Stribe, Kelapa Gading

Stribe Kitchen & Coffee Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! Weekend tuh ga pernah puas kalo ga ke cafe hits yg makanannya enak dan tempatnya bagus buat OOTD. Di Kelapa Gading, ada Stribe buat kamu yg demen makan sambil hangout buat OOTD. Lokasinya sederetan dgn Monks dan Eat Boss. Tempatnya tidak terlalu besar, terdiri dari 2 lantai. Yg bagus utk OOTD adalah lantai 1, sedangkan lantai 2nya untuk smoking area dan non-smoking area tp agak gelap dan kurang bgs utk OOTD.


Untuk minuman dan dessertnya, banyak yg instagrambale, tp gw review yg menurutku OK ya.

Dragon’s Saliva (45k)

isinya campuran buah naga merah, susu, dan sedikit lemon. manis, agak asem, dan blendid gt. So fresh!

Affogato (35k)

Seperti affogato di cafe lain, ice blend avocado sm susu dan disirem espresso. Enak! Manisnya pas, kopinya ga terlalu pahit, dan pas bgt diminum sama ice cream vanilla.

Mocha (38k)

Ice blend kopi susu dgn aroma mocha. Creamy, sweet, melted di lidah. Buat yg suka mocha, yuks dicoba.

Tipsy Hot Cake

Pancake kecil isi 2 panas2 dimakan sama es krim vanilla dan mini Magnum bersamaan. So Yummy! Must try! Presentasinya juga cantik.
Untuk makanannya, aku review yg menurut gw cukup enak ya.


Baked Rice with Hamburg Steak (75k)

Hamburg steaknya enak, empuk, beefy, meaty. Nasinya dikasih bechamel dan brown sauce yg manis gurih. Ada mayo juga dan menurut gw mayo nya merusak rasa. Jadi, agak aneh rasanya. Mungkin krn gw ga suka mayo ya, tapi kalo mayo-nya ditake-out sih enak.

Harvest Bowl (68k)

Toppingnya banyak macem dan bisa pake pork or beef sausge yg digoreng. Makannya diaduk semua macem poke bowl. Enak sih dan ga bikin eneg. Seger malah krn ada sayurannya. Konsepnya healthy, but yummy.

Stribe’s Egg Benedict (68k)

Cocok buat brunch krn mengenyangkan. Gw suka smoked salmonnya ga terlalu smoked aromanya dan bumbunya pas. Toastnya agak keras sih dipotong, mungkin kurang panas.

Classic Caesar Salad (60k)

Saladnya enak! Asin, gurih, cheesy dan ga eneg. Gw bisa habisin saladnya seporsi terus makan main course lainnya. Buat gw sih light ya, jadi bisa habis seporsi dan emang enak.
Ini fot-foto makanan lain di Stribe.
Overall, F&B di Stribe cukup enak dan cantik buat di foto. Tempatnya bagus buat foto karena terang. Harganay standard cafe cantik. Servicenya juga cukup cepat. a perfect place to spend your weekend 






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


STRIBE Kitchen & Coffee

Map of Stribe Kitchen & Coffee
Address: Jl. Boulevard Timur, RT.8/RW.12, Pegangsaan Dua, Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14250
Hours: MON – SUN 7 AM – 10 PM
PRICE : IDR 100K-200k/person

Honu, Thamrin

HONU Central Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


My most favorite Poke Bowl in Honu

Hello salmon lovers! Sebenarnya udah lama banget denger Honu di Kemang, tapi belum kesampean nyobain karena jauh dari rumah dan kalo gojek ke rumah pun terlalu lama. Finally, cobain juga Honu di cabang Menteng. Lokasinya di belakang Sarinah, bersebrangan dengan Gereja St. Theresia. Tempatnya kecil, terdiri dari 2 lantai. Lantai 1 hanya ada 2 meja yang bisa muat 4-6 orang per meja, sedangkan di lantai 2 lebih lega dan lebih banyak meja. Gw pilih makan di lantai 2 yg lebih luas.


