Hokkaido Izakaya, Jakarta

Hokkaido Izakaya Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello meat lovers! Kali ini gw cobain wagyu menu yang terkenal enak banget di Hokkaido Izakaya. Ternyata emang beneran seenak itu! Kalo pas weekend, kamu harus reserve dulu karena bakalan rame banget dan bisa2 waiting list loh.



Tempatnya tidak terlalu besar dan ada 2 ruangan VIP untuk 6-8 orang. Designnya ala kedai makan di Jepang, jadi teras ambiencenya kyk lagi makan di Jepang. Di bulan Maret, lagi ada promo wine 20% nih. Jadi abis makan wagyu, bisa langsung minum red wine.



Menu yg recommended kalian coba antara lain:

Spicy Meat Mountain Hot Pot



Pas dateng wiih menggiurkan banget! Daging sapinya menggunung. Dimasak di atas hot pot dan pake chili oil. Jadi ada pedas, gurih, asin jadi satu. Enak banget! must try!

Milk Dashimaki (omelette)


Ini omeltte yg aku suka. Bentuknya balok dan diolesin butter, jadi lbh milky dan creamy pas diamkan. Superb!



Ini semacam ayam karage. Crispy di luar, empuk di dalam dan ada lemak2nya gitu.

Saikaro Yaki Sukiyaki


Wah yg ini enak bgt! Berasa mirin di kuahnya yg asin dan gurih. Pas dimasak sama chef, aroma beefnya udah bikin ngiler. Porsinya sih personal ya menurutku karena hanya beberapa pcs beef, mushroom, dan sayuran. Recommended! Jangan lupa mencelup dagingnya ke adlam telur sebelum dimakan ya, biar lebih pol rasanya.

Wagyu Warayaki Tataki


Ini sushi roll yg isinya 4 pcs. Di atasnya topping wagyu tebal yang enak!

Uni Hokkaido Yamawasabi


Menu yg satu ini presentasinya cantik, dihidangkan di atas lembaran nori dan toppingnya ada golden leaf gitu. Warnanya cantik abnget dan pas dimakan, enak! Empuk dan ga beefy.

Kushiyaki Sukiyaki Style



Wagyu satay yang disajikan di atas gelas yg di dalamnya ada saus sukiyaki, shoyu, bawang, dan telur . Cara makannya, dagingnya dicelup ke dalam gelas, dimakan dengan saus dan telurnya. Yummy!

Aburi Sushi



Aburi sushi yg wagyu nya dibakar langsung, terus dituang sausnya dan dimakan dengan telur setengah matang. Enak banget! Berasa banget beefnya dan ada wasabinya juga di dalam sushinya.

Overall, semua wagyu dan bumbunya dimasak dengan tepat. Bumbunya meresap ke dalam daging yang empuk. Super yummy. Harga dan rasa sebanding. Worth it guys! Bakalan puas abis selesai makan.

Happy eating!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat!https://wordpress.com/post/myculinarydiary.com/7111 More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato and Foody.id


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Address : Pavilion Retail Arcade Lt. Dasar Unit D 01-12

Jl. K.H Mas Mansyur Kav.24, RT.12, RW.11, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, RT.12/RW.11, Karet Tengsin, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10220

Hours: MON – SUN 11.30–15.00, 17.30–22.00
Telephone: (021) 29023271
PRICE  : IDR 200k/person

Pablo Cafe Neo Soho, New Concept

Pablo Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! Kali ini gw diinvite untuk datang ke outlet Pablo Cafe di Neo Soho lantai LG. Setelah direnovasi, tempatnya lebih kece dan cocok buat nongkrong rame-rame atau yg butuh tempat untuk mengerjakan skripsi. Gw ke sini untuk mencicipi menu baru dari Pablo yang collab dengan 3 Skinny Minnies dari Dian Sastro. Konsep makanan dan dessertnya adalah healthy but yummy. Makanannya rata-rata di bawah 480 cal! Kecil ya tp tetap enak loh! Yuk kita intip menu2nya!


Spaghetti Avocado 368 cal (95k)


Konsepnya alfredo pasta di mana spaghetti dimasak dengan bumbu rempah dan avocado dengan topping smoked beef tongue. Enak, creamy dari avocadonya, tp healthy!

Spicy Aglio Olio 420 cal (85k)


My favorite karena rasanya agak pedas, seger! Baru kali ini makan pasta ga ngerasa guilty takut gemuk. Tunanya juga fresh, tebel, dan yummy!

Tsukune Soba 367 cal  (80k)


Soba dengan topping edamame salad dan meatball. Meatballnya padet daging, gw suka! Sobanya juga enak dan aroma minyak wijennya kuat sehingga bener2 seperti japanese soba.

