Khao Khao Thai, Neo Soho Mall, Jakarta

Khao Khao Urban Thai Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato
Hello food lovers! Kali ini gw cobain makan di Khao Khao buat ikutin lomba foto dgn hadiah trip ke Bali dan Bangkok! Info selanjutnya ada di IG gw ya.




IMG_20190215_155228_248.jpg Lokasinya di lantai LM (1 lantai di bawah GF), di deket pojokan, sebelah Ma La Tang. Tempatnya keliatna kecil, tp ternyata luas sampe ke belakang. Pewe banget buat nongkrong lama2 bareng temen2. Khao Khao masih segrup dengan Tom Tom Restaurant. Konsepnya Khao Khao adalah thai food yg affordable dengan porsi personal untuk anak mudan sampai dewasa.




Thai Suki (95k)





Menurut gw suki nya besar dan bisa buat sharing 2-3 orang karena isinya banyak. Ada mie , udang, kamaboko, shrimp balls, salmon balls, dan aneka sayuran. Kuahnya ada 2 macam: Tom Yum Clear Soup dan Tom Yum Creamy Soup. Yg Clear Soup lebih asam dan fresh. Yg Creamy Soup rasanya creamy, manis, asin pas, gurih. Gw lbh suka yg Creamy Soup sih karena menurut gw lebih mirip kuahnya sama yg gw makan di Bangkok.

Khao Pad Kai (49k)


Nasi goreng ayam dgn irisan telur dadar. Rasanya gurih, tp kurang special menurut gw.

Khao Op Saperot (49k)


Nasi goreng nanas yg fresh. Manis, asam, gurihnya balance, gw suka sih nasi gorengnya.

Kai Pad Ped Mamuang (NEW)


Nasi dgn topping ayam goreng tepung dan kacang mede sama irisan cabe merah. Sekilas mirip sama ayam kungpao. Rasanya gurih, ayamnya empuk, manis dan gurihnya pas. Pake telor ceplok di atasnya.

Kai Pad Prik Klea (NEW)


Nasi dgn ayam black pepper. Sayangnya rasa black peppernya kurang kuat sedikit. Ayamnya empuk dan gurih.

Kai Sam Rod (NEW)


Nasi dgn topping ayam asam manis. I like this one karena familiar sama ayam kuluyuk kesukaan gw. Manis dan asamnya pas, ga terlalu asam.

Kai Tod Kapi (NEW)


Nasi dgn ayam popcorn bumbu terasi dan ada daun kemangi goreng kering. Menutut gw, terasinya ga berasa sih. Ayamnya goreng tepung gt dan ga ada aroma terasi sama sekali.



Thawu too (24k)


Tahu goreng dengan cocolan saus kacang gurih yg bikin nagih!

Too Man Kung (45k)



Shrimp cake isi 3 pcs dengan saus tamarind. Sausnya ga asam, tp manis asamnya pas. Shrimp cakenya tebel banget dan agak sulit dipotong saking tebelnya, tp rasanya enak.

Khai Ho Bay Teai (39k)


Ayam goreng pandan. Ayamnya besar dan gurih. Ga terlalu oily dna pandannya harum. Enak!


Nam Kang Sai (31k)


Dessert yg isinya selasih, cincau, kelapa muda, grass jelly, roti tawar, dengan kuah susu dan sirup. Manis, seger, dan milky.

Iced Grass Jelly with Mlik (29k)



Isinya cincau, jelly, selasih dan kuahnya bening tp bisa kamu campur susu. Gw lebih suka pake susu biar creamy, milky, tp ga manis kok. Enak bgt!

Iced Longan with Jelly (29k)


Longan, grass jelly, dan kuahnya bening manis sirup gitu. Light tp fresh!


Mocha Latte (41k)


Mirip cappuciono menurut gw karena ga ada aroma mocha. Rasanya creamy, coffeenya enak, dan ga asam.

Matcha Latte (37k)


Matcha enak! Pas dijadiin latte ga heran kalo lattenya fresh dan relaxing. Must try!

