Fancy Dinner at 91st Street, Jakarta

Pas malam natal, gw cobain makan cantik di 91st street. Lokasinya di dlm Hotel Akmani, Menteng, Jakarta. Tempatnya terpisah jadi 2, ada yg deket bar dan yg satunya deket dekor. Tempatnya tidak terlalu besar, tapi cantik buat foto dan cocon buat event. Konsepnya all u can eat made by order atau bisa ala carte aja. Boleh bgt buat birthday party atau celebration lainnya.LRM_EXPORT_20191228_234040.jpg

Pizza pesto

My favorit! Ada saus pestonya dan rasanya enak. Dimakan panas2 ya.

Crustnya masih garing dan rotinys empuk. Rotinya lebih tebel dari pizza Italia, tapi ga setebal pizza di Indonesia.

Tomato Pizza

Mozarella cheesenya enak bgt dan rasa tomatnya jg enak ga asem bgt.

Pepperoni and beef pizza

Enak dan ga beefy dagingnya.

Teksturnya pizzanya juga sama seperti yg lainnya, empuk dan light.

Aneka Gorengan

Ada f

Ada f

rench fries, fried cassava, dan potato wedges. Friesnya enak, cassavanya berasa manisnya, dan potato wedgesnya garing. Saucenya seperti onion sour cream gitu. Enak bgt sauce nya!

Fried Mozarella

Bentuknya seperti fish finger, harus dimakan panas-panas bisr melted mozarellanya dan bisa ditarik pas dimakan. Menurut gw ini snack yg unuk, sayangnya mozarellanya kurang meleleh dan makan 1 potong aja bikin kenyang.


Ikannya enak, ga amis, aadnya enak dan mashed potatonya lembu

t. Saladnya enak! Seger gitu pake plum sauce.

Roasted chicken

Must Try! Bumbunya meresap di ayam. Dagingnya juga empuk.

Chicken pesto pasta

Salah satu favorit gw krn enak dan bumbu pestonya berasa bgt. Daging ayamnya empuk dan berbumbu. Pestonya ga bikin eneg walaupun rasanya cukup kuiat.
Overall makan di sini pewe bgt krn tmptnya bagus, pewe, dan mknn enak. Servicenya juga oke. Aku cobain yg ala carte, belum pernah yg all you can eat. For the ala carte, I like it!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato


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91st Street Restaurant

Address :

Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No.91, RW.4, Gondangdia, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350

Hours : MON -SUN 10 AM -11PM

Phone : +6287825059191


PRICE : IDR 200k/person

Eight Treasures, Thamrin

Eight Treasures Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello meat lovers! Finally cobain juga makan di Eight Tresures yg populer dengan daging yang disajikan di ‘jemuran’ kecil ini. Lokasinya terletak persis di sebelah Taste Paradise di Plaza Indonesia lantai 4. Kalo dari lobby Starbucks, kamu naik escalator di depan Dior sampai lantai paling atas. Then, you will see the restaurant at the right side.
Interiornya ala high class Chinese restaurant. Dekorasinya cantik dan elegant. Pas masuk, ramai banget dan ternyata memang dibatasin jam makannya. Tiap sesi hanya diberi waktu 2 jam: pk 13.00-15.00; pk 15.00-17.00; dst. ini BUKAN ALL YOU CAN EAT ya. Di sisi sebelah kiri terdapat sederetan ruangan VIP dengan minimum payment IDR 3 jt++. Benefitnya, private bgt, ga ada batas waktu makan, dan dilayani sangat baik dengan para waitressnya. Minusnya, ruangannya remang dan ga bagus untuk foto makanan.

Appetizer (42k – 68k++)

Kita pesan fried wonton, chicken lollipop, glazed chicken ala Korea gitu, dan corn tempura. Fried wonton sih so-so ya, bukan yg wow gimana gitu. Glazed chickennya manis, empuk, dan enak karena ayamnya dimarinated dgn bumbunya sampe meresap dgn baik. untuk corn tempuranya, mereka pakai jagung muda manis yg digoreng tepung. Yummy!