Ginger Soy Tuna Don 306 cal (85k)


Nasi merah disajikan dgn topping tuna, ginger pickled, salad, dan disiram yuzu dressing with seasme. Nasi merahnya agak kekeringna buatku, tp pas dicampur dressingnya jd lebih moist, Aku suka bgt dressingnya krn ada rasa asem manis dari yuzu dan aroma wijennya enak.

Truffle Chicken Don 418 cal (80k)


Konsepnya mirip nasi hainan dengan siraman soy truffle sauce. Brown ricenya empuk, dagingnya juga ga asin, pas sih rasanya. Enak buat kamu yg mau diet tp takut makan nasi. This can be your choice.

Pancake Souffle


Fluffy pancake with maple syrup! Bikin pancakenya perlu 15 menit dan langsung disajikan ke kita panas2, lalu disiram maple syrupnya. Yummy!

Houjicha Pancake Souffle


Sama spt Pancake Souffle tp ini dengan siraman Houjicha sauce yg seger dan manis. Gw paling suka yg ini karena rasa manis dan houjichanya balance. Tasty!

Cheese Assam Tea


Selain maknan, Pablo juga ada cheese tea loh! Gw cobain yg Assam Cheese tea. Rasanya manis, agak sepat sedikit but fresh. Milky and creamy taste gitu rasanya, kurang cheesy sih menurut gw. Tapi malah enak dan ga eneg.

Overall, kalo pengen makan berat tapi takut gemuk, bisa cobain menu barunya Pablo dengan 3 Skinny Minnies. Healthy, low cal, but stil yummy. Jarang banget ada resto dengan konsep seperti. So, must try!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Pablo Cafe

Peta NEO SOHO Podomoro City Central Park
Address : Neo SOHO Mall, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. Letjen S. Parman, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta
Hours     : Everyday 10 AM – 10 PM
Phone     : 021-56988888
WIFI       : YES
PRICE     : IDR 100k+/person

Honu, Thamrin

HONU Central Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


My most favorite Poke Bowl in Honu

Hello salmon lovers! Sebenarnya udah lama banget denger Honu di Kemang, tapi belum kesampean nyobain karena jauh dari rumah dan kalo gojek ke rumah pun terlalu lama. Finally, cobain juga Honu di cabang Menteng. Lokasinya di belakang Sarinah, bersebrangan dengan Gereja St. Theresia. Tempatnya kecil, terdiri dari 2 lantai. Lantai 1 hanya ada 2 meja yang bisa muat 4-6 orang per meja, sedangkan di lantai 2 lebih lega dan lebih banyak meja. Gw pilih makan di lantai 2 yg lebih luas.


Two & Two : Salmon in Tuna in 1 bowl


1st floor decoration


the corner of the 2nd floor


The infamous poke bowls

Untuk makanan dan minumannya, gw bahas satu per satu ya

Yugo (55k)

Isinya ada salmon sashimi cube dengan shoyu (light taste, manis, asin gitu), edamame, wakame, tobiko, dan japanese purple pickles. Nasinya pulen, sedikit sticky spt nasi Jepang pada umumnya. Salmonnya fresh, ga amis, teksturnya empuk banget! original taste dari poke bowl, tapi gw suka karena light dan bisa makan banyak.

Torched (70k)

This is my most favorite bowl! Rasanya gurih, creamy, sweet, dan enak! Salmon dan salmon belly aburinya enak banget, baik dari segi rasa dan teksturnya yang empuk. Buat yg suka mayonnaise, wajib cobain ini! Recommended nih!

Superbowl (60k)

Salmon dengan miso lemon saucenya bikin poke bowl ini asem manis seger! Misonya agak feremented, sedikit asin, tapi cocok dimakan dengan nasi dan toppingnya. Crispy kalenya yang bikin bowl ini jadi makin mantep karena cripsy banget!

Two n Two (50k)

Ini adalah salah satu menu yg gw suka dari Honu. Yg ini wajib coba buat pecinta salmon dan tuna. Kalo bingung mau pilih tuna atau salmon, makan aja keduanya di Two n Two bowl ini. Disajikan dengan wakame, lettuce, carrot, tempura crunch, dan pakai creamy sauce enak. Tuna-nya fresh, terlihat dari warna pink kemerahannya yang cantik. Teksturnya empuk, kenyal, dan ga berbau amis sedikitpun. Must try!

Matcha latte iced/hot (35k)


Matchanya autentik jepang karena pakai matcha powder asli yang dicampur dengan soy milk/fresh milk (bisa kamu pilih mau susu apa) dan honey. Rasnaya enak dan bold! Karena ada honey, makanya matchanya jug amanis alami tanpa penambahan gula lagi. Recommended!!