Overall, pasti puas makan di sini karena enak, porsinya banyak dan harganya affordable. Bahkan ada menu2 yg bisa dishare. Servicenya oke, cukup cepat, dan ramah.
Selamat mencoba!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can see my reviews on Zomato and


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Khao Khao Urban Thai

Peta Khao Khao Urban Thai

Address: Neo Soho Mezzanine Floor Podomoro City (across Jakarta, Aquarium, RT.3/RW.5, South Tanjung Duren, Grogol petamburan, West Jakarta City, Jakarta 11470
Hours: MON – SUN, 10 AM – 10 PM
Telephone: (021) 27893443
PRICE  : IDR 100k/person

Wan Treasures, PIK

Wan Treasures Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello dimsum lovers! Buat pecinta dimsum wajib banget dateng ke Wan Treasures. Lokasinya sederetan The Garden, Sushi Hiro, dan Kintaro Sushi. Tempatnya bagus, terang, dan pewe. Ada spot buat foto cantik juga. Gw dateng pas masih soft opening, jadi masih belum banyak menunya. Tapi tenang aj, semua menunya enak2 kok. Harganya juga affordable banget! Rasa kelas atas, harganya pocket friendly. di sini menunya fushion gitu antara chinese-jepang-western.






Ada beberapa menu yg belum ada di book menu dan belum diinfo harganya. Jadi, yg udah dimention aja yg udah tertera harganya di menu. Walaupun belum ada di menu book, kamu tetap bisa pesan kok 🙂


Black Gold 24k Hakau


Penampilannya cantik banget karena hakaunya warna hitam dan ada lapisan 24k goldnya. Isinya udang dan fish roe. Agak asam rasanya tapi rasanya enak.

Foie gras Siomay (58k)


Recommended karena ini enak banget! Foie grasnya ga amis sedikitpun! Kulitnya juga ga keras. Dagingnya empuk, gurih, padat, harum menggiurkan. Perfect! Nagih deh!

Spicy Mozarella Siomay (36k)


Ini instagramable banget karena unik. Rasanya mirip salmon mentai krn di atasnya ada mayo dan cheese. Dagingnya full, harum menggoda, apalagi mozarella cheesenya melted banget. The best! Must try!

Crispy Prawn Chang Fen (38k)


Isinya udang dan cakwe goreng. Kulitnya tipis, sausnya manis gurih. Ini juga salah satu menu favorite di Wan Treasures. Rasanya enak dan garing banget! Must try!

Cakwe Udang


Cakwenya crispy banget. Udangnya juga banyak di dalemnya dan dikasih mayo di atasnya. a perfect snack before the main course.

Truffle noodle (83k)


Mienya paling enak ini karena trufflenya banyaaakkk banget! Isinya irisan babi panggang dan kerupuk babi kecil-kecil yg harum dan kriuk-kriuk. Semua noodle dapet telor setengah matang dan wonton yg ada fish roe nya. Mantep! Must try!

Sweet Pork Noodle


Rasa klasik noodle HK style yg kering tp ada kuah terpisah. Rasanya manis dan harum porknya. Dried noodle dan untaian mienya kecil-kecil smeua. Manis, gurih, dan klasik sih rasanya. Enak!

Mala noodle


Aroma mala-nya dapet tp kurang bold tastenya dan ga pedes. Need to be improved.

Hong Kong Style Milk Tea (28k)


Presentasinya unik, di dalam botol bentuk labu dan di bawahnya ada es batu di dalam mangkok. So unique! Tehnya kuat dan susunya plain. Kurang manis sih menurutku tapi buat yg ga suka manis pasti bilang pas.

Overall, dimsum dan noodle di sini enak banget semuanya dan gw makan banyak banget. Servicenya juga cukup cepat. Will definitely come back again. Recommended! Selamat mencoba!






Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Wan Treasures

Map of Kintaro Sushi PIK
Address: Ruko Garden House, Blok B No. 22, Jl. Pantai Indah Kapuk, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta.
Hours  :10 AM – 10 PM
PRICE  : IDR 150k/person

Honu, Thamrin

HONU Central Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


My most favorite Poke Bowl in Honu

Hello salmon lovers! Sebenarnya udah lama banget denger Honu di Kemang, tapi belum kesampean nyobain karena jauh dari rumah dan kalo gojek ke rumah pun terlalu lama. Finally, cobain juga Honu di cabang Menteng. Lokasinya di belakang Sarinah, bersebrangan dengan Gereja St. Theresia. Tempatnya kecil, terdiri dari 2 lantai. Lantai 1 hanya ada 2 meja yang bisa muat 4-6 orang per meja, sedangkan di lantai 2 lebih lega dan lebih banyak meja. Gw pilih makan di lantai 2 yg lebih luas.


Two & Two : Salmon in Tuna in 1 bowl


1st floor decoration


the corner of the 2nd floor


The infamous poke bowls

Untuk makanan dan minumannya, gw bahas satu per satu ya

Yugo (55k)

Isinya ada salmon sashimi cube dengan shoyu (light taste, manis, asin gitu), edamame, wakame, tobiko, dan japanese purple pickles. Nasinya pulen, sedikit sticky spt nasi Jepang pada umumnya. Salmonnya fresh, ga amis, teksturnya empuk banget! original taste dari poke bowl, tapi gw suka karena light dan bisa makan banyak.

Torched (70k)

This is my most favorite bowl! Rasanya gurih, creamy, sweet, dan enak! Salmon dan salmon belly aburinya enak banget, baik dari segi rasa dan teksturnya yang empuk. Buat yg suka mayonnaise, wajib cobain ini! Recommended nih!

Superbowl (60k)

Salmon dengan miso lemon saucenya bikin poke bowl ini asem manis seger! Misonya agak feremented, sedikit asin, tapi cocok dimakan dengan nasi dan toppingnya. Crispy kalenya yang bikin bowl ini jadi makin mantep karena cripsy banget!

Two n Two (50k)

Ini adalah salah satu menu yg gw suka dari Honu. Yg ini wajib coba buat pecinta salmon dan tuna. Kalo bingung mau pilih tuna atau salmon, makan aja keduanya di Two n Two bowl ini. Disajikan dengan wakame, lettuce, carrot, tempura crunch, dan pakai creamy sauce enak. Tuna-nya fresh, terlihat dari warna pink kemerahannya yang cantik. Teksturnya empuk, kenyal, dan ga berbau amis sedikitpun. Must try!

Matcha latte iced/hot (35k)


Matchanya autentik jepang karena pakai matcha powder asli yang dicampur dengan soy milk/fresh milk (bisa kamu pilih mau susu apa) dan honey. Rasnaya enak dan bold! Karena ada honey, makanya matchanya jug amanis alami tanpa penambahan gula lagi. Recommended!!

Overall, gw puas banget makan di sini. Selain karena makanan yang enak dan porsinya cukup banyak (kenyang loh!), harganya juga terjangkau. Servicenya OK, cepat, dan ramah. Tempatnya juga pewe buat nongkrong.
Selamat mencoba!







Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Honu Central

Peta Honu Central

Address: Jl. H. Agus Salim No.60, RT.8/RW.4, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350
Hours : MON – SUN 10 AM – 9.30 PM
Telephone : (021) 21231449
PRICE : IDR 50k – 100k / person







Chinatown Bandung


Hello travelers! Have you heard about Chinatown Bandung? It is recently opened on 4th August 2017. Located at Jalan Klenteng No. 41 (near Waringin School), Chinatown has been popular as the hype destination in Bandung. On 17th of August, the Chinatown is officially opened by the local government.


The Chinatown is easily spotted from the Chinese design of the building. You must pay for the entrance fee (information is below) and get 1 small bottle of mineral water. You can take a picture on the paintings before you enter the building.


The Entrance Door

When you enter the door, you can directly turn left to get in a small room with lots of oriental stuffs and a history of the Chinatown in Bandung. The ornament and design are very good and unique as if you are traveling in the ancient Chinese era.


The History


The Old Chinese-style ornaments

Like any other chinatown places, there are many colourful lanterns. You can taking pictures in the afternoon or in the evening when all the lanterns are turned on. Very beautiful!