Soup (68k++)


Ini soupnya saja udah enak. Ada 4 pilihan soup : Szechuan Mala, Herbal chicken soup, Cartilage / Collagen Soup, dan Chicken African Coconut Soup. kami pilih yg best seller, yaitu Collagen Soup (pork) dan Herbal Chicken soup. Buat yg suka gurih dan creamy, kamu pilih aja yg Collagen. Awalnya soupnya amis, tp pas kamu rebus dengan garlic, cabe rawit, daging, sayuran, soupnya jadi enak banget! Walaupun pas dining, lemaknya berubah jadi krsital semua Guilty pleasure bgt ya.
Untuk herbal soup, ada pahit ginsengnya gitu dan ga semua orang suka. Pas kamu masak dengan daging & sayuran, soupnya berubah jadi kaldu dan manis. Enak! Gw lebih suka yg herbal karena ga bikin eneg.

US Angus Prime Short Ribs (112k -168k++/ jemuran)

Harga ga bohong sih akrena dagingnya enak banget, empuk, soft, dan high quality. Ga ada alot sedikit pun. Enak abnget!

Pork (start 98k++)

Pork is the best! Presentasinya yg Iberico Pork Barriguera beenr2 bagus karena dibentuk menjadi mawar. Satu porsi hanya ada 2 mawar. Dagingnya beneran empuk, fatty, dan juicy. Ga amis lemak. Nagih! Pork Belly nya juga enak karena rich dan fatty, tapi ga bikin eneg.

Vegetables and Fried Beancurd Skin (start 26k++)

Kamu bisa pilih jamur dan sayuran mau mau kamu tambahkan di soupnya. Kulit tahunya wajib pesan karena enak! Teksturnya mirip perut ikan, tp ga sekenyal itu.

Paket Treasure A,B,C,D (588k – 1.28 mio ++)

Tiap paket berbeda, terutama di pilihan daging dan seafoodnya. Paket D yg termahal, bisa ambil Hoisom premium! Gw pesan yg paket C untuk 10 orang. Kalo paket ! seperti di gambar gw ini. Sederhana banget tapi mahal.

Assorted Dumpling Platter (38k – 72k++)

Isinya ada yg Prawn & Pork, Vegetable & Pork, Prawn, Fish, dll sesuai yg kamu mau. Dumplingnya full daging, ga dicampur banyak tepung, tp jadinya agak keras dagingnya karena padat banget.

Sauce (free)

Ada saus kacang halus, garlic mentah, cabe rawit, kecap asin yang bisa kamu racik sendiri atau minta bantuan waitress untuk emraciknya sesuai keinginan level pedasnya. Sausnya sih enak banget dan cocok buat masukin ke kuahnya.
Overall, semua makanan di sini rata-rata terbuat dari high quality ingredient dan enak.Sayangnya, porsinya kecil dan kamu harus nambah di luar paket (kalo kamu pesan paket). Dagingnya harus nambah terus dan bukan all u can eat (ayce) sepuasnya. Jadi, kalo kamu mau agak irit ya jangan pesan daging kebanyakan. Dagingnya per jemuran cuma 8 sliced tipisss. Kalo kamu emang pilih quality, kamu wajib cobain Eight Treasures. Namun, kalo kamu lebih concern ke porsi dan harga, better you choose AYCE restaurant karena Eight Treasures adalah restoran untuk upper class market.
Selamat mencoba!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Address: Plaza Indonesia, Lantai 4. Jl. MH Thamrin, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat

Phone  : 021 29923129, 08119698688

Hours  : 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM, 06:00 PM – 10:00 PM


PRICE  : IDR 300k ++/person

Tugu Kunstkring Paleis- CNY 2018 Luncheon

Tugu Kunstkring Paleis Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Welcome to Chinese New Year Luncheon held by Adelle Jewellery! Amazing lunch with all the girls, especially in this beautiful place. The restaurant is still under 10 year of age, but the building is already there hundred years ago, very historical. It was a gallery building during Dutch era in Indonesia and many historical stories happened in this place. You may ask the employees in the restaurant about the history of the building. Sounds interesting!