Overall, gw puas banget makan di sini. Selain karena makanan yang enak dan porsinya cukup banyak (kenyang loh!), harganya juga terjangkau. Servicenya OK, cepat, dan ramah. Tempatnya juga pewe buat nongkrong.
Selamat mencoba!







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Honu Central

Peta Honu Central

Address: Jl. H. Agus Salim No.60, RT.8/RW.4, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350
Hours : MON – SUN 10 AM – 9.30 PM
Telephone : (021) 21231449
PRICE : IDR 50k – 100k / person







WAKI Japanese BBQ, Thamrin

WAKI Japanese BBQ Dining Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello meat lovers! I think some of you have already heard that WAKI Japanese BBQ has the best beef in town! That’s right! I agree with them. It’s my pleasure to get invitation from WAKI itself and to make my own HONEST review about their food.



WAKI is located in Thamrin, more precisely on the 2nd floor of Metro Coffee. You will recognize the logo (big cow’s head) on the rooftop. The Metro Coffee itself is also pretty and suitable for OOTD photoshoot. Back to WAKI, the place is quite big and spacious. It has 3 VIP rooms which are all connected into 1 big VIP room for an event. The VIP room is very private and soundproof. WAKI has also semi-private rooms in which the place is only separated with partition and not soundproof. So, you can see the dining area from the semi-private room. It is more spacious rather than VIP room. The dining area is the place for less than 6 people. There is also a bar for alcoholic drinks. This place is suitable for holding a celebration or event.



WAKI serves you the most excellent quality of beef and halal foods with affordable price. There are promotions for set menu and lunch menu as well for only 49k to 69k, including Rice bowls and Gyutandon with free salad and soup. No pork, no lard. The market target is for middle up section, but the price is not as expensive as I thought before.Since they serve alcholic drinks, they also serve Korean side dishes. They said that Korean dishes are perfect for alcholc drinks. So, don’t get confuse if you see many Korean dishes on the menu book. It still a Japanese restaurant.



Are you ready to get hungry? *Drool

I could not help myself not to get tempted while looking all of these photos.



Kimchi (29k)


The kimchi is delicious; not only for the seasoning , but also from the cabbage’s texture. Originally, the cabbage is fermented for 7 days, but in WAKI, the fermentation process is only 3 days. This will result in crunchy texture of the kimchi and less sour. The spiciness and sourness are lower than Korean Kimchi. It is a good point when a Japanese restaurant can make a tasty kimchi.

WAKI Salad (45k)


This is my favorite dish. The Salad is fresh and has katsuobushi on top. There is tofu as well. The sesame dressing is very good;with its thick texture and bold taste. Super yummy!

Chijmi (59k)


It is a Korean pancake with WAKI special sesame sauce. I like the pancake because the texture is so crunchy on the outside and soft in the inside.

Kalbi soup (39k)


It is a spicy short ribs beef soup  with beef broth and vegetables. The beef is tender and the broth si quite good. For me it is not spicy, only the red colour makes it looked spicy.

Chapjae (95k)


The chapjae is delicious! The glass noodle is perfectly cooked with the sweet savoury seasoning. Must try!



WAKI Platter for 4-5 pax (389k)



RECOMMENDED! You must order this platter. The platter is quite big and suitable for 4-5 persons. You must eat them with this sequence : gyutan, kalbi, and jyo kalbi. Don’t get mix up since you will ruin your taste palette. The gyutan is so tender, perhaps the best beef tongue I’ve ever eaten. The kalbi is so juicy, meaty, and tender.

Moriawase (415k)



NEW MENU! It’s less than a month since WAKI serves this menu. The platter consists of the excellent quality of meat in which saikoro is my favorite! You may try the kalbi, jyo kalbi, harami, saikoro, and misuji in Moriawase platter. I think this is the best platter you’ll get in WAKI. MUST TRY! You can eat the beef with their sauce: Sweet onion sauce (my favorite), Lemon sauce, and Savoury sauce.


Ippon Kalbi (85k)


It is a tender long strip marinated meat in a small pot.The ribs is marinated with onion sauce, then grilled and cut into small pieces. You may taste the sweet taste when you chew the meat.

Tokujyo Kalbi  – PREMIUM Japanese A4 Wagyu Short Rib (279k)



This is the most premium and excellent quality of the meat that WAKI has. It only consists of 5 pieces in one plate. The pinkish red colour looks tempting. When you grill the meat, hmmm you can smell the delicious meat. The texture and the taste are excellent. Very recommended!