Two & Two : Salmon in Tuna in 1 bowl


1st floor decoration


the corner of the 2nd floor


The infamous poke bowls

Untuk makanan dan minumannya, gw bahas satu per satu ya

Yugo (55k)

Isinya ada salmon sashimi cube dengan shoyu (light taste, manis, asin gitu), edamame, wakame, tobiko, dan japanese purple pickles. Nasinya pulen, sedikit sticky spt nasi Jepang pada umumnya. Salmonnya fresh, ga amis, teksturnya empuk banget! original taste dari poke bowl, tapi gw suka karena light dan bisa makan banyak.

Torched (70k)

This is my most favorite bowl! Rasanya gurih, creamy, sweet, dan enak! Salmon dan salmon belly aburinya enak banget, baik dari segi rasa dan teksturnya yang empuk. Buat yg suka mayonnaise, wajib cobain ini! Recommended nih!

Superbowl (60k)

Salmon dengan miso lemon saucenya bikin poke bowl ini asem manis seger! Misonya agak feremented, sedikit asin, tapi cocok dimakan dengan nasi dan toppingnya. Crispy kalenya yang bikin bowl ini jadi makin mantep karena cripsy banget!

Two n Two (50k)

Ini adalah salah satu menu yg gw suka dari Honu. Yg ini wajib coba buat pecinta salmon dan tuna. Kalo bingung mau pilih tuna atau salmon, makan aja keduanya di Two n Two bowl ini. Disajikan dengan wakame, lettuce, carrot, tempura crunch, dan pakai creamy sauce enak. Tuna-nya fresh, terlihat dari warna pink kemerahannya yang cantik. Teksturnya empuk, kenyal, dan ga berbau amis sedikitpun. Must try!

Matcha latte iced/hot (35k)


Matchanya autentik jepang karena pakai matcha powder asli yang dicampur dengan soy milk/fresh milk (bisa kamu pilih mau susu apa) dan honey. Rasnaya enak dan bold! Karena ada honey, makanya matchanya jug amanis alami tanpa penambahan gula lagi. Recommended!!

Overall, gw puas banget makan di sini. Selain karena makanan yang enak dan porsinya cukup banyak (kenyang loh!), harganya juga terjangkau. Servicenya OK, cepat, dan ramah. Tempatnya juga pewe buat nongkrong.
Selamat mencoba!







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Honu Central

Peta Honu Central

Address: Jl. H. Agus Salim No.60, RT.8/RW.4, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350
Hours : MON – SUN 10 AM – 9.30 PM
Telephone : (021) 21231449
PRICE : IDR 50k – 100k / person







Pokinometry, Gandaria City Mall

Pokinometry Poke Bowl Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello Poke bowl lovers! I finally have a chance to try their famous poke bowls from Pokinometry. It’s been 3 months since they opened their store in Gandaria City Mall, on the 2nd floor. The place is so cute! Dominated by pink and light green, the theme of this place is Hawaii. There is a spot for OOTD and the wallpaper describes the ambient of Hawaii. The chairs are made from wood and there are two benches with ropes, imagine it them as swings.




The ingredient for making poke bowl and poke salads are displayed in front of the resto and besides the cashiers. You can see how meticulous the employee in making your order. All of the ingredients are weighed so that they meet the standard and you will not feel that the portion is less than standard. You can also build your own bowl.



What did I order?

Mentai Cool (45k)


This is from Not-So-Poke series. The dish consists of rice, salmon mentai (grilled salmon with mentai sauce) and mozzarella cheese. The salmon mentai is so good! The sweet, creamy, and savoury tastes are in balance. Must try!

Finding Nemo (54.5k)



It is a poke bowl consists of sushi rice (a big bowl of rice!) with mix of tuna and salmon sashimi. There are plenty of toppings : boiled egg (half piece), diced avocado, diced cucumber, chuka wakame, baby tomato, fried garlic, onion, and potato sticks. So plenty and tasty! It’s yummy and healthy as well. Recommended!