When I enter the place, I see a beautiful dining area, decorative arts of Indies, ‘aristocracy’ touch, with beautiful chandeliers, and old paintings. Okay, this is one of my most favorite fine dining restaurant since I love classical, unique, and beautiful place. Super love! There are many antique stuffs for the decoration.




When you go on the left side, you can see an oriental decoration area, lanterns on the ceiling, and a small bar. Then, on the right side of the dining area, you will find the artsy gallery. I like this gallery since there are many oriental-antique stuffs decorated the gallery.




Back to the main dining area, the dim light makes the place a little bit creepy at noon. If you like scary stories, then you must come to this restaurant in the evening. There will be a story telling about scary things happened in this place. Wow! For me, this is the right place to celebrate Chinese New Year, related to the decoration and ambient of this place. So peaceful and suitable for celebrating events. If you like to take many OOTD photos with elegant-glamorous-like, then this place can be added to your destination.



The restaurant gives us some choices of main course foods and drinks :



Kluwak Spare Ribs in Spicy Tamarind Gravy


This is must-try dish for Chinese New Year’s Eve reuinion. So perfect! The beef ribs are cooked in kluwak and another spices. The meat is tender, boiled, and meaty. Yummy!

Nasi Lemak Kunstkring


The rice looks small with many small dishes. The small ‘nasi lemak’ is accompanied by black baby squid, fried chicken wings, dried shrimps, crispy river baby fish, omelette, kangkung belachan, and pickles. Good taste, but not addicted.

Kway Teow Seafood Balacan


The presentation was good in which the fried kway teow is placed in the middle, while the  oyster, shrimp crackers, and pickles are placed around the kway teow. The kway teow was very chewy (rubbery) and hard to swallow. The taste is actually good, oriental-taste.

Kunstkring Kluwak Fried Rice with Oxtail


It’s just a fried rice, cooked with kluwak gravy and topped with shrimps and bean sprouts. The taste is fine, but not as good as I thought.

Hot Japanese Green Tea


A perfect drink after eating the oily dishes. So calming.

Overall, with the so-so taste, I think this place is pricey. The place is awesome, but the selected set menu is not as good as I expected. However, many people like the foods served and maybe you can try another menu. I would like to go to this place again to try out another menu which are recommended by my friends.


Happy Chinese New Year!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Tugu Kunstkring Paleis

Map of Tugu Kunstkring Paleis
Address: Jl. Teuku Umar No.1, RT.1/RW.1, Gondangdia, Menteng, RT.1/RW.1, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350
Hours: MON – SUN 11 AM – 12 AM
PRICE : > IDR 100k/person






Plataran Menteng

Plataran Menteng Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato



Hello food lovers! Kali ini gw celebrate Mother’s Day di Plataran Menteng. Gw pilih tempat ini karena ambience classic-Indonesia yang kuat dan elegant. Tempatnya benar-benar cantik, elegant, vintage, dan mewah. Terdiri dari 4 lantai dan beberapa private room, kamu bisa merayakan acara private di ruangan khusus dengan minimum spending IDR 5jt. Setiap ruang memiliki decor yang berbeda dan bisa kamu pilih.


Lantai 1


Lantai 1


Lantai 1



private room lantai 2


private room lantai 1

Di Lantai 3 ada mini bar dan di lantai 4 ada rooftop untuk garden party. Saat kamu masuk, kamu akan melihat dekorasi dan barang-barang antik peninggalan zaman kuno yang masih terawat. Di lantai 1 ada grand piano dan tempat foto OOTD. Di sebelah kanan, ada lift untuk naik ke lantai 2,3, dan 4. Di lantai 2 lbh banyak spot bagus untuk foto dan suasana nya lbh ramai. Gw pilih di tempat dekat jendela.


lantai 4





private room lantai 2


Dress by @shooki.ind

Beberapa menu yg dipesan antara lain:

Sate Ayam (75k)

Satu porsi isi 5 tusuk sate ayam yg dagingnya tebal. Makan 1 tusuk tuh rasanya puaaass banget. Bukan sate ayam biasa yg dagingnya tipis dan berlemak. Yg ini full daging.