Premium spicy gyutan don set (75k+) and Lunch set menu (49k+)



All the set menu include Free soup dan salad.The beef sliced is tender and the sauce is tasty. It’s not the same with any other Japanese restaurant. BBQ lunch set starts from 69k and the rice bowl set meal starts from 49k.


Gyutan: beef’s tongue
Kalbi : sliced beef shortplate
Jyo Kalbi : sliced beef strip-loin
Harami : sliced hanging tender, a lean cut of beef with a bold flavor.
Saikoro: diced beef tenderloin
Misuji : sliced oyster blade

WAKI Rice (25k)


Rice drizzled with WAKI sauce and topped with nori, scallions, and sesame seeds. The rice is so tasty! Tasted like rice bowl without meat.



Mochi Ice Cream


The mochi ice cream is good. The mochi is chewy and the black sesame ice crema inside the mochi is also good. Yummy!

Ice cream (19k-25k)


There are 5 flavors of ice cream : vanilla, strawberry, coffee, matcha, and black sesame. The strawberry is made from the fruit itself. You may know it from the gritty texture. The Coffee and Matcha are the best! They are my favorite and not too sweet.

Overall, you will have NO REGRET after having your meal in WAKI. They serve the best quality of meat and the price is still affordable. The place is cozy, the service is good, and many selections of meat that you can try. You can indulge yourself in WAKI and I guarantee that you will satisfy with the food. Happy eating!


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Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


WAKI Japanese BBQ Dining

 Peta WAKI Japanese BBQ Dining
Address: Metro Coffee Lantai 2, Jl. Tanjung Karang No.5, RT.11/RW.20, Kebon Melati, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10230
Hours: 11 AM-10 PM
Telephone: 0812-9010-9624
PRICE : IDR 100-150k/pax

Dim Sum Icon, Hong Kong – Garfield

Hello food lovers! When I visited Hong Kong, I purposely went to Dim Sun Icon. This cafe is located on the 3/F of The ONE Mall, Tsim Sha Tsui, Nathan Road. This mall is quite instagramable because there are many manga exhibition and cartoon characters stores in this mall. Oh yeah, opposite to Dim Sum Icon, there is also a very cute cafe full of 365-days-bears.



Dim Sum Icon does frequently change their cafe’s theme. The most popular theme was Gudetama. When I visited there in 2016, the theme has changed into another theme (which was not cute at all). So, I decided to re-visit Dim Sum Icon in 2018.


Lucky me, I found Garfield for the theme! Garfield is the fat cat cartoon character since I was a kid. The cafe is small, but so cute! All area in this cafe is dominated by Garfield’s picture (yellow-orange colour). Even the table set and book menu are dominated by Garfield’s pictures. The foods are quite expensive since they have to pay the license’s of the theme. If you do not buy any kind of drink, each person will be charged HKD 10+ for hot tea. You may select what kind of tea do you prefer, though.



I visited Dim Sum Icon in the afternoon, around 4 PM (HKT). So, I did not hungry, just want some snack for afternoon tea. I think you will confuse of which menu you would like to order because all of the foods are adorable! Here is the menu :

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What I Ordered


Hakau (HKD 49)


It consists of 3 pcs of hakau. Each of them has different character’s face : Garfield, Odie, and Jon (the owner of Garfield).  The hakau is good and at first,

Glutinous Rice with Chicken and Egg (HKD 49)


It is called as lemper in Indonesia. Most people in Hong Kong will eat glutinous rice instead of steamed rice. This menu consists of 2 layers of glutinous rice and shredded chicken in between. The top part is like an omelette, but steamed. The happy face of Garfield is cute! The taste is okay, not too salty.

Fried Buns with Salted Egg (HKD 45)


Consist of 2 pcs, the porcupine fried buns are so cute! The outer part is so crispy (you can hear the creak sound when you bite it). The inner part is softer, filled with melted salted egg. However, the taste is not salty, but sweet, creamy, butter, and eggy. I think it is considered as sweet fried buns, not the savory buns.

Fried Wonton (HKD 39)


The fried wonton is cute with those eyes. I think the eyes are made from candy because the texture is hard. The wonton tasted good, but not addicted.

Mango Panna Cotta (HKD 39)


It looks cute with the head and tails of Garfield. It seems like the body is the panna cotta. I think that this is the best among the other foods I ordered. The panna cotta is smooth, soft, and has both mango aroma and taste (not artificial, maybe they use real mangoes). I like it! It looks small, but you will get full if you eat them all. The taste is not too sweet, which is good.


Overall, the foods are good, but pricey. I think it’s fine to try the foods here because Dim Sum Inc offers you a new look of eating dim sum. There are lots of dim sum places in Hong Kong, but this is the most unique place to spend since every 1-2x per year they change the theme. you will do re-visit again because the theme has changed.