The View in the Afternoon



The Night View


Selfie from the 2nd floor


You must go up to a house to take some OOTD photos or just taking pictures of the beautiful view. There is also a red bridge at the center of the building which is so Chinese-style and instagram-able.


The Fortune Red Bridge


The Chinese-style Stores


The Old Chinese Bowls


Inside the Souvenir’s Store

There are many souvenir stores at the right side of the building. Starting from Batik, kitchen tools, souvenirs, and also snacks. All of the stores are well-designed like in old Chinese era. You can also taking pictures at the ‘living room’ with jadoel-style home decor.


The Design of All Stores


The Souvenir Stores


The Wet Market


The Living Room



For the food, all foods are HALAL. So, don’t worry 🙂


The Street Foods


Nasi Rames and Nasi Padang


Tahu Gejrot

The foods are mostly Indonesian street food, such as Es Dung Dung, Es Alpukat, Soto Ayam, Gado-Gado, Ketoprak, Nasi Goreng, Batagor, Tahu Baso, Baso Kuah, and fresh fruits. The price is ranged from IDR 10.000 to IDR 50.000/dish. I like the Baso Goreng and Nasi Lengko (traditional food from Cirebon).


Baso Goreng


Nasi Lengko

For the Soto Lamongan, it is too salty. Actually, the seasoning is quite tasty, soupy, long-boiled, and meaty. However, since it is too salty, I could not enjoy the soto 😦


Soto Lamongan

The Tahu Baso is more likely siomay in Jakarta. The taste is so-so and the peanut sauce is too spicy. If you cannot eat spicy food, better to avoid this.


Tahu Baso Bandung

All foods in Chinatown must be paid via Debit Card or Flazz BCA. No cash or credit card. This is the food court in Chinatown Bandung. Very beautiful, isn’t it? Old-fashioned, but so cool!


The Food Court


Inside The Food Court


The Food Stand


The Food Stand


The Food Stand


The Food Stand



Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Kampung Cina atau Chinatown

Map of chinatown bandung jl kelenteng

Address: Jl. Kelenteng No.41, Ciroyom, Andir, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40182
                 (near 23 Paskal Mall)
Hours:  12 PM – 12 AM

Entrance Fee : IDR 10.000 (weekdays) and IDR 20.000 (weekends) per person




Chir Chir, Pantai Indah Kapuk

Chir Chir Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! Pasti kalian udah pada pernah cobain Chir Chir ya. Ini kali ke-2 gw makan di Chir Chir. Porsinya emang gede semua dan emang pas untuk sharing 3-4 org, kecuali ada yg lagi laper bgt sampe sanggup ngabisin 1 porsi 
Kali ini gw cobain yg di PIK, tempatnya mirip yg di Kelapa Gading. Interiornya anak muda ala Korea gitu. Enak juga buat nongkrong dan makan bareng teman-teman.
Gw cobain 2 menu, yaitu:

Nest Chicken Snow (159k)




This is Chir Chir’s signature dish. Enak dan ga terllau jumbo porsinya. Bisa untuk makan 2-3 orang. Ayamnya fillet, boneless, dan juicy. Recommended! Coock banget dimaakn dengan cheese sauce nya dan mashed potato. Sebenarnya, ada whipped cream di atas mashed potatonya, tapi kita tidak pakai whipped (gw ga suka whipped cream).

Cajun Chicken Salad (89k)




Karena pengen makan sayuran, jadinya kita makan salad ini. Porsinya besar, bisa untuk 3-4 orang. Sausnya pakai mayonnaise dan olive oil, jadi ada rasa manis dan asam. Segar banget! Recommended buat dicobain.
OVerall, Chir Chir cocok banget buat lunch atau dinner sama teman atau keluarga. Harga per dishnya di atas IDR 100k, tapi tenang aja, masih terjangkau karena kita sharing. Tempatnya juga cukup cozy buat ngobrol.

Selamat mencoba!





Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :

Chir Chir Fusion Chicken Factory – PIK

Map of Chir Chir Fusion Chicken Factory - PIK

Address: Ruko Garden House Blok B No. 20, Jalan Pantai Indah Kapuk, Kamal Muara, Penjaringan, RT.6/RW.2, Kamal Muara, Penjaringan, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14470
PRICE : IDR 100k/person


Sudoet Tjerita – A Vintage Coffee Shop

2017-07-08 11.40.22 1-01.jpeg

Hello coffee lovers! Sudoet Tjerita has been popular on Instagram since the grand opening last month. Since I was busy, I did not have time to visit this place. Finally, today I can go to Sudoet Tjerita to spend my weekend with my friends.
The cafe is located in ‘ruko Royal Mediterania’. Precisely, it is at the opposite of Neo Soho Mall, near the escalator that connects the dining area between Central Park Mall and Neo Soho Mall.


When you enter the cafe, you will feel homey. The vintage interior is dominated with small cactus pots and an old gramophone near the cashier. At the back of the shop, there is a “greeny-spot” where they sell the cactus pots. On the left side, there is a spot where you can sit on a swing. However, the swing is just for people whose weight are under 55 kgs  When I sat there, it’s fine! .


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Here are the foods and drinks we ordered.

** Note: the price is different with the menu on Pergikuliner. There are changes of the menu and the price

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2017-07-09 09.42.13 1-01.jpeg

“Sudoet Tjerita Kopi Rempah”

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Kopi Rempah (38k)**

This is the signature coffee which is very popular recently. The appearance is cute, in which 2 small anistar pieces are on top of the foam. The aroma of spices is fine. Once you sip the coffee, you can taste the strong spices. Since I’m a flavorist, I could tasted that the spices are a mixture of ginger, clove, cinnamon, cardamom, and other spices (I could not tell you the whole spices since it is confidential). For me and my friends, the spices are too strong and overcome the taste of coffee.

Red Velvet


Hot Red Velvet (37k)

Instead of red, the drink is more likely baby pink. I love the colour 
The taste is good, but too sweet for me. This is my favorite drink in this place.

Iced Green Tea Latte


Iced Green Tea Latte (37k)

The green tea latte is good, but not so japanese-type. The sweetness is tolerable since there are ice cubes. Note: the caramel popcorn is not a part of the iced green tea latte.

Hot Chocolate


Hot Chocolate (37k)

Tasted like milk chocolate, served warm, and the latte art is so beautiful! A peacock, I guess. For me, nothing special with this drink.

Bear Pancake


Plain Pancake (30k)

Actually there are 2 options: with ice cream or without ice cream. Since I want to do a photoshoot, then I choose the plain pancake. The presentation is so cute! It consists of 1 big round pancake, 1 medium pancake, and 2 small pancakes. Feeling like something is missing. There is no maple syrup. It is weird eating a pancake without any syrup or chocolate sauce or any other jam. I suggest to add maple syrup on a small plate.

Nougat Cake


Nougat Cake (45k)

It is a mocha-flavoured cake with nuts on top. Judging from its appearance, it is just a cake. Simple and plain. However, you must taste it. This is tasty! Me and my friends like this cake and want to add some more!

Overall, the place is so cozy and you can spend hours in it. The sunlight is perfect for food photoshoot. It is better to turn off the table lights while doing the photoshoot. For the food and drinks, they tasted quite good, but nothing so special. The “Kopi Rempah” is actually unique, but it is better to decrease the spices. The price is affordable for students as well.

Have a nice of coffee 

Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Sudoet Tjerita

Sudoet Tjerita Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Map of Sudoet Tjerita

Address: Ruko Garden shopping Arcade D 8, No. B A, Jl. Tanjung Duren Raya, RT.15/RW.5, Tj. Duren Sel., RT.15/RW.5, Tj. Duren Sel., Grogol petamburan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11470

Hours  : Mon-Sun 8AM – 10 PM


PRICE  : IDR 50k – 100k/person







Awesome Coffee, Kelapa Gading

For you who live in Kelapa Gading, there is a new cafe on Jalan Boulevard. The place is good for photoshoot since it is so instagramable. From the outside, it does not look like a coffee shop, only a big wooden door with  big ‘A’ symbol on the door. When you enter the cafe, you will see the minimalistic design, simple, and cute stuff on the left side.



