Kavove Cafe, Kemang

Kavove Cafe Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato
Hello foodies! Sekarang, Kavove udah buka di kemang Utara, seberang resto Abunawas. Tempatnya minimalis, terdiri dari 2 lantai: lantai 1 cafe dan lantai 2 nya salon dan office. Spot fotonya banyak dan bagus semua, bahkan toiletnya pun instagramble. Gw cobain makan di sini dan minumannya mayan unik loh! Konsepnya healthy fusion food gitu, makanya unik2.



Galaxy Lemonade


Penampilannya ungu pink gtu, so cute! Rasanya asam manis segar dna warnanya ungu pink. Pas diaduk seperti stardust gitu. Keren!

Galaxy Latte


Kalo yg ini mirip milkshake tp ini latte dan ada stroberinya.

Salmon Egg Benedict


Presentasinya cantik dan colourful. Egg benedictnya perfect. Grilled salmonnya masih agak basah sih sayangnya. Overall enak menurut gw.

Grilled salmon miso


Dagingnya mayan tebal dengan garnish corn dan wortel. Sayangnya miso saucenya keasinan, mungkin kekentalan. Salmonnya kurang kering juga. Pake nasi shirataki loh yg high fibre.

Salmon poke bowl


Ini enak, salmonnya ditorch sempurna krn harum. Nasinya shirataki juga dan ada edamame.

Overall, makanan di sini mayan OK dan tempatnya pewe bgt buat nongkrong. Buat yg cari spot foto, ke sini aja krn tempatnya instagramable!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato


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Kavove Cafe

Map of Kavove Cafe

Address: Jl. Kemang Utara B No.16, RT.6/RW.1, Bangka, Kec. Mampang Prpt., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12730

Hours : MON – SUN 8AM – 9 PM

Telephone :0857-1405-1200
PRICE : 150k/person


Healthy food by Fedwell, Citywalk Sudirman

Fedwell Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

“Healthy but yumny” menurut gw cocok buat jd slogannya Fedwell. Congrats buat opening Fedwell di Citywalk Sudirman. Tempatnya cantik, didominasi warna pink dan area luarnya minimalist, cocok buat OOTD. Pewe bgt di sini krn gw suka warna pink dan flamingo!

Di sini kamu bisa memesan Custom sesuai keinginanmu sendiri, mau berapa macam protein dan sayurnya apa. Ada juga protein vegan dari soy yaitu tahu, tempe, dan oncom.


Kalo males custom, bisa pilih Signature dishesnya dari menu yg ada.


Screenshot_20190407-205803_StoryArtEurasia (95k) : proteinnya cooked salmon yg ga amis dan empuk. Carbo nya pasta. Sayurannya ada mushroom dan roasted pumpkin. Ada tomat juga yg udah dibumbui tp asin bgt buat gw. Sisanya enak semua kok. Walaupun banyak sayur tp mengenyangkan bgt.
Muscle hustke (95k) : proteinnya rib eye steak. Sayurannya ada mixed ube, herb chicken, horenzo, dan broccoli snap. Carbonya garnola dengan saus honey mustard. Dagingnya empuk bgt. Sayurannya juga legit!

Ada 4 appetizer snack sbg nenu baru dr fedwell yg ga kalah enaknya
1. Sweet potato fries : ini dibaked, bukan fried, jd udah passti sehat. Ubenya manis, dicocol pake sausnya lbh enak lagi.
2. Avocado toast : toast dgn topoing tomat, salmon, dan pumpkin. Enak semua walaupun didominasi sm sayuran. Bumbunya sih maknyus
3. Kale nachos : My Favorite! Nachosnya crispy dan kalenya super enak. Seger dan bumbynya pas.
4. Mushroom tempura : enoki digoreng tepung. Makannya dicocol pake creamy sauce gt. Addicted deh!

Untuk minjnannya, ada Matcha Soy Latte yg konon enak bgt. Sayangnya pas ke sini udah abis
1. Charcoal soy latte : soymilknya masuh berasa tp ga langu. Manisnya pas, ga eneg
2. Beet root latte : warnanya cantik bgt, pink! Manisnya pas dan enak. Cantik dan enak.

Overall, makan makanan sehat ga selalu ga enak. Buktinya, di Fedwell kamu bisa makan healthy food yg enak dan kalorinya tetap terjaga.
Selamat mencoba!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat!https://wordpress.com/post/myculinarydiary.com/7111 More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato and Foody.id


You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Copper Club coffee Shop, Kelapa Gading

Copper Club Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato




Hello coffee lovers! Udah lama banget pengen mampir ke Copper Club, finally sempet juga ke sini. Tempatnya instagramable bgt di social emdia, jadi bikin penasaran pengen OOTD di sini. Tempatnya kecil di area perumahan dan terdiri dari 2 lantai. Lantai 1 lbh terang dan ambiencenya lbh enak buat foto2.