Stay tune for my travel journey in Hong Kong.



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Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :



Map of Dim Sum Icon
Located in: The ONE
Address : Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, Nathan Rd, 100號L308
Hours     : Mon-Sun 11 AM -11PM

Phone    : +852 2885 1345
WIFI       : YES
PRICE     : HKD 50+/pax

Hokkaido Dairy Farm, Hong Kong

Hello food lovers! My travel journey started in this small cute cafe, namely Hokkaido Dairy Farm. I spotted this cafe when my taxi passed after I landed in Hong Kong =p Since it is near from my hotel in Mong Kok, thus I did search some search about this cafe.

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The place is small, but cute. The decoration is simple, dominated by blue-white colour, and it makes you feel like you are eating in a small barn. From the outside, the cafe is just like a small blue house, which is my favorite colour. It is beside The PHO restaurant.




Japanese curry rice is their signature dish. There are also breakfast set menu and honey toast. If you go for breakfast, you can try their breakfast menu. Although I came here for dinner, mostly the customers ordered their big breakfast menu and honey toast. As for me, I ordered Beef Bowl Rice, Fish Katsu Curry, and Hamburg Steak Curry. All of these dishes are set with drink (choose between lemon tea/juice/milk tea).




Fish Katsu Curry (HKD 68, include drink)


I like the deep-fried fish (red snapper fish) since it does not have fishy smell. As for the rice, this is a Japanese rice. Chewy texture, me love it! However, I don’t like the curry’s taste since it is different with the authentic Japanese curry’s taste.

Hamburg Steak Curry (HKD 69, include drink)


The steak is good, tender, and beefy. The meat is also good if you add the curry. I think the taste of curry is more suitable with the beef meat rather than fish or chicken.

Beef Bowl Rice (HKD 58, include drink)


This one is most likely Japanese Beef Bowl Rice from Y*s*****a in Jakarta. However, the taste is not as good as the one in Jakarta. The beef has more fat rather than meat. Since I hate fat, I don’t like this beef bowl rice =(

Moreover, you can try this cafe since you will never get to try it in Indonesia. All of stores started with “Hokkaido” always sell cheese tart and desserts. In Hong Kong, you can try the breakfast menu, honey toast, and curry rice.

Stay tune for my travel journey in Hong Kong.



Don’t forget to visit Sociolla.com and get more discount and free deliver with my promo code SBNLAF8Z !







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

 Hokkaido Dairy Farm Restaurant
Map of Hokkaido Dairy Farm Restaurant
Address: G/F 113, 111 Sai Yee St, Mong Kok, Hong Kong
PRICE  : HKD 60+/person


Enmaru, Thamrin

Enmaru Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato





Hello sushi lovers! Kali ini diinvite sama Pergikuliner dalam acara Pergikuliner Alpha yang ke-2 edisi Valentine. Buat yang belum tahu Pergikuliner itu apa, yuk klik link Pergikuliner nya. Jadi, ini semaca m food app yang paling lengkap untuk cari informasi alamat, no telepon, dan menu kuliner enak di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, dan Surabaya, Indonesia. Paling update deh kalo ada restoran/cafe baru. yuk intip review gw di https://pergikuliner.com/jessica_sisy

Back to Enmaru, lokasinya di lantai 46 The Plaza Office Tower, selantai dengan Altitude Grill. Tempatnya minimalis, elegant, bagus, dan kamu bisa melihat kota Jakarta dari jendelanya yang besar. Kalo siang bagus untuk foto dan kalo malam juga bagus karena bisa melihat view kota Jakarta yan gindah di malam hari. Untuk tempatnya bisa menampung sekitar 100 orang dna ada juga 2 ruang VIP. Kalo untuk OOTD memang kurang bagus ya, tapi kamu bisa foto di Altitude kok 




Di Enmaru ada set menu dan ada juga all you can eat – sistemnya by order, bukan buffet/prasmanan yang mabil sendiri. Jadi, kamu pesan makanan yang ada di menu, boleh aja semuanya asal dihabiskan ya. All you can eat nya hanya ada di hari Sabtu, Minggu, dan public holiday mulai pk 12.00 – 14.30 WIB (last order). Servie di sini awalnya cepat, tapi karena all table dibooked (full capacisty), jadinya mereka kewalahan dan makanan yang keluar tidak sesuai pesanan. Ada juga makanan yang nyasar di meja lain. Need to improve their service.

Mejaku cukup banyak memesan sushi, sashimi, kushyiaki, dan appetizer.
Minumnya free flow ocha. Presentasi untuk hampir setiap makanannya cantik untuk difoto, seneng deh!