Nasi Goreng Nanas (79k)

Dari penampilannya sih tertutup abon semua dan agak kurang meyakinkan. Pas dicoba, ternyata cukup enak dan gurih. Rasanya ada gurih, manis, asemnya dgn potongan nanas kecil2.

Gado-gado Dharmawangsa (59k)

Bumbu kacangnya kental banget kyk di Jawa Timur, Ini sesuai selera sih, ada yg suka dan ada jg yg kurang suka akrena terlalu manis dan medok bumbunya.

Kari Ayam Deli (125k)

Must try! Terdiri dari 5 potong ayam yg digoreng dengan tepung dan dibumbui dengan racikan bumbu kari yg enak. Ada roti canai dan kari kuningnya yg kental. Enak banget! So far, ini salah satu menu yg gw suka.

Mie Panjang Umur (79k)


Mie goreng ulang tahun yang pakai telur puyuh warna orange. Enak, tapi ga bikin nagih.




Flower cake for mom

Semua makanan disantap dengan nasi hijau, yaitu nasi uduk berwarna hijau yg gurih. Overall, makanan di sini cukup enak dan pricey. Tempatnya cantik sih dan banyak yg celebrate Christmas, birthday, dan mother’s day di sana. Cukup rmaai tempatnya. Gw puas makan di sini. Servicenya jg cukup cepat.
Selamat mencoba!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Plataran Menteng

Map of Plataran Menteng
Address: Jl. H.O.S. Cokroaminoto No. 42, Gondangdia, Menteng, RT.6/RW.4, RT.6/RW.4, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350


Open today · 11AM–11PM 
PRICE  : >IDR 150k/person

Bottega Ristorante, SCBD

Bottega Ristorante Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


Outdoor : Smoking area

Christmas is coming! Have you chosen a right place to celebrate Christmas with your loved ones? If not, then you should go to Bottega Ristorante. This place is beautiful, homey-like atmosphere, and elegant. For me and my friends, we choose Bottega to celebrate Christmas.

Bottega Ristorante was in Kuningan and now, reopening again with a new concept and new menu. The decoration is quite similar with the former place, but it’s wider and more elegant. The dim light makes this place feel romantic, homey, and cozy. We choose the back side (besides the bathroom and kitchen) because this place is more private and suitable for 8-10 persons.



Indoor : Non-smoking area

The dining area looks like at our pantry at home. The decoration of Christmas is beautiful and many spots for OOTD photoshoot. There are outdoor area for smoking and indoor area  for non-smoking. Both are beautifully decorated.




The service is excellent. The waitress and waiter are so nice and helpful. They treated customers like a king and queen. Here are some OOTD photos at Bottega Ristorante.




Kibo Cheesecake which is popular with the melted japanese cheese cake, has launched their new flavor: STRAWBERRY CHEESE! The sweet, sour fruit makes this Christmas become perfect! So fresh, cheesy, and be addicted! Must try guys!




You can go to their nearest outlets at PIK Avenue, Kota Kasablanka Mall, and Grand Indonesia. Check out their Instagram @kibocheese for more information.


Seared Salmon with Romesco (185k)

DSCF9986.JPGIt’s a Norwegian Salmon served with seasonal vegetables. The appearance looks beautiful and tempting. For me, the salmon is perfectly cooked, tender, not fishy at all. One portion is enough, not too small.

Bistecca Fiorentina (135k/100 gram)

The presentation is good and simple. For me, the beef steak is well-seasoned, but the taste is below my expectation. The texture of the meat is not tender, quite hard, although it’s medium rare.

Braised Pork Belly (127k)

MUST TRY! The oriental sauce tasted perfect with the crispy-tender pork belly.So delicious! The baby potatoes are sweet and well-seasoned.

Bakmi Truffle (149k)

Must Try! The appearance is simple, but you could smell the tasty truffle sauce! The noodle is like’bakmi’, chinese-style noodle with chewy texture. Surprisingly, this chinese noodle taste soooo delicious with the western-style truffle sauce which is creamy.

Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Pesto & Chicken (109k)

The portion is quite big for one person. The gnocchi is cooked with pesto sauce. The texture is not as chewy as I thought. It’s lie eating glutinous rice. Somehow I like it, but my friends don’t. So, it depends on your taste palate.

Bacon Mac & Cheese (Beef / pork) (116k)


The portion seems small, but it’s better to share with 1-2 persons since the creamy cheese sauce is too much for 1 person. Actually, the creamy cheese sauce is good, but it’s too much to finish all at one whole portion.

Tiramisu (78k)

The pretty tiramisu cake is perfect for Chritsmas dessert! The coffee taste balances the sweet-creamy taste of the cake. Sweet and tasty!



Overall, we like the food and service at Bottega. The place is also good for celebrating special event such as birthday, bridal shower, romantic dinner, Christmas, and many more. The price of the F&B is quite pricey, but worth it for us. The warm service from this restaurant feels like we are eating at home.
Happy Christmas!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Bottega Ristorante

Map of Bottega Ristorante
Address: Fairground Building SCBD, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Lot. 14, Senayan, Kebayoran Baru, RT.5/RW.3, RT.5/RW.3, Senayan, Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12190
Hours: MON-SUN 10 AM- 10 PM
Phone: (021) 51402266 (reservation is needed)
PRICE : IDR 200k+/person

Samsara Restaurant – Modern Indonesian Cuisine

Samsara Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! Samsara baru buka nih di Senopati, tepatnya di seberang H Gourmet. Dilihat dari luar, bangunanya seperti sebuah rumah mewah. Masuk ke dalam, kita akan disambut dengan para waiter dan waitress. Sekilas, mirip sebuah rumah yang direnovasi menjadi restoran dengna private dining area di balik tirai (di bagian belakang). Di bagian tengan ada semacam bar untuk menyajikan minuman dan free takjil saat berbuka puasa.  Gw suka dekor seperti ini karena berasa homey dan pewe buat duduk lama2. Suasananya juga cocok untuk party, event, maupun romantic dinner.


Dining area

Untuk makanannya, porsinya imut2 dan buat gw ga kenyang makan 1 porsi 
Buat yg porsi makannya sedikit, sepertinya sih pas2 aja porsinya.
Kita cobain hampir semua menu yang ada di Samsara mulai dari Nasi Bambu Samsara, Nasi Jagung Bambu, Bebek Bengil Ubud, Pangsit Udang kuah gulai, Tahu Telor, Dendeng Jamur, Sop Buntut, Nasi Liwet Kendi, Nasi Goreng Iga Kambing Bakar, Getuk Gnocchi Foie gras (I love it!), dan aneka dessert (semua dessert udah dicoba sih).


Bebek Bengil Ubud



Durian Lovers

Favorite gw: Sop Buntut (unik, kuahnya di botol, dan rasanya cukup enak), Bebek Bengil (bebeknya crispy dan ga bau amis), Getuk Gnocchi Foie gras, Klappertaart, dan Es Podeng. Dessert yg unik di sini adalah Es podengnya karena dipresentasikan dalam bentuk choco bomb yg akan melted dengan siraman saus karamel. Enak!


Nasi Bambu Samsara


Sop Buntut




Drinks Corner

Untuk minumannya cobain Exquisite Passion yang seger, manis, asem. Ada juga Lavish Lychee dan Blushing Berry untuk mocktail yg manis dan ga terlalu asem.

Overall, konsep Indonesian fine dining di sini bisa dibilang cukup bagus. Makanannya cukup enak, tapi sayangnya servicenya agak lama. Porsinya juga agak kecil ya buat gw. Nilai plusnya, presentasi makanan cantik, menunya ada yg fusion dengan western style, tempatnya juga cantik untuk foto2 maupun untuk party, dan suasananya tenang. Buat yg penasaran, silakan mencoba!


Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Samsara Indonesian Cuisine

Map of Samsara Indonesian Cuisine
Address: Jl. Gunawarman No.16, RT.5/RW.2, Selong, Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12110
Hours: 11AM–12AM
PRICE : > IDR 200k/person

Bluegrass Bar & Grill

Bluegrass Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Calling all meat lovers! Bluegrass Bar & Grill has been for years as a fine dining concept restaurant located next to Epicentrum Mall, Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta. It is a good place for hangout, romantic dinner, and for special occasions such as Valentine’s Day and Christmas. Bluegrass and Lemongrass are under one company, is it? The design looks similar, greeny park at the outside area, but still the beauty-romantic touch crafted in the indoor part.

The ceiling was high, typical a glass house concept. The bar is located in the middle of the indoor area with stylish design. Love it ♥


The atmosphere (indoor)

The atmosphere is quiet windy at the outside and calm in the inside. Sometimes, there is live band during weekends and special occasions. I think it is perfect for you who would like to celebrate something special with your loved ones. I spent my last Christmas at Bluegrass and so satisfied!


The bar




Enter a caption


Simply, I like the presentation. especially the colour combination. The dory pieces are crispy and so soft in the inside. However, the butter rice is not so good enough to make me be addicted. Overall, the dish is quiet good although it is not my favorite one.



I love this dish! From the presentation, it looks tempting. The sirloin is tender and half-done. Not a fan of meat, but I know the steak is delicious for the meat lovers. Juicy, meaty, beefy, and quiet fatty. The spice well-mixed with the meat. For meat lovers, I recommend this dish for you 🙂



Sausage feast! I think it can be your snack for 4 persons. The bratwurst is so yummy! So meaty, juicy, and fatty. The mayo sauce tasted sweet, creamy, and little bit spicy for me. Tasted well with the bratwurst pieces! The pork knuckle is not good enough since the texture is lack of juiciness and the outer part is hard. My favorite part is the potato wrapped with bacon and fries. So tasty!



The dessert looks tempting. I’m a dessert lover! The caramel taste is good and well- blended with the banana. Sweet, roasted, and burnt sensation into one. Served well with the ice cream. Better to pour rhum for this!

Overall, if you are looking for a restaurant with good food and fancy place, you can go to Bluegrass. The price is fair enough with similar fine dining restaurants. For the price, it’s quiet competitive with other similar restaurants. Having dinner in a romantic garden in a big city. Why not?


Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Bluegrass Bar & Grill

Map of Bluegrass Bar & Grill
Komplek Rasuna Epicentrum, Bakrie Tower lantai GF, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, RT.2/RW.5, Karet Kuningan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, 12940
Hours:  11AM–2AM
PRICE : IDR 150k+/person


Cafe Thirty Three by Mirasari

Cafe Thirty Three by Mirasari Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello Food Lovers! This time I was invited to dine in Cafe 33 by Mirasa, Kemang. It is a hidden gem in Kemang, near the Abunawas. I celebrated my Valentine in this modern-classic cafe. Cafe Thirty Three is the new generation of Mirasari, which was a very popular restaurant since 1978.



The Outdoor

The cafe was located inside a house with a touch of Indonesian culture. The interior was awesome, a nice wooden facade. Inside, the Turkish chandelier made the cafe even more romantic. This place was suitable for birthday celebration, bridal shower, romantic dinner, and even for wedding reception. The classic-elegant decoration will make you want to take some photos. The place was quiet instagrammable.  The indoor area was quiet dark even in the afternoon. The place was not crowded and calm. I think I’m gonna like this place ♥


Interior Inside The Cafe


Interior Inside The Cafe


Interior Inside The Cafe

The price of the food and drinks were quiet affordable as compared to any other cafes around Kemang. The portion was standard (quiet small for me :p) We ordered both  Asian and Western Menus.


My Lunch Menu

While waiting for the food, you will be served with 4 small pieces of bread with margarine. The bread was quiet good, but the margarine was not so good for me.


Complimentary bread

For the Asian menu, I tried the Dory Sambal Matah with Rice. Looking from its appearance, it was quiet tempting, although it was too oily for me.The aroma of sambal matah was so good and the taste was delicious! The dory was not fishy and tender.Not too soft, but still bite-able. I love this dish ♥


Dory Sambal Matah (87k)

For the Western menu, I tried the Prawn Aglio Olio Pasta. The aroma was so good, garlic and oregano combined into one. The prawn so good, as well as the spaghetti. A little bit too salty for the pasta, but it’s okay. For you who like aglio olio, I suggest you to try it. The hotness level can be chose between No Spicy / Spicy / Super Spicy.