The cute stuffs


There are 3 floors : the 1st and 2nd are for non-smoking area, while the 3rd floor is for smoking area.  The suitable time for taking pictures in this cafe is at 3 to 4 o’clock. The sunlight is just perfect at that time.


The 1st floor


The View from 2nd Floor



The drinks and my cute banana cakes from A&W

Rainbow pasta


Raibow Pasta (65k)


The colourful pasta

Such a unique dish for me. The colourful pasta is just looked like a rainbow on my plate. There are 5 colours: red, orange, yellow, blue, and green. The pasta is served with baked-roasted pork which kinda sweet and tender. The red-orange-yellow pasta tasted sour, while the green-blue pasta is neutral. When you eat them all with the pork, you can taste the uniqueness of the dish.

Linguine Belacan


Linguine Belacan (65k)

The linguine is cooked with belacan sauce and baked-roasted pork. I like this one since it is more acceptable with local taste.The aroma of belacan is not so strong, so it won’t overwhelm you.

Pan seared dory with Green jelly pepper


Pan-seared Dory (72k)

Brasmati rice (yellow colored) is cooked with coconut milk, vegetables, and served with pan-seared dory. The dory is well-cooked with the seasoning and perfectly eaten with the brasmati rice. The portion is not too big, but will satiate your hungry belly.

Souffle pancake


Souffle Pancake Single (48k)

It’s not a pancake actually, but it’s just a fluffly flour cake. The cake is served with home-made ice cream : vanilla or Earl Grey. Since the Early Grey flavour is sold out, I chose the Vanilla ice cream. The presentation of the dessert is kinda cute and sweet. The cake is so-so, but the ice cream is good; thick and creamy. However, it is still too sweet for me.


Crouching dragon hidden mango


In the Middle: Crouching Dragon Hidden Mango (48k)

This is my favorite! I love the colour combination between fuschia and yellow. The texture is jsut like smoothie. It tasted sweet and sour, so fresh! For me who don’t like sour, it is still acceptable. Recommended!

Ice White Coffee


Iced White Coffee (38k)

I think the coffee is just fine, but not so special. I am not an expert of coffee, so I tasted just like any other coffee from another coffee shops.

Sencha Spring Melody Tea


Sencha Tea (35k)

It has fruity note,a little bit sour, but sweet. This is my favorite tea, so far. So fresh, although it is served in hot condition.

Overall, I like spending my time at Awesome Coffee. The foods and drinks are good, as well as the place. The ambience is good, cozy, and suitable for hangout. The price is affordable and the portion is just enough. If I have a chance to get back to this place, I want to taste another menu, especially the ice cream cone! Maybe an invitation for my birthday? =p



Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


      Awesome Coffee

Awesome Coffee Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Address: Ruko Graha Boulevard, Blok B No. 18
Jl. Boulevard Raya, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
PRICE : IDR 50k – 100k/person

Tim Ho Wan, Mid Valley, Malaysia


Tim Ho Wan is a popular chinese restaurant, specialty in dim sum. Tim Ho Wan has been so famous in Hong Kong, Singapore, and also Indonesia. Originally came from Hong Kong, Tim Ho Wan now has 45 locations around Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the United States.



I visited the one in Malaysia, more precisely at Mid Valley Mall. The restaurant is located at the outside of the mall, across the Starbucks. It is a two-story building, but customers are usually sit on the 1st floor. The place is spacious, chinese-type design, and minimalist. The ambience is good and suitbale for breakfast to lunch.


The menu is slightly different with the one in Indonesia. They have pork la mian menus and some other new menus. I only try the pork la mian for the new menu. The dim sum menu is the same with the one in Indonesia.


Pork La Mian

Dim Sum and Rice

We tried the hakao, veggie hakao, siomay, charsiu pao, chong fan, and the infamous pork buns. I love the pork buns. The buns are crispy and sweet on the crust, but very soft in the inside.