Makanan yang gw coba, antara lain :

Foie Gras Chawan Mushi 

Chawan mushi-nya kecil, imut, dna enak! Ga amis telur maupun foie gras padahal gw bisa mual kalo makan yang amis. Sausnya enak karena gurih, manis, dan pas banget. Tekstur telurnya mirip custard pudding. Must try!
Chawan mushi disini beda sama chawan mushi yg pernah gw coba. Chawan mushi 2.

Wagyu Risotto 

Penampilannya simple dengan potongan wagyu di atasnya. Rasanya agak manis, not so good for me. Wagyu nya empuk dan enak.

Ebi Tempura dan Ebi Mayo


Kita pesan ebi tempura dan ebi tempura dengan saus mayo. Gw lebih suka ebi tempura original walaupun sausnya plain. Yang ebi mayo enak, tapi biasa sih. Mirip udang mayonnaise.

Unagi Gohan tanpa Gohan (tanpa nasi)

Menu ini custom, harusnya unagi-nya disajikan dengan nasi putih. Karena udah pada mulai kenyang, jadi kita order tanpa nasi. Unaginya enak banget! Crispy, ga amis, dan sausnya manis gurih enak.

Wagyu Tongue Kushiyaki 

Gw cobain lidah sapi untuk pertama kalinya (alergi sapi nih!) karena penasaran pada bilang enak. Benera enak! Dagingnya empuk dan ga bau beefy seperti daging sapi pada umumnya.

Tori Momo Kushiyaki 3 kinds of Moriwase 

Sausnya kurang enak walaupun dagingnya ayamnya cukup enak. Gw paling suka yg spicy miso dari 3 jenis saus : Negi Shio, Basil, dan Spicy Miso.

Unagi Cheese Tempura Roll

Sushinya di-deep fried, makanya mantep! Unaginya crispy dan cheesenya berasa.

Unagi Tempura & Cheese Ika Sumi Roll

2018_0210_13010700-01.jpegPenampilannya unik karena sushinya warna hitam. Cream cheesenya kurang berasa, tapi overall lumayan enak.

Tori Tsukune Kushiyaki 3 Kinds of Moriwase 

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Baso tusuk dengan saus cheese, tare, dan spicy mayo. Gw paling suka spicy mayo, tapi overall biasa aja sih.

Aburi Salmon Spicy Roll 

Enak! Sushinya kecil tapi aburi salmonnya banyak.

Sashimi 3 Kinds of Moriwase



Presentasinya cantik semua (ada yang di big plate maupun di boat) dengan dry ice yang bikin looksnya mewah. Sashimi-nya fresh semua, empuk, dan ga amis. Recommended!

Tofu Salad 

Tofu nya lembut & enak. Wakame saladnya enak dan gurih. Seger! Porsinya juga banyak.

Buta Bara Kushiyaki 3 Kinds of Moriwase

Babinya enak tapi berlemak. Aromanya harum dan bikin laper. Tingkat kematangan babinya OK, dagingnya empuk, dan sausnya enak semua. Must try!

Small Japanese Soba dan Udon (cold/hot)

Sobanya enak dan kuah dashinya light. Enak dan agak manis kuahnya. Kalo yg udon, kuahnya disiram panas-panas dari teko. Bagus buat difoto dan udonnya juga enak.


Salmon Salad


Rasanya mirip Tofu Salad, tapi toppingnya salmon sashii fresh. So delicious, so fresh! I love all the salads!

Salmon Teriyaki


Salmon-nya enak, saus teriyakinya pas. Perfect! Tapi jangan expect salmon skinnya crispy seperti chipsnya soalnya ini di-grill, jadi ga mungkin crispy.

Maguro Shouga Yaki


Stir-fried tuna dnegna ginger sauce. Enak dan ga amis. Dagingnya empuk dan sausnya bikin nagih! Must try!

Sebenarnya, masih banyak menu lain yang gw coba, tapi yang membekas di lidah gw adalah 16 menu di atas. Overall, tempat ini termasuk ok untuk all you can eat seharga 400k++ karena menunya premium quality. Makan di sini sepuasnya dengan kualitas terbaik deh!

Terima kasih Pergikuliner!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Enmaru Japanese Restaurant

Map of Enmaru Japanese Restaurant
Address: The Plaza Office Tower Lantai 46, Jalan M.H. Thamrin No.28 – 30, RT.9/RW.5, Gondangdia, Menteng, RT.9/RW.5, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350
Hours :
SUN – THU : 12 – 10.30 PM
FRI – SAT    : 12 – 11 PM
PRICE : IDR 400k++/person

Bottega Ristorante, SCBD

Bottega Ristorante Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


Outdoor : Smoking area

Christmas is coming! Have you chosen a right place to celebrate Christmas with your loved ones? If not, then you should go to Bottega Ristorante. This place is beautiful, homey-like atmosphere, and elegant. For me and my friends, we choose Bottega to celebrate Christmas.