Lantai 2 cantik, dan didominasi warna putih. Bagus sih tp kalo lagi ramai, berisik banget. Seramai2nya lantai 1, ,asih lbh pewe buat foto di lantai 1. So, gw prefer stay di lantai 1.



Dekorasinya bagus, minimalist, simple, vintage, dan cocok buat foto kopi. Gw order 1 latte dan 1 pastry buat cemilan di sore hari.



Houjicha White chocolate Latte (38k)

Karena gw ga suka kopi, gw prefer yg non-coffee nih. Rasanya agak pahit, manis, creamy, roasted, dan kental. I love it! Unik rasanya.

Croissant butter (25k)

Croissant lumayan enak. Harum mentega dan rasanya agak asin. Teksturnya crispy. Mayan buat temen minum latte walaupun belum seenak kompetitornya.




Overall, tempatnya enak buat nyantai bareng temen maupun foto2 OOTD. Harga masih terjangkau, standard coffee shop pada umumnya. Service cepat. Latte nya enak.






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

You can see my reviews on Zomato and Foody.id




Copper Club Specialty Coffee

Peta Copper Club Specialty Coffee

Address: Jl. Tarian Timur Raya blok W1 No. 23, RT.5/RW.9, Pegangsaan Dua, Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240

Hours : 8 AM – 8.30 PM

Phone: 0811-8081-168


PRICE  : IDR 100k/person



Onni House, Jakarta Barat

ONNI House Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello guys! If you are interested in visiting a beautiful cafe without concerning the taste of the food, you are in the right place. However, if you choose to visit a cafe with delicious meal, then you better change the article to be read. I’m gonna post more of my OOTD photos rather than food and drink.



Onni House is a beautiful house, combining with the florist house and also selling vintage stuffs. All the flowers sold there are so beautiful. The decoration is so pretty, as if you are entering a small garden in a house. Actually, the house is not as big as I thought. You better do reservation via phone so that you don’t need to wait at the outside since the cafe is so crowded. Full of waiting lists. They have 20% discount for F&B until August 2018.

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The decoration is too pretty to be missed. I love taking pictures in every corner of the house. I admit that the house is so instagramable. Better to use your standard lens rather than fixed lens because the space is quite small and you might drop some stuffs there. I wore a flower crown which was bought in Turkey (see my Turkey blog here) and a black robe with floral printing. I love my outfit because it is suitable with the decoration.




There are 3 sections for the dining area: indoor (the prettiest area), semi outdoor (vintage lokk and so crowded), and outdoor (smoking area). Since I did the reservation, Onni gave me the most instagramable spot. Yeay! Thank you Onni ♥



As for the food, I just order the main course and 1 appetizer. My friend said that there is Namelaka’s cake, but I was too lazy to wait for another queue because the food came out quite long. You must be patient if you order the food and I suggest you eat at the other restaurants or cafes for your lunch/dinner. The portion is very small.

Here is the menu

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Beef Rice Bulgogi (48k)


The presentation is pretty and tempting. The taste is quite good and the beef is tender. The sweet taste is dominating my palette. I think this is the best dish from all the dishes we ordered.

Nasi Iga Bakar Maranggi (78k)


The beef ribs is small and the meat was so few. The taste is actually quite good with its grill taste. The chili and tomato make the dish taste fresh. However, the taste is so-so.

Garlic Noodles with Dory Sambal Matah (48k)


Actually, it’s aglio olio pasta. The dory pieces is soooo small, placed on top of the pasta. The taste of the aglio olio is good, but nothing special. The dory’s meat is very small, covered by the batter.

Chicken Teriyaki Burger (58k)


The burger is small and bad for the presentation. The sweet and grill taste of the chicken is so-so. The chicken is tender. The burger is fast food restaurants are much better.

Salted Egg Fries (36k)

frech fries

The salted egg spread is not so good. The sweet and creamy taste is actually like butter-sauce rather than salted egg. When you feel it at certain time, you might taste a hint of soft salted egg taste character. However, if my friend did not say that this is salted egg fries, I thought that it is just fries with cream.

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Overall, Onni gives you a new dining experience in a flower house. They give you a beautiful place for doing OOTD photoshoot, but not for culinary experience. The foods are so-so; small portion; and pricey since the small and taste are below my standard. The service is not so good. Sometimes, you have to wait for more than 15 minutes for the food because the place is so crowded. However, I like the decoration of how they make this small house into this pretty small garden.

Happy Holiday!


Don’t forget to visit Sociolla.com and get more discount and free deliver with my promo code SBNLAF8Z !







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


ONNI House Jakarta

Peta ONNI House Jakarta
Address: Jl. Tanjung Duren Utara V No.242, Tj. Duren Utara, Grogol petamburan, Jakarta, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11470

Tuesday 12.00–21.00
Wednesday 12.00–21.00
Thursday 12.00–21.00
Friday 12.00–21.00
Saturday 12.00–21.00
Sunday 12.00–21.00
Monday 09.00–21.00
Telephone: (021) 22956116
WIFI          : YES
PRICE        : 100k+/person