Aloha Hawaii Salad (59k)



This is my favorite poke salad so far! This salad is quite big portion. Consists of poke salmon with sesame, baby tomato, chuka wakame, shredded carrot, corn, edamame, pineapple pieces, and diced avocado pieces. I love it! I dont’t have to add mayo or any sauce because the sesame oil’s taste is so good. Finally, I can move on from Turkish salad into Japanese salad again!

Avocado juice


It’s a fresh juice with no added sugar. The taste of  avocado juice is good! The juice is so thick and no addition of water.

Banana protein milkshake


This drink is made from banana, chocomilk powder, and honey. Suitable for you who are on diet and do not want to eat food. However, I found that the milkshake is too sweet. Maybe the combination of honey and chocomilk powder must be improved.

Overall, I enjoyed my dinner time in Pokinometry. The place is cute and cozy. The service is fast. The employees are kind and helpful. The price is so affordable since you get quite big portion. Plan to have another poke bowl? Definitely yes!



Don’t forget to visit and get more discount and free deliver with my promo code SBNLAF8Z !







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Address: Gandaria City Mall lt. 2, Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, RT.10/RW.6, Kby. Lama Utara, Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12240

Hours : Mon- Sun 10 AM – 10 PM

Telephone: 0818-0889-6959

WIFI          : NO

PRICE        : IDR 50k/person









Enmaru, Thamrin

Enmaru Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato





Hello sushi lovers! Kali ini diinvite sama Pergikuliner dalam acara Pergikuliner Alpha yang ke-2 edisi Valentine. Buat yang belum tahu Pergikuliner itu apa, yuk klik link Pergikuliner nya. Jadi, ini semaca m food app yang paling lengkap untuk cari informasi alamat, no telepon, dan menu kuliner enak di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, dan Surabaya, Indonesia. Paling update deh kalo ada restoran/cafe baru. yuk intip review gw di

Back to Enmaru, lokasinya di lantai 46 The Plaza Office Tower, selantai dengan Altitude Grill. Tempatnya minimalis, elegant, bagus, dan kamu bisa melihat kota Jakarta dari jendelanya yang besar. Kalo siang bagus untuk foto dan kalo malam juga bagus karena bisa melihat view kota Jakarta yan gindah di malam hari. Untuk tempatnya bisa menampung sekitar 100 orang dna ada juga 2 ruang VIP. Kalo untuk OOTD memang kurang bagus ya, tapi kamu bisa foto di Altitude kok 




Di Enmaru ada set menu dan ada juga all you can eat – sistemnya by order, bukan buffet/prasmanan yang mabil sendiri. Jadi, kamu pesan makanan yang ada di menu, boleh aja semuanya asal dihabiskan ya. All you can eat nya hanya ada di hari Sabtu, Minggu, dan public holiday mulai pk 12.00 – 14.30 WIB (last order). Servie di sini awalnya cepat, tapi karena all table dibooked (full capacisty), jadinya mereka kewalahan dan makanan yang keluar tidak sesuai pesanan. Ada juga makanan yang nyasar di meja lain. Need to improve their service.

Mejaku cukup banyak memesan sushi, sashimi, kushyiaki, dan appetizer.
Minumnya free flow ocha. Presentasi untuk hampir setiap makanannya cantik untuk difoto, seneng deh!




Makanan yang gw coba, antara lain :

Foie Gras Chawan Mushi 

Chawan mushi-nya kecil, imut, dna enak! Ga amis telur maupun foie gras padahal gw bisa mual kalo makan yang amis. Sausnya enak karena gurih, manis, dan pas banget. Tekstur telurnya mirip custard pudding. Must try!
Chawan mushi disini beda sama chawan mushi yg pernah gw coba. Chawan mushi 2.

Wagyu Risotto 

Penampilannya simple dengan potongan wagyu di atasnya. Rasanya agak manis, not so good for me. Wagyu nya empuk dan enak.

Ebi Tempura dan Ebi Mayo


Kita pesan ebi tempura dan ebi tempura dengan saus mayo. Gw lebih suka ebi tempura original walaupun sausnya plain. Yang ebi mayo enak, tapi biasa sih. Mirip udang mayonnaise.