Bottega Ristorante was in Kuningan and now, reopening again with a new concept and new menu. The decoration is quite similar with the former place, but it’s wider and more elegant. The dim light makes this place feel romantic, homey, and cozy. We choose the back side (besides the bathroom and kitchen) because this place is more private and suitable for 8-10 persons.



Indoor : Non-smoking area

The dining area looks like at our pantry at home. The decoration of Christmas is beautiful and many spots for OOTD photoshoot. There are outdoor area for smoking and indoor area  for non-smoking. Both are beautifully decorated.




The service is excellent. The waitress and waiter are so nice and helpful. They treated customers like a king and queen. Here are some OOTD photos at Bottega Ristorante.




Kibo Cheesecake which is popular with the melted japanese cheese cake, has launched their new flavor: STRAWBERRY CHEESE! The sweet, sour fruit makes this Christmas become perfect! So fresh, cheesy, and be addicted! Must try guys!




You can go to their nearest outlets at PIK Avenue, Kota Kasablanka Mall, and Grand Indonesia. Check out their Instagram @kibocheese for more information.


Seared Salmon with Romesco (185k)

DSCF9986.JPGIt’s a Norwegian Salmon served with seasonal vegetables. The appearance looks beautiful and tempting. For me, the salmon is perfectly cooked, tender, not fishy at all. One portion is enough, not too small.

Bistecca Fiorentina (135k/100 gram)

The presentation is good and simple. For me, the beef steak is well-seasoned, but the taste is below my expectation. The texture of the meat is not tender, quite hard, although it’s medium rare.

Braised Pork Belly (127k)

MUST TRY! The oriental sauce tasted perfect with the crispy-tender pork belly.So delicious! The baby potatoes are sweet and well-seasoned.

Bakmi Truffle (149k)

Must Try! The appearance is simple, but you could smell the tasty truffle sauce! The noodle is like’bakmi’, chinese-style noodle with chewy texture. Surprisingly, this chinese noodle taste soooo delicious with the western-style truffle sauce which is creamy.

Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Pesto & Chicken (109k)

The portion is quite big for one person. The gnocchi is cooked with pesto sauce. The texture is not as chewy as I thought. It’s lie eating glutinous rice. Somehow I like it, but my friends don’t. So, it depends on your taste palate.

Bacon Mac & Cheese (Beef / pork) (116k)


The portion seems small, but it’s better to share with 1-2 persons since the creamy cheese sauce is too much for 1 person. Actually, the creamy cheese sauce is good, but it’s too much to finish all at one whole portion.

Tiramisu (78k)

The pretty tiramisu cake is perfect for Chritsmas dessert! The coffee taste balances the sweet-creamy taste of the cake. Sweet and tasty!



Overall, we like the food and service at Bottega. The place is also good for celebrating special event such as birthday, bridal shower, romantic dinner, Christmas, and many more. The price of the F&B is quite pricey, but worth it for us. The warm service from this restaurant feels like we are eating at home.
Happy Christmas!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Bottega Ristorante

Map of Bottega Ristorante
Address: Fairground Building SCBD, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Lot. 14, Senayan, Kebayoran Baru, RT.5/RW.3, RT.5/RW.3, Senayan, Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12190
Hours: MON-SUN 10 AM- 10 PM
Phone: (021) 51402266 (reservation is needed)
PRICE : IDR 200k+/person

Sushi Matsu – Sushi dalam Rumah

Sushi Matsu Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello sushi lovers! Kali ini gw nyobain sushi yg lagi hits di social media. Sushi Matsu berlokasi di Hotel Cemara. Tempatnya bagus, rapi, dan didekorasi ala resto sushi pada umumnya. Hanya terdiri dari 1 lantai dna tidak terlalu luas. Ada area indoor untuk non-smoking dan area outdoor untuk smoking. Tempatnya cozy untuk lunch atau dinner bareng temen dan keluarga.
Gw pesen salad, sushi, main course, dan dessert.


Wakame Salad (35k)


Penampilannya unik karena ada potato stick renyah di atas wakame saladnyha. Gw pilih pakai Matsu Sauce yang gurih, agak asam, dan ada aroma minyak wijennya. Enak!