Prawn Aglio Olio (85k)

For the drink and dessert, I chose Green Tea Panna Cotta and Choco Milk Shake. The milkshake was good, quiet thick, and not too sweet. A Perfect companion to celebrate Valentine ♥


Choco Milk Shake (42k)

Here comes the panna cotta. Judging from the look, the panna cotta was so small with a big scoop of vanilla ice-cream. I think I was wrong, since the panna cotta was very very thick and could fulfill your dessert-tummy. The texture was hard (for a pudding) and the taste was good. The sweet from the ice cream and the matcha was well-balanced. The green tea syrup tasted like the original green tea. Superb!


Green Tea Panna Cotta (45k)

I enjoyed my time in Cafe Thirty Three by Mirasa. The place was so cozy, not crowded, and calm. The food was quiet delicious and the price was quiet affordable for a fine dining concept. I recommend this place either for a casual lunch, dinner, or for a celebration. I think the place is good for dating ♥

Happy Valentine all!

Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Another dessert menus

Cafe Thirty Three By Mirasari

Map of Cafe Thirty Three By Mirasari

Address: Jl. Kemang Utara No.33, RT.3/RW.1, Bangka, Mampang Prpt., Kota Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12730
Phone: (021) 71793777
PRICE : IDR 100.000 – 200.000 / person

Jia Dining At ShangRi-La – A Contemporary Chinese Dining Resto

Jia - Hotel Shangri-La Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


Hello food lovers! Happy Chinese New Year for you who celebrate it ♥♥ May all of us are blessed with joy, prosperity, health, and luck through this Rooster-year. You can see my CNY outfit here.


On CNY, I went to Jia Dining resto, located inside Shangri-la Hotel. From the lobby, you could see a duck statue holding dim sum, written ‘Jia’ on the dim sum’s bamboo bowl. From that statue, just go to the elevator to the basement, turn left (the right side is Satoo restaurant), and here comes Jia.


Introducing JIA, the new signature Chinese restaurant in Shangri-la, formerly known as Shang Palace. In Chinese, JIA (Jiǎ) means first, strong bonding, family and home, a place to share great dining moments with friends and family. At that moment, I realize that this is a right place for me and my family to dine in for Chinese New Year 🙂

First step in and you will be awe with their lounge. The lounge interior was very elegant, a contemporary Chinese-inspired interior, but with modern touch. You can wait in the lounge while waiting your name called on their waiting list.


The lounge

For me, I love the interior and can’t help to stop my self from taking photos along the aisle =p Sorry for spamming the photos, but you can see how beautiful the interior is. Beautiful, classic, and elegant. There are many private rooms (spacious enough for 15 to 20 people).

Looking inside the resto was just too elegant and classic! You would say ‘Wow!’ and stand in awe. The guests could see the cooking process from a love open-oven station at the right side of the resto. The ingredient used must be fresh and for the premium dish, they serve the best ingredient, such as Abalone.




JIA serves tasty dim sums, luscious roasted menu and well-loved celebrated Chinese dishes. Their Executive Chinese Chef aims to serve the best of Chinese cuisine through his delicious dishes which are taken from traditional recipes with modern twist. Their signature dish is Peking-Style Roasted Duck and la mian noodles served in big bowls, as well as their fresh home-made dim sum.


We order the dim sum (Chinese New Year must eat buns!It’s my family tradition). Here we go for the dim sum, main course, and dessert.


Steamed Pork Siew Mai 32k


The siew mai tasted good. The pork meat was tender and chewy. The shrimp was quiet fresh and tender (garing). Not oily, clean, and tempting. One of the compulsory dim sum menus you had to order.

Steamed Shrimp Dumplings (Hakau) 38k


The dumpling’s skin was soft and the shrimp was tender. I like the taste, well-cooked with the seasonings. One of the compulsory dim sum menus you had to order.