Unagi Gohan tanpa Gohan (tanpa nasi)

Menu ini custom, harusnya unagi-nya disajikan dengan nasi putih. Karena udah pada mulai kenyang, jadi kita order tanpa nasi. Unaginya enak banget! Crispy, ga amis, dan sausnya manis gurih enak.

Wagyu Tongue Kushiyaki 

Gw cobain lidah sapi untuk pertama kalinya (alergi sapi nih!) karena penasaran pada bilang enak. Benera enak! Dagingnya empuk dan ga bau beefy seperti daging sapi pada umumnya.

Tori Momo Kushiyaki 3 kinds of Moriwase 

Sausnya kurang enak walaupun dagingnya ayamnya cukup enak. Gw paling suka yg spicy miso dari 3 jenis saus : Negi Shio, Basil, dan Spicy Miso.

Unagi Cheese Tempura Roll

Sushinya di-deep fried, makanya mantep! Unaginya crispy dan cheesenya berasa.

Unagi Tempura & Cheese Ika Sumi Roll

2018_0210_13010700-01.jpegPenampilannya unik karena sushinya warna hitam. Cream cheesenya kurang berasa, tapi overall lumayan enak.

Tori Tsukune Kushiyaki 3 Kinds of Moriwase 

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Baso tusuk dengan saus cheese, tare, dan spicy mayo. Gw paling suka spicy mayo, tapi overall biasa aja sih.

Aburi Salmon Spicy Roll 

Enak! Sushinya kecil tapi aburi salmonnya banyak.

Sashimi 3 Kinds of Moriwase



Presentasinya cantik semua (ada yang di big plate maupun di boat) dengan dry ice yang bikin looksnya mewah. Sashimi-nya fresh semua, empuk, dan ga amis. Recommended!

Tofu Salad 

Tofu nya lembut & enak. Wakame saladnya enak dan gurih. Seger! Porsinya juga banyak.

Buta Bara Kushiyaki 3 Kinds of Moriwase

Babinya enak tapi berlemak. Aromanya harum dan bikin laper. Tingkat kematangan babinya OK, dagingnya empuk, dan sausnya enak semua. Must try!

Small Japanese Soba dan Udon (cold/hot)

Sobanya enak dan kuah dashinya light. Enak dan agak manis kuahnya. Kalo yg udon, kuahnya disiram panas-panas dari teko. Bagus buat difoto dan udonnya juga enak.


Salmon Salad


Rasanya mirip Tofu Salad, tapi toppingnya salmon sashii fresh. So delicious, so fresh! I love all the salads!

Salmon Teriyaki


Salmon-nya enak, saus teriyakinya pas. Perfect! Tapi jangan expect salmon skinnya crispy seperti chipsnya soalnya ini di-grill, jadi ga mungkin crispy.

Maguro Shouga Yaki


Stir-fried tuna dnegna ginger sauce. Enak dan ga amis. Dagingnya empuk dan sausnya bikin nagih! Must try!

Sebenarnya, masih banyak menu lain yang gw coba, tapi yang membekas di lidah gw adalah 16 menu di atas. Overall, tempat ini termasuk ok untuk all you can eat seharga 400k++ karena menunya premium quality. Makan di sini sepuasnya dengan kualitas terbaik deh!

Terima kasih Pergikuliner!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Enmaru Japanese Restaurant

Map of Enmaru Japanese Restaurant
Address: The Plaza Office Tower Lantai 46, Jalan M.H. Thamrin No.28 – 30, RT.9/RW.5, Gondangdia, Menteng, RT.9/RW.5, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350
Hours :
SUN – THU : 12 – 10.30 PM
FRI – SAT    : 12 – 11 PM
PRICE : IDR 400k++/person

Sushi Matsu – Sushi dalam Rumah

Sushi Matsu Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello sushi lovers! Kali ini gw nyobain sushi yg lagi hits di social media. Sushi Matsu berlokasi di Hotel Cemara. Tempatnya bagus, rapi, dan didekorasi ala resto sushi pada umumnya. Hanya terdiri dari 1 lantai dna tidak terlalu luas. Ada area indoor untuk non-smoking dan area outdoor untuk smoking. Tempatnya cozy untuk lunch atau dinner bareng temen dan keluarga.
Gw pesen salad, sushi, main course, dan dessert.


