come out from the ‘mouth’. The salted egg custard was so tasty! The bun was soft and fluffly. I suggest you to order it more than one. One is never enough!


Deep Fried Spring Rolls with Assorted Mushrooms (30k)


The spring rolls were crispy and good. One thing that I like : they were not oily. The mushrooms was tender and well-seasoned.


Signature Peking Duck (Whole: 398k / Half 218k)


Meet the Peking Duck, the signature dish of Jia. The cooker directly brought the duck in front of our table and started to slice the duck. The skin was very crispy (you can hear ‘crack’ sound when he sliced it) and the meat was so tender. No bloody-like aroma like any other ducks in other restaurants. The aroma was good, hoisin sauce combined with the roasted-burnt aroma from the meat. The Executive Chef told us that the duck was roasted in a special oven for 45 minutes (slow-cooking) to bring out the aroma and taste. So delicious!

Wok Fried Vermicelli with Shrimp and BBQ Pork “Singapore style” 75k


It is called “Singapore Fried bee Hoon” or “Xia Men Mee Fun” in other chinese restaurants. The taste was like fried vermicelli with the curry leaf aroma. The taste was good and the portion was big. Could be eaten for 4-5 persons for 1 portion. Quiet big enough, eh?

La Mian Noodle Soup with Shredded Pork  and Sichuan Preserved Vegetables 58k


So disappointed! The la mian was good, chewy, soft, and the texture was perfect. The pork was cooked well with the soy sauce and hoison sauce. However, the soup was very very salty! Trust me! I don’t know the soup was like this at the original or the chef was to busy (the resto was so crowded, though) and he put the salt twice. Better to improve the quality of the soup.

Braised Homemade Bean Curd with Brown Fungus and Ginko Nuts 98k


I love the tofu! So soft, but firm (not like any other tofu which was easy to be smashed into pieces). The mushrooms was well-cooked with the seasonings and the ginko nuts was tender. No meat at all, but tasted good!


Deep Fried Swan with Almond Sauce 32k


Too cute to be eaten ♥♥ I was eager to order this one since I saw it from the Instagram photos. The swan sweet dumplings were 3 pieces in a small plate. Surprisingly, the taste was not sweet, better to improve the taste to be sweeter. Indeed, the outer part was crispy enough. Inside was almond custard. What I like was the custard was not sweet. The sweetness was just fine and not too sweet. Although many people showed disappointment with them, I love these swan tarts so much and so do my family.

Mini Egg Tarts 32k


My mom’s favorite dessert. She loves egg tarts and so does she when she bite this one. The tart was crispy and the inside was so soft like pudding. Chinese egg tart is always simple and tasty. Not too sweet and I love it.

Overall, Jia serves the best peking duck and dim sum in Jakarta. Good news: Jia also serves vegetarian dishes as well! Besides, the place was very elegant, beautiful, luxurious, and spacious. The private rooms are available for private event and closed celebration. Better to reserve the table 2-3 days ahead since it’s full booked on weekends. The dim sum was good, although it was quiet overpriced as compared to other chinese restaurants at mall. However, the price was affordable as compared to any other hotels’ restaurants. Both me and my family love this place and will dine in Jia again.


Fortune Cookies as Complimentes (free)

Happy Eating Foodies ♥

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Jia Dining at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta

 Map of Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta
Address: Kota BNI, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 1, Central Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10220
Phone :(021) 29229999
COST   : +/- IDR 500.000/person