Steamed BBQ Pork Buns 36k


Tasted like any other pork buns. Sweet, savoury, BBQ aroma, and soft. I like the buns better than the pork sincethe meat was not well-seasoned.

Steamed Soup Pork Dumpling (Xiao Long Bao) 32k 


I love the presentation! So unique. The xiao long bao was steamed on a small wooden crock. A slice of carrot was placed on the bottom of the dumplings. For the taste, it was good, but it’s better to add ginger. The skin of dumpling was too thick.

Steamed Custard Buns with Salted Egg Yolk 32k


This is my favorite dish. Cute and delicioussss. Squeezee it and the salted egg custard will come out from the ‘mouth’. The salted egg custard was so tasty! The bun was soft and fluffly. I suggest you to order it more than one. One is never enough!


Deep Fried Spring Rolls with Assorted Mushrooms (30k)


The spring rolls were crispy and good. One thing that I like : they were not oily. The mushrooms was tender and well-seasoned.


Signature Peking Duck (Whole: 398k / Half 218k)


Meet the Peking Duck, the signature dish of Jia. The cooker directly brought the duck in front of our table and started to slice the duck. The skin was very crispy (you can hear ‘crack’ sound when he sliced it) and the meat was so tender. No bloody-like aroma like any other ducks in other restaurants. The aroma was good, hoisin sauce combined with the roasted-burnt aroma from the meat. The Executive Chef told us that the duck was roasted in a special oven for 45 minutes (slow-cooking) to bring out the aroma and taste. So delicious!

Wok Fried Vermicelli with Shrimp and BBQ Pork “Singapore style” 75k


It is called “Singapore Fried bee Hoon” or “Xia Men Mee Fun” in other chinese restaurants. The taste was like fried vermicelli with the curry leaf aroma. The taste was good and the portion was big. Could be eaten for 4-5 persons for 1 portion. Quiet big enough, eh?

La Mian Noodle Soup with Shredded Pork  and Sichuan Preserved Vegetables 58k


So disappointed! The la mian was good, chewy, soft, and the texture was perfect. The pork was cooked well with the soy sauce and hoison sauce. However, the soup was very very salty! Trust me! I don’t know the soup was like this at the original or the chef was to busy (the resto was so crowded, though) and he put the salt twice. Better to improve the quality of the soup.

Braised Homemade Bean Curd with Brown Fungus and Ginko Nuts 98k


I love the tofu! So soft, but firm (not like any other tofu which was easy to be smashed into pieces). The mushrooms was well-cooked with the seasonings and the ginko nuts was tender. No meat at all, but tasted good!


Deep Fried Swan with Almond Sauce 32k


Too cute to be eaten ♥♥ I was eager to order this one since I saw it from the Instagram photos. The swan sweet dumplings were 3 pieces in a small plate. Surprisingly, the taste was not sweet, better to improve the taste to be sweeter. Indeed, the outer part was crispy enough. Inside was almond custard. What I like was the custard was not sweet. The sweetness was just fine and not too sweet. Although many people showed disappointment with them, I love these swan tarts so much and so do my family.

Mini Egg Tarts 32k


My mom’s favorite dessert. She loves egg tarts and so does she when she bite this one. The tart was crispy and the inside was so soft like pudding. Chinese egg tart is always simple and tasty. Not too sweet and I love it.

Overall, Jia serves the best peking duck and dim sum in Jakarta. Good news: Jia also serves vegetarian dishes as well! Besides, the place was very elegant, beautiful, luxurious, and spacious. The private rooms are available for private event and closed celebration. Better to reserve the table 2-3 days ahead since it’s full booked on weekends. The dim sum was good, although it was quiet overpriced as compared to other chinese restaurants at mall. However, the price was affordable as compared to any other hotels’ restaurants. Both me and my family love this place and will dine in Jia again.


Fortune Cookies as Complimentes (free)

Happy Eating Foodies ♥

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Jia Dining at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta

 Map of Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta
Address: Kota BNI, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 1, Central Jakarta City, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 10220
Phone :(021) 29229999
COST   : +/- IDR 500.000/person