Wakame Salad (35k)


Penampilannya unik karena ada potato stick renyah di atas wakame saladnyha. Gw pilih pakai Matsu Sauce yang gurih, agak asam, dan ada aroma minyak wijennya. Enak!

Sushi House
Kamu perlu order min. 8 pcs sushi untuk diplating di dalam sushi house. 2017_1118_12471900-01.jpeg

Spicy Salmon Cheese Roll (35k/4 pcs)
Ini salah satu sushi recommended dari Sushi Matsu. Pask kamu makan, kamu bakal gigit chili pieces yg pedes! Agak bikin kaget karena tiba-tiba kamu berasa seperti ada ‘dynamite’ di dalam sushi ini.

Ebi Tempura Roll (40k/4 pcs)
Seperti ebi tempura sushi di resto lain, isinya ebi tempura yg renyah dan enak.

Chicken Katsu Curry Rice (68k)

Gw suka banget curry jepangnya! Kental, beefy, gurih, dan nagih. Enak! Must try!

Ogura and Matcha ice cream (20k/scoop)

Sebagai dessert, es krim emang paling pas abis makan berat. Gw cobain ogura (red bean) dan matcha ice cream. Ogura ice creamnya cukup enak dan legit. Matcha ice creamnya juga enak dan berasa banget mactha jepangnya. Boleh nih dicoba.

Overall, makanan di sini cukup enak, tapi agak pricey dibandingkan restoran sushi pada umumnya, Mungkin karena lokasinya masih berada di dalam hotel ya, jadi kena service charge yang lumayan besar. For me, gw cukup enjoy makan di sini karena suasananya cukup nyaman dan tempatnya pun bagus. Servicenya juga cukup cepat. Next time, boleh dicoba Truffle Gyudon-nya yg terkenal enak banget!
Selamat mencoba!




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Sushi Matsu

Map of Sushi Matsu
Address: Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No.69, RT.1/RW.4, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350


Tuesday 11AM–3PM, 6–10:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM, 6–10:30PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM, 6–10:30PM
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–3PM, 6–10:30PM
Phone: (021) 3147587
PRICE  : IDR 100 – 150K/person

Ferris Wheel Sushi




Hello sushi lovers! Sekarang makin banyak resto2 jepang yg menyajikan sushi dengan presentasi yg unik. Sebenarnya, gw bukan mau ke sini, melainkan ke sushi sebelahnya. Tpai akrena waiting listnya parah banget, gw makan di Teishoku dan gw gatau kalo ada sushi lucu di sini. Pas dateng tempatnya mayan spacious, cozy, dan adem! Tempanya tenang dan cocok buat makan bareng temen2 atua keluarga. Gw suka sih design interiornya yg ala Jepang dan ada lukisan Mt. Fuji di dekat meja kasir. Gw pesen beberapa menu, di antaranya:
1. Sashimi Salad: porsinya mayan banyak, salmon dan jelly fishnya enak, tpai sayurannya mentah banget. Gw ga suka sayuran mentah anyway.
2. Maguro sashimi: enak! Kenyal, cantik warnanya (pink!), dan ga amis. 1 porsi isi 5 pcs
3. Nigiri sushi (Ferris wheel)
Khusus nigiri sushi bisa disajikan dalam ferris wheel isi 6 atua 8 pcs. Jadi kamu cukup pesen 3 jenis nigiri (yg isi 2) sushi untuk isi 6 atau 4 jenis nigiri sushi (yg isi 2) utk isi 8. Gw cobain aburi salmon sushi, aburi salmon cheese, dan  maguro sushi. Aburi salmon cheesenya lumayan, sisanya biasa aja
4. Ishiyaki Don Salmon
Recommended! Semacem pepper rice yg disiram gurihnya. Menurut gw, ini meu yg paling enak karena nasinya gurih, salmonnya enak, dan semuanya balanced. Gw bakal pesen ini lagi kalo ke sini
5. Sukiyaki
Mini sukiyaki gitu, kuahnya kemanisan menurut gw dan temen2 gw. Isinya ada baso seafood, tofu, mushroom, enoki, dll. So-so lah rasanya
6. Okonomiyaki
Lumayan tebal okonomiyaki-nya. Gurih, manis, dan cukup enak sih buat gw.