The steamed rice with pork sausage and mushroom is also famous. Eat it with the sweet salty sauce, special from Tim Ho Wan. The aroma is so tempting and the taste is so delicious!


Pork Buns


Steamed Rice with Pork Sausage and Mushroom


Chong Fan (Pork)


Fried Shrimp Dumplings




Pork Siomay

The wonton noodle is also good! The wonton is yummy, full of shrimp, and tasted good. The noodle is thin, rope-like shape, and actually a Hong Kong-style noodle. this is what I like the most!


Actually, I only like the pork buns and the wonton noodle. For the rest of the dim sums, I think they are so-so, like any other dim sums from other Chinese restaurants. Overall, the place is good, the foods are quiet tasty, although they are pricey for just dim sums. If you don’t know where to eat in Mid Valley, you can just go to Tim Ho Wan for their dim sums!


Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Tim Ho Wan

Map of Tim Ho Wan
The Boulevard, G-27,, 59, Lingkaran Syed Putra, Mid Valley City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
PRICE : RM 20 – 40 / person

Eat Street at Mall Artha Gading

Wakacao Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Hello food lovers! A new concept of food court has opened at Mall Artha Gading, namely Eat Street. It is located at the 2nd floor, near Gramedia and Amazon. The concept is more likely for young adults, reflected by the decoration : colourful, bold, dynamic, and edgy. If you are confuse where to eat at this mall, come to Eat Street and have your culinary journey!



Inside the Eat Street, you will find Chapayom Thai Tea, Sate Taichan, Es Podeng, Tahu Telor, Donner Kebab, Yammie, Bakmi Gocit, Soto Ayam Pak Sadi,, Salted Egg Factory, Bagan Kwetiau Sapi, Baso Tahu Saboga, Cha Kun, Bamki Sinar Khek, Iammonsta,Ponuts, Mrollie (Luti gendang), HI-Fries, Koiyaki, Kedai Korea, Forbidden Cakwe, Beckey’s Cheese Tarts, Wakacao, and many more.


From Indonesian Culinary to Korean Food, Eat Street offers you various type of food, starting from appetizers, snacks, main courses, desserts, and drinks. You may choose your own favorite foods and drinks. The payment system is divided into 2: cash and Eat Street Card. Some tenants receive cash, but the others receive card.

Customers can choose their own food menu from more than 50 tenants inside Eat Street. There are 65% Indonesian culinary and 35% international culinary. For the price, all foods and drinks are ranged from IDR 20k to 55k. Quiet affordable, right?

Every weekend, Eat Street has music performance, accoustic band, magician, street dance, and many more. So, while you are enjoying your food, you can enjoy the performances.


Moreover, the foods tasted delicious and tasty, such as :

  • Salted Egg rice from Salted Egg Factory;
  • Luti Gendang (fried bread from Riau) from Mrollie;
  • Cheesetarts from Beckey’s Cheese Tarts;
  • Ketoprak from Ketoprak Kartini Pak Edi;
  • Bakso beranak and satay from Mpo Rame;
  • Thai Tea from Chapayom;
  • French fries from Hi-Fries;
  • Ice cream from I am Monsta and Koiyaki;
  • Fresh Coconut Water from Yola Kingdom;
  • Pepper rice from Wakacao;
  • Japanese drinks form Cha-Kun;
  • Nasi babi sambal matah from

Honestly, all foods are tasty and the drinks are so good! I like sweet taste, so I like those kind of drinks and desserts. If you are curious, come and get your own culinary journey ♥




Contact for endorsement and food tasting via my email

[email protected]

Let’s eat! More food posts on my Instagram account (IG posts and IG story)

You can visit my page on Pergikuliner :


Map of Mall Artha Gading

Address : Jl. Artha Gading Selatan No. 1, Kelapa Gading Barat, Kelapa Gading, RT.18/RW.8, Klp. Gading Bar., Klp. Gading, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240
Phone    : (021) 45858180
Hours    : 10 am to 10 pm
WIFI      : NO
PRICE    : IDR 20k to 55k