Sushi House
Kamu perlu order min. 8 pcs sushi untuk diplating di dalam sushi house. 2017_1118_12471900-01.jpeg

Spicy Salmon Cheese Roll (35k/4 pcs)
Ini salah satu sushi recommended dari Sushi Matsu. Pask kamu makan, kamu bakal gigit chili pieces yg pedes! Agak bikin kaget karena tiba-tiba kamu berasa seperti ada ‘dynamite’ di dalam sushi ini.

Ebi Tempura Roll (40k/4 pcs)
Seperti ebi tempura sushi di resto lain, isinya ebi tempura yg renyah dan enak.

Chicken Katsu Curry Rice (68k)

Gw suka banget curry jepangnya! Kental, beefy, gurih, dan nagih. Enak! Must try!

Ogura and Matcha ice cream (20k/scoop)

Sebagai dessert, es krim emang paling pas abis makan berat. Gw cobain ogura (red bean) dan matcha ice cream. Ogura ice creamnya cukup enak dan legit. Matcha ice creamnya juga enak dan berasa banget mactha jepangnya. Boleh nih dicoba.

Overall, makanan di sini cukup enak, tapi agak pricey dibandingkan restoran sushi pada umumnya, Mungkin karena lokasinya masih berada di dalam hotel ya, jadi kena service charge yang lumayan besar. For me, gw cukup enjoy makan di sini karena suasananya cukup nyaman dan tempatnya pun bagus. Servicenya juga cukup cepat. Next time, boleh dicoba Truffle Gyudon-nya yg terkenal enak banget!
Selamat mencoba!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Sushi Matsu

Map of Sushi Matsu
Address: Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No.69, RT.1/RW.4, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350


Tuesday 11AM–3PM, 6–10:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM, 6–10:30PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM, 6–10:30PM
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–3PM, 6–10:30PM
Phone: (021) 3147587
PRICE  : IDR 100 – 150K/person

Kibo Cheese

Kibo Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello cheese lovers! Kali ini gw dapet kiriman cheese cake (mini size) yang lagi hits di Jakarta, yaitu Kibo! Yg bikin special dari cheese cake ini adalah isinya. Ada berbagai macam : Original (melted cheese), Choco cheese, Matcha, Salted Egg, dan Mango. Pas kalian potong cakenya, isinya langsung meleleh gitu. So yummy!



Terdapat beberapa cara penyajian untuk flavor tertentu biar makin pol rasanya :
1. Matcha & Salted Egg
Cheese cakenya di-microwave dulu selama 10-20 detik saja biar isinya melted. Apalagi yg salted egg, enak banget dimakan pas melted 
Kalo males di-microwave, kamu bisa diamkan cheese cakenya di suhu ruang selama 30 menit biar melted secara perlahan.
2. Original & Choco Cheese
Untuk kedua flavor ini, kamu bisa makan dingin-dingin (disimpan di kulkas) atau dibiarkan di suhu ruang selama 30 menit (nanti akan melted sendiri) tanpa perlu dimicrowave.
3. Mango
Best served in chilled condition. Cukup dimasukkan ke kulkas. Pas udah dingin, langsung deh disantap. Yummy!

Gw dapet kiriman 4 flavor nih : Original, Salted Egg, Choco Cheese, dan Mango. Semua size Mini ya.


Original (30k)


Isinya melted cheese yg enak dan ga eneg menurut gw. Not too strong, not fermented yet, but the taste is good! Enak kok!

Choco Cheese (35k)

Buat yg kurang suka cheese, kamu bisa cobain choco cheese. cokalt nya mild, tetep balance dengan cheesenya. Gw suka banget sama coklat dan gw merasa kurang strong coklatnya, tetep cheese yg jadi pahlawannya.

Salted Egg (35k)

Ini salah satu favorit gw. Telor asinnya cremay, andy texture, dan masih berasa gritty pieces dari telor asinnya. Enak! Asin gurih manis jadi satu.

Mango (35k)

Ini dia flavor terbarunya Kibo. Mangonya mayan banyak di dasar cakenya, Manis asem seger. Me like it 

Overall, gw udah 3 kali beli di Kibo (ga termasuk endorse ya) dan belum pernah kecewa. Cakenya selalu enak, fresh from the oven. Ingredientnya pasti yang bagus dong. Untuk harga, masih affordable kok. Kalo kamu beli 4, nanti ada potongan harga. Buat yang belum nyobain, yuk buruan dicoba!
Selamat mencoba!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Kibo Cheese Cake
1. PIK Avenue
Map of Kibo Cheese Cake
Address: RT.6/RW.2, Kamal Muara, Penjaringan, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 14470
2. Grand Indonesia
Map of Grand Indonesia
Address : Grand Indonesia Mall, East Mall, Jl. MH Thamrin, Thamrin, Jakarta (dekat Popolamama)
PRICE : IDR 30-35k/pc