Overall, Teishoku cukup oke untuk makan siang maupun dinner. Servicenya juga cepat. Ada promo 15% untuk setiap posting foto makanan di Teishoku loh! Buat yg penasaran, selamat mencoba!

Find my review on:


Teishoku Japanese Restaurant


Ruko Garden House, Blok B No. 23, Jl. Pantai Indah KapukBouleverd, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta 14470

Phone number 021 21889061 ext:720


PRICE : IDR 100k/person

Lapis Lapis The Kitchen

Lapislapis The Kitchen Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

For food tasting and endorsement please contact to [email protected]


Hello foodies! Recently, I passed this cafe when I visited my friend’s house in Sunter. I remembered Lapis Lapis cake shop at Mal Kelapa Gading and I thought it was the same cake shop with the one in Sunter. I gathered some information from Zomato, knowing it was both cake shop and cafe. So, I just came by to see what is inside that two-story cafe.

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The cake shop was on the 1st floor and the cafe was on the 2nd floor. On 1st floor there were indoor area and small outdoor area where they also sell Lapis Cake at 1st floor.

1st floor (Source: @jakarta100bars)

The 2nd floor was same like the 1st floor, but it’s a little bit bigger than the 1st floor. When you visit this place, I suggest you to sit at 2nd floor. The nice modern wooden facade on the 2nd floor reminds me of a cozy coffee place in South Jakarta.


2nd Floor


2nd Floor Indoor

I also love the interior of the outdoor at the balcony and the place was quiet instagrammable. No wonder this place is often used for birthday celebration and bridal shower. The indoor area was quiet dark even in the afternoon. The place was not crowded and calm. I think I’m gonna like this place ♥


2nd Floor Outdoor


2nd Floor Outdoor

The price of the food and drinks were quiet affordable as compared to any other cafes around Sunter and Kelapa Gading. The portion was big enough to get your stomach full. We ordered both  Asian and Western Menus.


My Lunch

Chicken cordon bleu was chosen for my main menu since I want to try their Western Menu. The battered chicken filled with beef ham and melted cheese. The size was half of the plate (quiet big for myself to finish it all)! The fettucini could be exchanged with french fries. The cream was poured on the chicken and fettucini. The overall taste was so-so, but I like the fettucini in my cordon bleu. What I like was the cream was not as thick as any other cream and not so creamy. Maybe some of you prefer to eat thicker cream.


Chicken Cordon Bleu (60k)

Hainan Chicken Rice was quiet good although it was not as authentic as the one I usually eat. The rice was cooked with chicken stock. The chicken pieces was big! The soup was too salty for me, though. The garlic and ginger taste were not to strong. For me, the taste was so-so, despite of its big portion.


Hainan Chicken Rice Set (45k)


Hainan Chicken Rice Set (45k)

I also order one small portion of Captain Crunch Sushi. All kinds of sushi in Lapis Lapis are in 2 portions: small and large. The sushi consisted of salom, cream cheese, asparagus crabstick, and seaweed. There was no rice in the sushi. The salmon was sushi was fried, so that the outer past was so crunchy. The inside part was soft and the salmon was not fishy at all ♥ The taste of Captain Crunch was quiet good. One portion equals to 5 pieces of sushi.


Captain Crunch Small (40k)

For the drink, I tried Lychee Twist Organic Tea (green tea-based). The taste was sweet enough even sugarless. The aroma of fresh lychee made me enjoy my lunch. Recommended for you who like fruity-aroma tea.


Lychee Twist Organic Tea (35k)

Overall, I enjoyed my time in Lapis Lapis The Kitchen. The place was so cozy, not crowded, and calm. The food was quiet good with big portion. Affordable price with big portion. I recommend the place either for a casual lunch, dinner, or for a coffee break. I think the place is good for dating ♥ Happy Weekend!


Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Lapislapis The Kitchen

Map of Lapislapis

Address: Jalan Danau Agung 2 No. 21-22, RT.13/RW.11, Sunter Agung, Tj. Priok, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14350
Price: IDR 100.000+/person


Sushi Hiro – Stairway to Sushi

Sushi Hiro Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Calling all the sushi lovers here! We got a new player in sushi resto in PIK with its unique ‘Sushi Tangga’. The sushi pieces are served with the wooden small stairs on the table. It had been very popular among food bloggers and instagram users to come to Sushi Hiro just to tkae an instagrammable photo with the ‘Sushi Tangga’. Well, I had been to Sushi Hiro twice and there are some improvements.


At first, there was only one floor for the resto and now, there is 2nd floor. Next, the improvement can be seen form the menu book. From just a bundle of papers without any pictures, now you can have a big menu book with good-big-appetizing pictures.

The place was small with two-story building, well-decorated with Japanese essence and wooden furniture. The ceiling was decorated with flower papers. The place was good for hangout and dinner. I think sushi is the best for dinner. Some changes in the sushi menu.

Before, you can choose all types of sushi to be placed on the wooden stairs. Now, you have to choose it only from the menu book. There are some package for the ‘Sushi Tangga’ ranging from 90k to 300k. Other kinds of sushi were just served on small plates. The idea is creative in this global competition on social media. The restaurants with unique food and pretty place could bare all the struggles.

For the sushi menu, I chose Sushi Aburi, Salmon Aburi Cheese, Salmon Avocado Roll, Salmon and Tuna Sashimi, Maguro sashimi, Salmon gunkan, and salmon volcano. The taste were yummy and could compete well with its competitors in Pluit area. I love it! The price was pretty affordable with its freshness slice of sashimi. So yummy!


Sushi Tangga (free style – Not available now)


Sushi Tangga Package (90k)


Assorted Salmon Sushi (30k – 50k)


Salmon Avocado Roll (100k)

For the a la carte, Chicken Katsu Curry rice and Gyutan don were chosen. The katsu curry rice was good, crispy chicken katsu belnded well with the thick curry. Yummy! The portion was quite big for one person. Better to share with your friends if you wan to eat sushi.


Chicken Katsu Curry Rice (65k)

The Gyutan don was disappointed since the taste and aroma was dominantly filled with garlic flavor. The beef aroma and taste were covered by garlic. It seems you eat so much of fried garlic. For those who do not like garlic, you can choose another menu. The beef slice were thick, but the texture was rubbery. Maybe it was not my lucky day to try this menu. The portion was smaller than curry rice and it is possible to finish all the gyutan don and having another sushi pieces =P


Gyutan Don (120k)

If you are craving for sushi, go to Sushi Hiro immediately and taste the ‘Sushi Tangga’. It is the best you come at 5.30 pm when the resto starts to open. Otherwise, you must queue for the long waiting list.

For the service, it was so-so since the resto was full of crowd. Better to order as fast as you can before the other tables. The price was ranged from the cheapest to the highest, but if you compare the price with the taste, worth it! Well, Japanese food lovers must come to Sushi Hiro. Bon appetite! 😉


Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)
You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Sushi Hiro

Address: Ruko Garden House Blok B No. 18D, Jalan Pantai Indah Kapuk Boulevard, Pantai Indah Kapuk, RT.6/RW.2, Kamal Muara, Penjaringan, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14460 (Besides Cake a Boo)
Hours11.00 – 14.00, 17.30 – 22.00
Map of Sushi Hiro
Signature dish : Sushi Tangga, Salmon Aburi Sushi, Salmon Sashimi
Credit Card : YES